DXC Interview Questions
DXC Technology is a service-based consulting company that helps global enterprises execute mission-critical systems and operations across public, private, and hybrid clouds while modernizing Information Technology, optimizing data structures, and assuring security and scalability. DXC Technology is trusted by the world's leading corporations and government agencies to implement services across the Enterprise Technology Stack to help them achieve new levels of performance, competitiveness, and customer experience. Hence, working for a company like DXC Technology can be extremely exciting for any technology enthusiast because of the plethora of opportunities it has to offer in the field of Information Technology.

DXC Technology provides an excellent working environment as well as a welcoming atmosphere that is beneficial to both personal and corporate growth for the budding developers of today. Today's youthful Software Engineers can learn a lot in a short amount of time thanks to DXC Technology's fast-paced development environment. For its I.T. services, DXC Technology has legacy code bases. Working at such a company would thus be advantageous for any Software Engineer seeking to work on intriguing projects that have a significant impact on the globe.
This article not only explains the DXC Technology Interview Process and how to respond to frequently asked DXC Interview Questions but also lays out a roadmap for both freshers and experienced Software Engineers to land their desired software job at DXC.
DXC Technology Recruitment Process
1. Eligibility Criteria.
Most of the new qualification standards of other companies are the same as those of DXC Technology. Before applying for the recruitment process, candidates must review the following eligibility criteria (both graduation and general criteria):
Graduation Criteria: The graduation criteria for the DXC Technology Recruitment Process are as follows:-
Criteria of Graduation | Details |
Branch of Study or Department of Study |
Mode of Study | Full-Time courses recognised by the Central or State governments of India. (Not the part-time or correspondence courses available.) |
Percentage criteria with which Graduation needs to be done | Minimum Sixty Percent (60%) |
Backlogs | No Backlogs should be active during the DXC Technology Recruitment Process. |
Academic Criteria: Given below is the mandatory academic criteria for the DXC Technology Selection Process:-
Academic Criteria | Information |
Percentage required in 10th Standard and 12th Standard Examinations | Minimum Sixty Percent (60%) |
Required Skills: The skills which are required for the DXC Technology Recruitment Process are as follows:-
- Technical Skills: Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Data Structures and Algorithms, Automata and Compiler Design, Database Management System, Object Oriented Programming and command in one Programming Language at least like Python, Java, C ++, etc.
- Soft Skills: Excellent communication and writing skills.
- Personal Skills: One should have a technical bent of mind, have exceptional organizational and detail-oriented skills and Professionalism in one's attitude toward one's work should be there.
- Other Skills: Should have flexibility in the day and night shifts and should be able to perform one's task in an independent manner.
2. Interview Rounds.
1. Online Test (Coding and Aptitude Round): The DXC Technology Online Test is a 100-minute online test administered on the Aspiring Minds (AMCAT) platform. The rough pattern for this online round can be seen in the table given below:
Topic | Time Duration | Number of Questions |
English | 15 minutes | 12 |
Logical Reasoning | 14 minutes | 14 |
Quantitative Aptitude | 16 minutes | 16 |
Automata Fix (Debugging, Code Reuse, Coding) | 20 minutes | 7 |
Essay Writing | 20 minutes | 1 |
Computer Programming Multiple Choice Questions | 15 minutes | 12 |
There is no negative marking in this round and switching between different topics is also not allowed. Note that this round is eliminative in nature and only those candidates who ace this round are interviewed for the job opening. Therefore, doing well in this round is extremely important. The difficulty of this online round ranges from easy to medium and anyone with an average IQ and having a good grasp of Computer Science Fundamentals should be able to clear this round pretty easily.
This round can be skipped for experienced folks as seems necessary to the Recruiters.
2. Technical Interview Rounds: The first round of the DXC Technology Hiring Process is followed by a series of Technical Interview Rounds, in which candidates are asked a few questions about Data Structures and Algorithms. They may also be requested to code their answers for the interviewers at DXC Technology, with the interviewers evaluating the code quality, logic, and other factors.
