Top SQL Projects with Source Code

For Beginners to Experts

Idea is to create library management system that can issue books and let consumers check books based on titles. Keeps track of price, status, and number of books in library.

1. Library Management System

Create a system that is accountable for collecting student records. Info may be generic like a name, address, performance, etc, or detailed like a departmental collection.

2. Student Database Management

Idea is to create a system that can handle understocking and overstocking as both scenarios are unhealthy for businesses. It plays huge role in retaining inventory at an optimum level.

3. Inventory Control Management

It involves creating a web-based application that supports environmental conservation. It also helps by calculating each building's carbon footprint.

4. Carbon Emission Calculator

Project requires SQL database indexing skill. You can organize recipes under different categories in web portal. Recipe blog or last viewed recipe can be added with HTML/RichText.

5. Cooking Recipe Database

This project revolves around retaining stock details and buyers details from which managers must buy stock. Additionally, the customer's information is also included.

6. Wholesale Management System Database

Idea is to design a gallery management system that keeps track of details like artist's name, birthplace, age, and style. Artwork details, title, price, etc., can also be stored.

7. Art Gallery Management Database

This SQL project idea is significant in the electrical industry. System is divided into client and admin sections, and admin plays an integral role in managing everything.

8. Electric Bill System Database

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