PHP Projects With Source Code

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With artificial intelligence, the bot analyzes the user's messages and responds accordingly. This web app can be utilized to respond to the queries of students.

1. A Chatbot for Students

As part of this project, doctors and patients will be able to interact on a portal, and appointments can be scheduled based on doctors' availability.

2. Portal for Doctors

It involves creating a clothes recommendation system using PHP to create suggestions for online clothing store. Users' wishlists and last purchases is tracked to suggest related products.

3. Clothes Recommendation System

It involves creating an ad dispenser server that can be integrated into a website for automated ad display. Ads will be shown based on keywords customers search for.

4. Ad Dispenser Server

The system anticipates demeanor of online customers based on their past behavior. It is ideal for conducting market research. AI and ML knowledge are required for this project.

5. Predictive Model for Customer Behavior

As part of the project, an engaging web application will be created using PHP, GD Graphics Library, Exif, Gmagick, and ImageMagick to edit images.

6. Image Processing and Generation

The project involves development of an e-commerce website using PHP, Ajax, CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. The features comprise product catalog details, user records, shopping carts, etc.

7. E-Commerce Website

The project lets consumers shop virtually and all product details are stored on server-side. Javascript, HTML, and CSS can be used for frontend,  and MySQL and PHP for back-end.

8. Online Shopping Project

Here are some more PHP projects you may find interesting

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