Following that, a series of questions are asked to assess the candidate's technical expertise. Candidates may be requested to write down SQL queries for various sorts of Relational Database activities. Questions concerning a candidate's past experience, as well as any Cloud-based technology, may be asked. Knowing how APIs work and how distributed systems are designed can be a significant bonus in this interview, letting the candidate stand out in the eyes of the interviewers.
During these rounds, questions about any part of the candidate's education are likely to be asked. You must have a thorough understanding of computer science fundamentals to pass these DXC Technology walk-in interview rounds. Data structures, algorithms, database management systems, operating systems, networking, object-oriented programming concepts, and their favourite programming languages, such as C++, Java, Python, and others, should all be familiar to candidates.
If the candidate is an experienced Software Engineer, a few Unit Testing questions, Functional Testing questions, and other questions may be asked during this round. The panel will also question you on your résumé, so be sure you understand what you have written. The DXC technical interview questions also are of the difficulty level between easy to medium. These rounds are also eliminative in nature usually.
3. The Human Resources (HR) or Behavioral Round: The final few rounds (one or two in number usually) of the DXC Technology Recruitment Process are the Human Resources or HR round, which aim to establish whether or not the candidate is a cultural fit for DXC Technology. In order to ace these interviews, candidates should understand more about DXC Technology and DXC Technology tools. You can read more about them on their website. In these rounds, one can be asked puzzle based questions in order to see how smart the candidate is in general and how well he or she reacts to awkward and difficult situations. Some of the questions that may be asked during the Human Resources or HR round are as follows:
- What are your strengths and weaknesses?
- Why DXC Technology?
- Give me some background about DXC Technology.
- What value do you contribute to DXC Technology, and what is your vision for making a difference in the world while working there?
- Is it possible for you to relocate to another part of India?
- Explain who you are and what you know about yourself
- What makes you want to work at DXC Technology?
- How much do you think you will get paid? This is a difficult question to answer. This question is posed to even the most seasoned staff and therefore, before answering this question, you might want to find out what the company's average employee salary is.
If an applicant fits all of the aforementioned requirements and has shown exceptional technical abilities in earlier rounds, he or she will most probably be hired at DXC Technology, India.
3. Interview Process.
At DXC Technology, the interview process usually contains three rounds:
- Online Test.
- Technical Interviews.
- Behavioural or Human Resources (HR) Round.
DXC Technical Interview Questions: Freshers and Experienced
1. What do you understand about Network Reliability? State the criteria to check the network reliability.
Network dependability refers to the network's capacity to perform the requested operation through a network, such as communication. In order for a network to function well, it must be reliable. The network monitoring systems and devices are necessary for the network to be reliable. The network monitoring system detects network faults, while network devices ensure that data reaches its intended destination.
The following factors can be used to assess a network's reliability:
- Downtime: Downtime is defined as the amount of time it takes for a network to recover.
- Failure Frequency: This is the number of times a network fails to work as anticipated.
- Catastrophe: It means that the network has been hit by an unforeseen incident, such as a fire or an earthquake.
2. What are some of the benefits of using Views in a Database Management System?
The following are some of the advantages of employing views in a database management system:
- A view can represent a subset of a table's data. As a result, a view can limit the extent to which the underlying tables are visible to the outside world: for example, a user may be able to query the view but not the entire base database.
- Views are aggregated tables in which the database engine aggregates data (sum, average, and so on) and shows the resulting results alongside the data.
- Using views, we may merge and simplify several tables into a single virtual table.
- Views take up very little storage space; the database just stores the view's specification, not a copy of all the data it displays.
- The complexity of data can be obscured by views.
- Views can provide additional protection depending on the SQL engine being used.
3. What is DNS (Domain Name System)? How does it work?
DNS is an acronym for Domain Name System. In 1983, Paul Mockapetris and Jon Postel created DNS. It is a naming system that encompasses all internet resources, including physical nodes and applications and is used to quickly locate resources on a network. The Domain Name System (DNS) is an internet service that translates domain names to IP addresses. Users who don't have DNS must know the IP address of the website they want to visit.
