Waterfall Model in Software Engineering

A Quick Overview

An approach to software development that emphasizes sequential, linear information flow. The next phase in the development process only begin after previous phase is complete.

What is Waterfall?

Phases of Waterfall Model

Let’s dive into the phases of waterfall model that are followed sequentially.

All feasible requirements are documented in a requirement specification document. Upon receiving these requirements, detailed analysis is conducted to determine how to proceed.

1. Requirement Gathering and Analysis

Data collected during the first phase will be used for subsequent coding phases. Also, aids in the overall system design by highlighting the hardware and software requirements.

2. System Design

System design inputs are used to develop small programs called units, which are then integrated in the next phase. Tests are conducted on each unit to determine its functionality.

3. Implementation

Each unit developed in the implementation phase is tested before integration into a system. Post-integration, the entire system is tested for faults.

4. Integration and Testing

After passing all the tests, product is deployed in the customer environment. Deploying  entire system involves installation, migration, and support.

5. Deployment of the System

The process involves updating, modifying, or improving aspects of system performance shortly after it has been installed. New versions of product are produced to improve the product.

6. Maintenance

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