Features and How It Works?

What is MongoDB?

An open-source document-oriented database for efficient storage and retrieval of large-scale data. Categorized under NoSQL for its non-tabular data organization.

What is MongoDB?

Looking for MongoDB Interview Questions to Prepare for?

MongoDB provides a server to create and manage multiple databases. Data is stored in collections and documents due to its NoSQL nature.

How It Works?

Looking for MongoDB Interview Questions to Prepare for?

Supports field searches, range queries, and regular expression searches.

Feature: Ad Hoc Queries

Looking for MongoDB Interview Questions to Prepare for?

You can index any field in a document to optimize query performance.

Feature: Indexing

Looking for MongoDB Interview Questions to Prepare for?

Supports Master-Slave replication. Master for reads and writes, Slave for backup and reads.

Feature: Replication

Looking for MongoDB Interview Questions to Prepare for?

Can run over multiple servers with duplicated data, ensuring system availability and resilience to hardware failure.

Feature: Duplication

Looking for MongoDB Interview Questions to Prepare for?

Automatic load balancing configuration with data placed in shards.

Feature: Load Balancing

Looking for MongoDB Interview Questions to Prepare for?

Supports map reduce and aggregation tools for data processing.

Feature: Map Reduce & Aggregation

Looking for MongoDB Interview Questions to Prepare for?

Utilizes JavaScript instead of procedures for greater flexibility.

Feature: JavaScript Usage

Looking for MongoDB Interview Questions to Prepare for?

Schema-less database written in C++, enabling dynamic and adaptable data structures.

Feature: Schema-less Database

Looking for MongoDB Interview Questions to Prepare for?

Offers high-performance operations and can easily store files of any size without complexity.

Feature: High Performance & File Storage

Looking for MongoDB Interview Questions to Prepare for?

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