The working of a Domain Name System: If you wish to go to the "InterviewBit" website, type "https://www.interviewbit.com" into the address bar of your web browser. Once the domain name is entered, then the domain name system will translate the domain name into the IP address which can be easily interpreted by the computer. Using the IP address, the computer can locate the web page requested by the user.
4. What do you understand about Data Independence?
Data independence is a notion that states that changes in data at one level of a three-tier DataBase Management System design should not affect data at another level. There are two types of data independence: Physical data independence and Conceptual data independence.
- Physical Data Independence: Any change in the physical location of tables and indexes should have no impact on the conceptual level or the external display of data, according to Physical Data Independence. The majority of Database Management Systems offer this data independence, which is straightforward to establish.
- Conceptual Data Independence: Data at the conceptual and external levels must be independent, according to Conceptual Data Independence. Any changes to the conceptual schema should have no effect on the external schema. Changing the appearance of a table by adding or removing features, for example, should have no impact on the user's view of the table. This type of independence, however, is more difficult to accomplish than physical data independence since changes in conceptual schema are mirrored in the user's view.
5. What do you understand about inline functions?
In C or C++, an inline function is a function that is declared using the keyword "inline." It has two functions:
- It is a compiler directive that requests that the compiler replace the body of the function inline by performing inline expansion, that is, placing the function code at the location of each function call, thus reducing the overhead of a function call (it is not mandatory for the compiler to comply with the request of the inline function). In this way, it is analogous to the register storage class specifier, which also provides an optimization indication. For frequent calls to the same function, inline functions are typically employed.
- The keyword "inline" has a second goal: to change the behaviour of links. The C/C++ separate compilation and linkage architecture requires this, in part because the function's definition (body) must be reproduced in all translation units where it is used to allow inlining during compilation, which causes a collision during linking if the function has external linkage (it violates uniqueness of external symbols). C and C++ (as well as dialects such as GNU C and Visual C++) handle this in different ways.
Given below is an example to understand inline functions in a better way:
inline void multiplyNums(int x, int y)
int answer = x * y;
printf("Product of the two numbers given is: %d", answer);
Let us assume that the above inline function is called at someplace in the main function of our C program as shown below:
int i = 20;
int j = 40;
multiplyNums(i, j);
Note that the "multiplyNums(i, j);" function call will be replaced by the following piece of code in the main function itself by the C compiler:
int i = 20;
int j = 40;
int answer = i * j;
printf("Product of the two numbers given is: %d", answer);
6. What are the unary operations in Relational Algebra in context to SQL.
In Relational Algebra, one operand operations are known as unary operations. The procedures PROJECTION, SELECTION, and RENAME are unary operations in relational algebra:
- The SELECT operation: The SELECT operation selects a subset of tuples from a relation that fulfils a set of criteria. The SELECT operation is a filter that keeps only those tuples that fulfil a set of criteria. Alternatively, you may use the SELECT method to limit the tuples to those that fulfil the criteria. The SELECT operation can be thought of as dividing the relation horizontally into two groups of tuples: those that meet the criteria and are selected, and those that do not and are rejected.
- The PROJECT operation: If a relation is viewed as a table, the SELECT operation selects certain rows while discarding others. In contrast, the PROJECT operation selects a subset of the table's columns while rejecting the remainder. We can use the PROJECT operation to project a relation over just a few of its attributes if we're just interested in a few of them. As a result, the result of the PROJECT operation can be viewed as a vertical partition of the relation into two relations: one with the needed columns (attributes) and the operation's result, and the other with the rejected columns.
The RENAME operation: It is occasionally simple and suitable to break a complicated chain of operations and rename it as a relation with new names. Renaming a relationship can be done for a variety of reasons, including:
- It is possible that we'll want to save a relation as the result of a relational algebra expression.
- It is possible that we'll want to join a relation to itself.
7. What are your thoughts on Servlet Collaboration?
The process of communicating information among the servlets of a Java web application is known as servlet collaboration. Method invocations allow information to be sent from one servlet to another. The Servlet API (Application Programming Interface) of Java is the primary method for achieving Servlet Collaboration, and it exposes two interfaces.
- javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher
- javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse
These two interfaces include the methods for achieving the purpose of servlet information sharing.
