Top Flutter Project Ideas with Source Code

For Beginners to Experts

Want to build beautiful, multi-platform apps with ease? Learn Flutter, a Google open-source framework that allows you to create apps from a single codebase. With hands-on projects, you'll be a pro in no time!

Introduction to Flutter

Ready to take your app development skills to the next level? Check the curated list of Flutter project ideas, grouped by level from beginner to advanced.

Flutter Project Ideas

Want to build a dynamic todo app & master basics of Flutter? This project covers widgets, layouts, state management frameworks, & more, with added features like carousel_slider, phot_view, & pull_to_refresh.

1. Todo

Project Ideas for Beginners

Become a pro at building a functional calculator app using Flutter! Learn to use classes like rows and columns, write functions in Dart, use if-else loops, display widgets and Gridview.builder.

2. Calculator App

Learn and have fun at same time by building a game app in Flutter! The tic-tac-toe game is a great way to solidify your understanding of widgets & concepts such as builder, function writing, & if-else loops.

3. Tic Tac Toe Game

Become a pro at Flutter by cloning a popular social media app - Instagram! Learn to implement features like Follow/ Unfollow, Like, Comment & more. It requires knowledge of Firebase, Firebase Auth, & more.

4. Instagram Clone

Project Ideas for Experts

Learn to create an EBook reader & downloader app with Flutter & Ruby. This project will teach you how to use APIs, plugins like Provider, Object DB, XML2JSON, & EPub Viewer for state management & more.

5. EBook App

Build your own version of popular short-video app TikTok using Flutter. This project requires knowledge of Firebase, Firestore, GetX, MVC architecture, HTML, Ruby, & Dart to create a functional clone.

6. TikTok Clone

Unlock the full potential of Flutter and elevate your programming skills to new heights.

Explore more Flutter projects now.