C++ MCQ with Answers
C++ is a general-purpose programming language. It was designed and implemented by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1979 at Bell Labs. It runs on a variety of platforms, such as Windows, MacOS, and the various versions of UNIX. C++ is
- A superset of C
- Supports data abstraction
- Supports object-oriented programming
- Supports generic programming.
Types: Types are fundamental to any program.
C++ has extensive support for types:
- Primitive types(characters, integers, floating-point numbers, etc.)- Defined by the language itself.
- User-defined types - Provides mechanisms that let us define our own data types.
Primitive Types can be divided into two types:
- Arithmetic Type -
- Integral Types(Characters, integers, boolean values, etc)
- Floating-point types(float, double, etc)
- Void(special type)
Variables: A variable provides us with named storage that our programs can manipulate.
Each variable in C++ has a type. It determines the size and layout of the variable’s memory.
It also determines the range of values that can be stored within that memory along with the set of operations that can be applied to the variable. A simple variable definition consists of:
- A type specifier.
- A list of one or more variable names separated by commas, and ends with a semicolon.
Classes and Objects in C++:
- Class is a description of an object.
- An object is an instance of a class
Instance member variable: Attributes, data members, field, properties.
Instance member functions: Methods, procedures, actions, operations, services.
Access Specifier: There are three types of access specifiers in class:
- Private
- Public
- Protected
Features of OOPS: There are primarily four pillars of OOPS:
- Data abstraction: Data hiding
- Inheritance: Reusability
- Polymorphism: Object to take many forms
- Encapsulation: Data hiding
What is an object in c++?
Identify the incorrect constructor type.
Identify the logical AND operator.
Identify the scope resolution operator.
Identify the size of int datatype in C++.
Identify the storage classes that have global visibility.
Size of wchat_t is.
The constants in C++ are also known as?
Total types of constructors in C++ are?
Total types of errors in C++.
Under which pillar of OOPS does base class and derived class relationship come?
Using which of the following data type can 19.54 be represented?
Using which of the following keywords can an exception be generated?
What does a C++ class hold?
Identify the format string among the following.
What is do-while loop also known as?
What is the ASCII value of ‘\0’ character?
What is the number of parameters that a default constructor requires?
When can an inline function be expanded?
Which of the following data type is supported in C++ but not in C?
Which of the following functions can be inherited from base class?
Which of the following is not a type of inheritance?
Which of the following is the correct identifier?
Which of the following is “address of operator”?.
Which of the following loops is best when we know the number of iterations?
Which of the following types is the language C++?
Why are comments used?
Find the output of the following program.
char ch[] = “Interviewbit Scaler”;
int l = strlen(ch);
cout << l << endl;
C++ uses which approach?
Choose the correct default return value of function.
Choose the correct option which is mandatory in a function.
Choose the correct subscript operator.
Choose the option below which is not a member of class.
Choose the size of the below struct.
Int a;
Char b;
Float c;
Choose the type of loop which is guaranteed to execute at-least once?
Data members and member functions of a class are private by.default. True or False?
Find the output of the following program.
int i = (1, 2, 3);
cout << i << endl;
Find the output of the following program.
int a, b = 10;
a = 95 / 10;
cout << a << endl;
Find the output of the following program.
int a = 10 / 0;
Find the output of the following program.
int a = 10, b, c;
b = a++;
c = a;
cout << a << “ “ <<b <<” “<< c << endl;
By which of the following can the if-else statement be replaced?
Find the output of the following program.
cout << -10 - 10 -10;
Find the output of the following program.
Float a = 5;
Case 5: cout <<”Interviewbit”;
Default: cout <<”Scaler”;
goto can be classified into?
How many times will the print statement be executed?
int i = 0;
cout << “Interviewbit;
if(i < 3){
goto label;
How much bytes of memory does void occupy?
Identify the correct definition of ‘*’ operator in pointer.
Identify the correct escape sequence used for the new line.
Identify the correct example for a pre-increment operator.
Identify the correct extension of the user-defined header file in C++.
Identify the correct function from which the execution of C++ program starts?
Identify the correct range of signed char.
Identify the correct syntax for declaring arrays in C++.