8. What happens when we try to connect to any website, for instance, when we try to visit www.facebook.com ?
When we try to connect to any website, for instance, when we try to visit www.facebook.com the following steps take place:
- The browser cache is first checked to see if the content is fresh and whether it is present in the browser cache or not. If it is present in the browser cache, then it is displayed.
- If not present in the browser cache, the browser checks if the URL's IP address is in the cache (browser and OS), and if it is not, it asks the Operating System to perform a DNS (Domain Name System) search using UDP (User Datagram Protocol ) to obtain the URL's (Uniform Resource Locator) associated IP address from the DNS server, and then establishes a new TCP connection.
- Three-way handshaking establishes a new TCP connection between the browser and the server.
- The TCP connection is used to send an HTTP request to the server.
- The web servers on the Servers process HTTP requests and respond with HTTP responses.
- The browser decodes the server's HTTP answer and decides whether to close or reuse the TCP connection for future requests.
- If the data in the response is cacheable, browsers will save it.
- The response is decoded by the browser.
9. What are the four layers of the TCP/IP model in Computer Networks?
The four layers of the TCP/IP model in Computer Networks are as follows:

- Application Layer: The application layer is where you will find all of the higher-level procedures.
- Transport Layer: The Transport Layer performs almost identically to the OSI transport layer. It allows peer entities on the network to converse with one another.
- Internet Layer: The Internet Layer is the most critical layer that keeps the entire system together is the internet layer. It sends IP packets where they are supposed to go.
- Network Access Layer or Link layer: To suit the needs of the connectionless internet layer, this layer determines which connectivity, such as serial lines or traditional Ethernet, must be employed.
10. What are some of the benefits of using a Virtual Private Network (VPN)?
The following are some of the benefits of using a VPN:
- When compared to Wide Area Network connections, VPN is used to connect offices in different geographical locations remotely.
- VPNs are used to safeguard transactions and move secret data between workplaces in different parts of the world.
- By using virtualization, a VPN protects an organization's information safe from any potential threats or invasions.
- VPN encrypts internet traffic and hides the user's identity online.
11. What do you understand about a Virtual Private Network or a VPN? What are the different types of VPNs?
A virtual private network (VPN) extends a private network across a public network, allowing users to send and receive data as if their computers were physically linked to the private network. Increased functionality, security, and control of the private network are all advantages of using a VPN. It is frequently used by telecommuting workers to gain access to resources that are not available on the public network. Although encryption is widespread, it is not a requirement of a VPN connection. A VPN is formed by using dedicated circuits or tunnelling technologies to build a virtual point-to-point connection over existing networks. Some of the benefits of a wide area network can be obtained using a VPN accessible via the public Internet (WAN). The resources provided within the private network can be accessed remotely from the user's perspective.
The different types of VPNs are as follows:
- Access VPN: Access VPN is a type of virtual private network that allows remote mobile users and telecommuters to connect to the internet. It can be used as a substitute for dial-up or ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) connections. It is a low-cost option with a wide range of connectivity options.
Site to Site VPN: A Site to Site VPN, also known as a Router to Router VPN, is a type of virtual private network that connects the networks of two offices in different locations. As listed below, there are two subcategories:
- Intranet VPN: An intranet VPN connects remote offices in different geographic areas using common infrastructure (internet connectivity and servers) and the same accessibility policies as a private WAN (wide area network).
- Extranet VPN: Extranet VPN connects intranet users, suppliers, consumers, partners, and other entities via dedicated connections using shared infrastructure.
12. Define abstract classes. Can we create objects or instances of abstract classes?
A class with abstract methods is known as an abstract class. Although these methods are declared, they are not defined in the abstract classes. If these methods are to be utilized in a subclass, they must be specified in that subclass solely.
No, we cannot create objects or instances of abstract classes. Because an abstract class lacks a complete implementation, no instances can be produced. It is possible to build instances of subclasses that inherit the abstract class.
