Which Programming Language is Better C++ or Java?


Comparison on Platform Dependence

C++ is platform-dependent and based on Write Once Compile Anywhere, whereas Java is platform-independent and based on Write Once Run Anywhere.


Comparison on Compilation and Interpretation

Programs written in C++ can only be compiled; Java programs can be compiled and interpreted.


Comparison on Memory Management

Memory management in C++ is controlled by the programmer, whereas memory management in Java is controlled by the operating system.


Comparison on Library and Code Reusability

Java has richer libraries with code reusability and allows calls through Java Native Interface and Java Native Access, whereas C++ has few libraries with low-level functionalities.


Comparison on Features Supported

C++ supports operator overloading, Goto statements, structures, pointers, etc., whereas Java supports threads, comments in documentation, unsigned right shift operators, and so on.


Check Out  this  Link for a Detailed Comparison of C++ and Java