An overview  of DBMS Characteristics


1. Real World Entity

Entities in a database look like real world entities. For example, a database can store cost of vegetables, different brands of bread, or price of milk from different companies.

Each DBMS has one database, along with metadata about that database. If anyone has any doubts or questions, they can refer to the metadata in the database for more information.

2. Self Explaining Nature

Provides atomic operations (operations that are either 100% completed or not at all). A failed transaction, however, results in rollback, where database returns to its original state.

3. Atomicity of Operations (Transactions)

The database can be accessed by multiple users at the same time without any anomalies occurring. This improves performance and speeds up response time.

4. Concurrent Access without Anomalies

The DBMS can store practically any structured data in the world, and this is yet another critical characteristic because we need to work with all kinds of data.

5. Stores any kind of Structured Data

In DBMS, data is easily accessible. We can run a search query to find any data, which is faster and more reliable than manual searching. Databases make CRUD operations easy.

6. Ease of Access (The DBMS Queries)

SQL and No-SQL are 2 types of databases. A SQL database stores data as rows and columns, whereas a No-SQL database can store data in any form. Data storage is also flexible with them.

7. SQL and No-SQL Databases

There are four properties of a DBMS that keep the database consistent and maintain its integrity: Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability.

8. ACID Properties

Learn more about the characteristics of DBMS.