Real-World         Applications of the         OSI Model


Protocols like SMTP/IMAP send and receive messages across networks (think sending and getting mail!).


Emails (App Layer)

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Web Browsing (App Layer)

HTTP/HTTPS protocols let your browser talk to web servers, fetching web pages you see (think requesting and displaying a document).

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File Transfers (Presentation)

FTP translates data between formats, allowing different devices to share files smoothly (think translating languages for computers).

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SSL/TLS creates a secure tunnel for data exchange between you and the server, like a secret handshake before whispering.

Secure Data (Session Layer)

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Network Routing (Network Layer)

Routers use IP to find the best path for your data to travel across the internet, like a GPS for data packets.

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Device Connections (Data Link)

Switches use MAC addresses to send data to the right device on your network, like a receptionist directing visitors.

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Cables and Wi-Fi allow the actual transmission of data over the network, like the mail truck delivering your letters.

Internet Connection (Physical)

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VPNs (Session Layer)

VPNs create secure tunnels for data, encrypting it like sealing a letter with wax before sending.

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VoIP Calls (App Layer)

VoIP services convert your voice into digital signals sent over the internet, like walkie-talkies for computers.

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Tools like ping and traceroute diagnose network issues by sending packets and checking responses, like mechanics using tools to find car problems.

Check out the characteristics of the OSI Model!

Network Checks (App Layer)

Want to take a deep dive into the world of computer networking?

Buckle up and head over to the blog where you can explore layers of the OSI model in detail & understanding of how data moves through computer networks.

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