13. What are the key differences between an abstract class and an interface.
The key differences between an abstract class and an interface are as follows:
Comparison Parameter | Abstract Class | Interface |
Usage | Abstract Classes are extended. | Interfaces are implemented. |
Final Variables | Abstract classes can or cannot contain final variables and non-final variables | In interfaces, all variables are final by default. |
Accessibility of Data Members | Abstract classes can be private, public, etc. | Interfaces are public by default. |
Methods | Abstract, as well as other types of methods, are allowed in abstract classes. | Only abstract methods can be present in an interface. |
Implementation | Abstract classes cannot be implemented. | Interfaces can be implemented. |
14. Discuss some of the limitations of inheritance.
Some of the limitations of inheritance are as follows:
- Jumping back and forth between different classes lengthens the time and effort required to complete a program.
- The parent and child classes become inextricably linked.
- Any changes to the program would necessitate changes in both the parent and child classes.
- It necessitates careful implementation or else, wrong results will follow.
15. Differentiate between Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and Structure Oriented Programming (SOP).
The key differences between Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and Structure Oriented Programming (SOP) are as follows:
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) | Structure Oriented Programming (SOP) |
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a programming style that focuses on objects rather than functions and procedures. | Structure Oriented Programming (SOP) provides a logical structure to a program by dividing it into functions. |
It uses a bottom-up approach. | It uses a top-down approach. |
Data hiding can be implemented using Object Oriented Programming or OOP. | Data hiding cannot be implemented using Structure Oriented Programming or SOP. |
Object-Oriented Programming or OOP possesses the ability to solve issues of any complexity. | Structure Oriented Programming or SOP can tackle problems of moderate difficulty only. |
Redundancy can be reduced by reusing code in Object-Oriented Programming. | It does not support code reusability. |
16. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using Object-Oriented Programming Languages.
The following are some of the advantages of using Object-Oriented Programming Languages:
- Object-Oriented Programming Languages (OOPLs) take a bottom-up approach to programming, allowing programmers to simulate the real world and its constituents.
- The use of Object-Oriented Programming Languages decreases the quantity of code that programmers write.
- Without compromising other features, code can be readily altered and extended. Object-Oriented Programming Languages (OOPLs) divide a huge problem into smaller chunks.
- The user is not exposed to unnecessary data when abstraction is used.
- Object-Oriented Programming Languages necessitate a lengthy and thorough design phase, resulting in a superior design with fewer flaws.
- It enables the reusability of code.
- Object-Oriented Programming Languages allow programmers to reach their goals more quickly.
The following are some of the disadvantages of using Object-Oriented Programming Languages:
- In order to employ these languages, a lot of planning is required.
- These are not appropriate for minor issues since they lead to overcomplication.
- In Object-Oriented Programming Languages, classes have a propensity to be too broad.
- Programs created in Object-Oriented Programming Languages might take a lot of memory in some cases, which is obviously undesirable.
17. List the various types of operating systems that you are familiar with. List some operating system examples as well.
Given below are some of the different types of operating systems:
- Batch Operating System: This operating system has no direct interaction with the computer. There is an operator who groups related jobs that have the same need into batches. It is the operator's job to group jobs with similar requirements.
- Distributed Operating Systems (DOS): A distributed operating system (DOS) is software that manages multiple computers as if they were one.
- Network Operating Systems: Computers running different operating systems can connect to a single network using Network Operating Systems. It is frequently utilized for security reasons.
- Time-Sharing Operating System: A time-sharing operating system allows multiple individuals to share computer resources. This type of operating system makes the most of its resources.
- Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS): These types of operating systems are used in situations when a large number of events, the majority of which are external to the computer system, must be accepted and processed promptly or within a tight deadline. Examples of such applications include industrial control, telephone switching equipment, flight control, and real-time simulations.
The following are some examples of operating systems:
- Microsoft Windows (Graphical User Interface Operating System based for Personal Computers)
- Apple's iOS (iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch operating system)
- Apple's personal computers and workstations, such as the MacBook and iMac, run macOS.
