is the purpose of web API?


Imagine Alice as a chef and Bob as a delivery person. They can't directly communicate, but they need to exchange information to ensure smooth food delivery.


Meet Alice and Bob

Looking for Web API Interview Questions to Prepare for?

The web API acts as a mediator between Alice and Bob, allowing them to exchange information even though they speak different "languages."

Enter the Web API


Looking for Web API Interview Questions to Prepare for?

Alice can make a request to the web API, asking for the order's status, and the API retrieves the information from the restaurant's database.

Making Requests


Looking for Web API Interview Questions to Prepare for?

The web API receives Alice's request, retrieves the order's status, and sends the response back to Alice, providing the necessary information.

Getting a Response


Looking for Web API Interview Questions to Prepare for?

Thanks to the web API, Alice and Bob can now communicate effortlessly, with the API serving as the bridge between their distinct roles.

Seamless Communication


Looking for Web API Interview Questions to Prepare for?

Just as Alice can request the order's status, she can also send new orders, update existing ones, or even cancel them, all through the web API.

Versatility in Action


Looking for Web API Interview Questions to Prepare for?

Web APIs allow various applications, such as online marketplaces and payment gateways, to integrate and share information securely & efficiently.

Connecting Applications


Looking for Web API Interview Questions to Prepare for?

Web APIs enable developers to create innovative experiences by combining multiple services, such as integrating social media login options into an app.

Enhancing User Experience


Looking for Web API Interview Questions to Prepare for?

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