Top Principles of Scrum

A Quick Overview

Facilitates delivering value throughout software development. With short release cycles and reprioritization, Scrum helps teams continuously adapt to changing conditions.

What is the Scrum Process?

1. Scrum and the three pillars of Empirical Process Control

Inspection, transparency, and adaptation are three pillars of Scrum that advocate empirical process control which as based on observation of hard evidence and experimentation.

2. Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship

As Scrum involves a lot of people, self-organization is essential. It allows everyone involved to work independently, making it easier to assess individual contributions.

3. Collaboration

Scrum Master, Scrum Team, and Product Owner all play roles in this collaborative process. Awareness, articulation, and appropriation are primary guidelines of collaborative work.

4. Value-based Prioritization

This implies that Scrum teams don't choose tasks arbitrarily, but explain clearly which tasks need attention, which tasks should be addressed immediately, and which ones can wait.

5. Time-Boxing

All tasks are timeboxed i.e., assigning a specific period of time for each task. Also, it helps iterative development so that any modifications can be implemented in next sprint.

5. Iterative Development

This principle emphasizes that projects may require more than one iteration during development. It helps teams make adjustments and manage change more effectively.

Advantages of Scrum Process

1. Easily Scalable  2. Flexible to changes  3. Higher software quality  4. Reduction of risks  5. Compliance of expectations

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