is the Need and Functions of Operating Systems?


The OS provides a platform for running application programs, making tasks easier and acting as an interface between the computer and the user.

1. Platform for Application Programs

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Need for Operating System

2. Managing Input-Output Unit

The operating system manages computer resources like memory, monitor, keyboard, printer, etc., ensuring effective utilization and allocation.

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3. Multitasking

With memory management, the OS allows multiple programs to run simultaneously, enabling users to perform several tasks at once.

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4. A Platform for Other Software Applications

The OS controls and manages different application programs, serving as an interface between users and applications.

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The OS regulates the computer's main memory, allocating and deallocating memory to tasks and applications.

5. Controls Memory

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The OS facilitates simple file interaction, managing and controlling the system's data as files.

6. Looks After System Files

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The OS maintains system and application security through an authorization process, ensuring a safe computing environment.

7. Provides Security

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The OS allocates CPU time to processes using scheduling techniques like SJF, Round Robin, and Priority-Based Scheduling.

1. Processor Management

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Functions of OS

In multitasking, the OS saves the execution state of processes during switching, known as context switching.

2. Context Switching

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The OS communicates with hardware and attached devices, optimizing CPU time through buffering and spooling techniques.

3. Device Management

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The OS handles CPU and I/O device interaction with memory, using partitioning and virtual memory techniques for efficient utilization.

4. Memory Management

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The OS manages files, folders, and directories, ensuring proper access rights and efficient storage through File Allocation Table (FAT) or inodes.

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5. File Management

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