- Linux or GNU (for Personal Computers, File and Print server, Workstations, ISP, Three-tier Clients and Servers)
- Android (Google's mobile operating system for smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, and other devices)
18. What are the different types of Real Time Operating Systems (RTOS)?
The term "Real-Time Operating System" refers to an operating system that is susceptible to real-time limitations, such as ensuring a response within a specified time limit or meeting a specific deadline. A flight control system, for example, or real-time monitoring. The following are the different types of real-time systems having timing constraints:
- Soft Real-Time Operating System: A soft real-time system is one whose performance is impaired if the results do not meet the set timing requirements. In a soft real-time system, fulfilling deadlines is not required for every activity, but the process must be completed and the outcome delivered. Even soft real-time systems cannot miss the deadline for every activity or process, which must meet or miss the deadline based on priority. Soft Real-Time Operating Systems include things like phone switches.

- Hard Real-Time Operating System: Timelines are treated as a deadline in a hard real-time system, and they should never be overlooked. Because hard real-time systems have no persistent memory, their procedures must be completed correctly the first time. The Hard Real-Time System must produce correct answers to events in the time allotted. A totally deterministic and time-constrained system is known as a hard real-time system. When tardiness rises, the usefulness of a hard real-time system's result drops sharply, and it may even become negative. The term "tardiness" describes how late a real-time system completes a task in comparison to the deadline. Consider a flight controller system as an example.

19. What are scheduling algorithms? Explain the FCFS Scheduling Algorithm.
CPU Scheduling is the process of determining which process will have exclusive use of the CPU while another is paused. The basic goal of CPU scheduling is to ensure that whenever the CPU is idle, the OS chooses at least one of the programmes in the ready queue to run. The CPU scheduler will be in charge of the selection process. It chooses from among the processes in memory that are ready to run. It simply solves the problem of selecting which of the outstanding requests should be given priority. Its fundamental goal is to alleviate resource scarcity while also ensuring justice among those who use the resources. In layman's terms, it is a method of allocating resources among multiple competing jobs. The various types of Scheduling Algorithms are as follows:
- First Come First Serve (or FCFS)
- Round Robin
- Shortest Time Remaining
- Priority Scheduling
- Multilevel Queue Scheduling
- Shortest Job First
First Come First Serve Scheduling Algorithm:
FCFS (First Come First Serve) is an operating system scheduling technique that executes processes in the order in which they arrive in the Ready Queue of the operating system. To put it another way, the process that comes first will be carried out first. Its nature is non-preemptive. If the burst time of the first process is the longest among all the jobs, FCFS scheduling may generate an issue of hunger. The time required by the process for execution in milliseconds is referred to as burst time. In comparison to other Operating System scheduling algorithms, it is also considered the easiest and simplest. The FIFO (First In First Out) queue is commonly used to handle FCFS implementation.
Let us look at the FCFS Scheduling Algorithm with the help of an example. Let us assume that there are five processes with process IDs P0, P1, P2, P3, and P4 in the following given schedule. In the ready queue, P0 comes at time 0, P1 arrives at time 1, P2 arrives at time 2, P3 arrives at time 3, and Process P4 arrives at time 4. The processes are listed in the table below, along with their respective Arrival and Burst times.
Process ID | Time of Arrival | Burst Time | Completion Time | Turn Around Time | Waiting Time |
0 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 0 |
1 | 1 | 6 | 8 | 7 | 1 |
2 | 2 | 4 | 12 | 10 | 6 |
3 | 3 | 9 | 21 | 18 | 9 |
4 | 6 | 12 | 33 | 29 | 17 |
The following formula is used to compute the turnaround time and the waiting time:
Turn Around Time = Completion Time - Arrival Time
Waiting Time = Turnaround time - Burst Time
The average waiting time is calculated by adding all of the processes' respective waiting times and dividing the total by the total number of processes. Therefore we can say that the average Waiting time is 31/5 units = 6.2 units. Given below is the Gnatt Chart for the entire FCFS algorithm.

20. What do you understand about demand paging in Operating Systems?
Demand paging in Operating Systems is a technique for loading pages (In a virtual memory operating system, a page is the smallest unit of data for memory management. A page frame is the smallest fixed-length contiguous unit of physical memory into which the operating system maps memory pages) into memory only when they are needed. Virtual Memory is a storage allocation system that allows secondary memory to be addressed as if it were the main memory. The addresses used by a program to refer to memory are distinct from the addresses used by the memory system to designate physical storage sites, and program generated addresses are automatically translated to machine addresses. The capacity of virtual storage is limited by the computer system's addressing method, and the amount of secondary memory available is determined by the number of main storage sites available rather than the actual number of main storage locations.
