Essential Skills          Every Data Analyst          Must Master in 2024


Ask insightful questions and identify the data key to solving them. Analyze data to uncover trends and patterns.


Critical Thinking & Problem-Solving

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Communication & Storytelling

Communicate findings clearly using visualizations for both technical and non-technical audiences. Craft compelling reports and presentations that tell a data story.

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Write queries to extract and manipulate data stored in relational databases. Essential for data retrieval and analysis.

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Data Visualization

Transform data into clear and impactful charts, graphs, and visuals for easy comprehension and insightful decision-making.

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Clean, analyze, and visualize data using Excel or Google Sheets. A versatile tool for data exploration and basic analysis.

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Statistical Analysis


Understand core statistical concepts like mean, median, and standard deviation. Analyze data to draw statistically sound conclusions.

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Take your analysis to the next level! Learn Python or R for complex tasks like machine learning and data modeling. Enhance your skillset and tackle advanced data challenges.

Programming Languages


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Machine Learning/AI (Basic Understanding)


Gain a basic grasp of machine learning (ML) & artificial intelligence (AI) concepts. Understand their role in data analysis and stay relevant in the evolving field.

Explore the path to a successful career in tech with Scaler!

Domain Expertise


Develop expertise in a specific field. Understand the data unique to that domain and leverage it to solve industry-specific problems.

Explore the path to a successful career in tech with Scaler!

Collaboration & Teamwork


Explore the path to a successful career in tech with Scaler!

Collaborate effectively with data professionals, business analysts, and stakeholders. Share your knowledge and expertise to achieve shared goals.

Looking for a structured approach to finding your dream job?

Check out Scaler's Career Plan, a comprehensive program designed to help you navigate your career path.  Click the link to learn more!

Ready to level up your data science skills? Join Scaler to become a master of data science and machine learning.  Book a FREE LIVE CLASS now!

Scaler Data Science  & Machine Learning Program!