Top Characteristics of Object Oriented Programming

OOP involves breaking large programs into smaller, more manageable components called objects. It simplifies maintenance and improves program organization.

What is OOP?

1. OOD (Object Oriented Development)

OOP emphasizes the use of objects to define business rules, exchange data, and even control the behavior of the programming environment.

2. Abstraction

Abstraction refers to hiding an application's internal details from the public. Basically, it is the interaction of a user with a subset of an object's characteristics and functions.

3. Encapsulation

In this method, all critical information is encapsulated inside an object, and only a subset of it is revealed to the outside world.

4. Classes and Objects

A class is a blueprint for an object that includes its methods, attributes, and other characteristics. Objects are created from classes.

5. Inheritance and Composition

OOP emphasizes combining objects to create a new unique object and inheriting its properties. It is the way that objects are created and used in any programming language.

6. Binding

Binding is an essential concept of OOP that connects objects by linking their properties. Binding can be dynamic or static.

7. Message Passing

Message passing involves sending a message from one object to another. It allows programs to become more complex and objects to interact in interesting ways.

Check out  the  detailed explanation  of OOP characteristics. 

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