What are the  hardest topics asked in C++ Interviews?

1. Operator Overloading  Interviewers might ask about operator overloading. Be prepared to explain how it works and its importance in C++.

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2. Virtual Functions  Virtual functions allow you to override a base class's function in a derived class. Be ready to explain how they work and their importance in C++.

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3. Friend Class and Function Interviewers might ask about friend classes and functions. Be prepared to explain what they are and how they're used in C++.

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4. Inline Functions  Inline functions are often used to improve performance. Be sure to understand how they work and when to use them.

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5. Call by Value vs. Call by Reference Knowing the difference between these two is essential. Make sure you can explain the difference and how they're used in C++.

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6. Static Members and Functions Static members and functions are shared among all objects of a class. Be ready to explain what they are and how they're used in C++.

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7. References in C++  A reference is a variable that refers to another variable's memory address. Be prepared to explain what they are and how they're used in C++.

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8. Abstraction in C++  Abstraction is a key concept in object-oriented programming. Be ready to explain what it is and how it's used in C++.

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