C# Programming              Techniques for              2024


Use PascalCase for class names to distinguish them from methods & variables. Implement CamelCase for method arguments & local variables to maintain readability.


Consistent Naming Conventions

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Meaningful Names

Employ clear & concise names for classes, reflecting their primary purpose. Choose descriptive names for LINQ query variables, providing context to the data they represent.

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Code Layout and Comments

Place member variables & fields at top of classes to offer a clear overview of the class’s state. Adhere to proper code formatting & indentation to ensure code readability.

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Use String.Empty

Utilize String.Empty when compared to an empty string to enhance code clarity. Make sure comparisons with empty strings are easy to understand and maintain.

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Exception Handling

Implement try-catch blocks for handling exceptions gracefully, improving code robustness. Ensure that code gracefully handles errors, preventing application crashes.

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Single Functionality Methods

Create methods with a single clear purpose to make code more modular & easier to understand. Avoid combining multiple functionalities within a single method to prevent code complexity.

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Enums for Discrete Values

Use enums to represent sets of related constant values, enhancing code readability & type safety. Define enums for discrete options, making it easier to work with predefined values.

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Case Insensitive Comparison

Convert string variables to lower/uppercase before comparing them with user input for consistent & case-insensitive matching. Improve code maintainability by eliminating need for complex case-handling logic.

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Follow Official Coding Conventions

Refer to Microsoft .NET doc for official C# coding conventions. Adhering to official standards ensures consistency & compatibility with broader C# development community.

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Logical Operators for Performance

Opt for “&&” and “||” instead of “&” and “|” when performing comparisons to enhance app performance. Leverage short-circuiting behavior to avoid unnecessary evaluations in conditional statements.

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