Top Blockchain Projects

What you should work on

Blockchain Projects for Beginners

The Project may seem simple, but it covers all the basics of blockchain. You will learn how to declare contracts, how to declare functions, and so much more.

1. Hello, World!

This project will implement a simple storage smart contract that also allows data modification. It can be made more functional if you know how to modify the data in smart contract.

2. Simple Storage Smart Contract

The project is to build a blockchain application that can send ethers to multiple ethereum addresses. The REMIX IDE can be used to create smart contracts using Solidity language.


Time lock smart contract is a wallet that locks crypto assets for a specific period of time. This prevents you from selling your crypto assets during a market crash.

4. Time lock Wallet

Blockchain Projects for Intermediates

In this project, Ethereum smart contracts are used to build a To-Do list app. In the smart contract, we will be able to add tasks, mark them as complete, delete them, etc.

5. To-do List App

The idea is to build a voting system to demonstrate how blockchain and smart contracts can be used to build trust and transparency. It can be used at organization and national levels.

6. Voting System

Building an e-commerce website at the beginning of your career will bulk up your resume for a successful web development career.

7. Blockchain Wallet

Blockchain Projects for Experts

The project involves creating a Digital Asset Marketplace that provides a complete framework for their users to buy and sell digital collectibles (digital assets).

8. Digital Asset Marketplace

The project involves creating a smart contracts that connects riders and drivers directly without the intervention fo any third parties such as Uber or Ola.

9. Peer To Peer Carpooling

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