A page is only brought into memory in this case when a position on the page is addressed during execution. In general, the steps for bringing a page into the main memory or demand paging are as follows:
- The operating system makes an attempt to access the page.
- The CPU continues processing instructions as usual if the page is valid (in memory).
- A page fault trap is done by the operating systems when a page is incorrect.
- The operating system then checks to see if the memory reference is a legitimate reference to a secondary memory location. If this is not the case, the process will be terminated (illegal memory access). The operating system will have to read the page in the main memory otherwise.
- To read the desired page into the main memory, the operating system schedules a disc operation.
- After that, the operation that was halted due to the operating system trap is restarted or continued.

21. What do you understand about a Bootstrap Program in Operating Systems?
A Bootstrap Program is usually a program that initializes the operating system during the startup of the computer system, that is, the first program that is run when a computer system boots up. The operating system is loaded using a method or application known as booting. Overall, the performance and functionality of the operating system are solely dependent on the bootstrap programme. It is entirely stored on the disc in boot blocks at a certain location. It also locates and loads the kernel into the main memory, after which the program begins to run.
As we can see in the image given below, the Bootstrap Program resides in the Read-Only Memory (ROM) of our computers and they are the ones to first read the Operating Systems and load it into the RAM (Random Access Memory) of our computers. Only after that, the operating systems can start other devices of the computer like the Graphics cards, keyboards, mouses, etc.

DXC Interview Preparation
1. Interview preparation.
The following interview recommendations for preparing for a DXC Technology Hiring Process should be seriously considered by readers of this article:
- Put your coding skills to the test and see how fast you can solve a set of puzzles. This will aid in the development of problem-solving abilities as well as reasoning frameworks.
- Recognize your strengths and shortcomings, as well as the skills and experiences that qualify you for the position. To help you stand out, consider coming up with a one of a kind example. The interviewer is interested in learning about your motivations, why you are interested in the organization, and how your previous job experience has prepared you for this role.
- Prepare to share your experiences to demonstrate leadership, teamwork, professional and academic success, communication skills, and the ability to overcome difficulties.
- By reading their blog or website, you can learn about the DXC Technology tools and technologies that they utilize today. Learn more about the company as a whole.
- The more prepared you are for an interview, the greater your chances of getting recruited are. Learn all about interviews, including how to prepare for them, the stages, rounds, and questions. Answers to frequently requested questions should be prepared ahead of time for human resource development (HRD) and management interviews. You can also learn about firm performance, organizational structure, vision, and work-life balance, among other things.
- It is always good to maintain a happy and inviting attitude. To begin the conversation on a positive note, firmly introduce yourself. To be confident throughout the employment process, practise introducing yourself in front of a mirror before the interview.
- Examine the company's interview success stories. You will have a better notion of what to expect and how the interview will go if you do this.
- Consider doing a practice interview. This will give you a sense of how the interview will proceed. With the InterviewBit platform, you can create mock interviews. You will be paired with one of your peers, and both of you will be allowed to interview, which will be beneficial to you.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why do you want to choose DXC Technology as your place of work?
A sample answer to the given question can be as follows:
“DXC Technology attracts and retains top talent by providing inclusive and fast-growing opportunities through a digital learning environment that can be accessed anywhere, anytime, on any device. DXC Technology is a great place to start a new employee's career as they provide a great work environment that promotes personal and corporate development. These are some of the reasons why aspiring programmers today look forward to joining DXC.”
2. Is the DXC Technology interview easy?
It does not matter if the DXC Technology interview is tough or easy. The truth is that the more ready you are for the interview, the easier it will be to pass the interview. Above all, get a good understanding of the interview stage, rounds, and questions. Candidate resumes (past experience, past activities) and job requirements are used to conduct the interview. Topics covered include programming languages, inference, products, software, and projects that candidates have recently or previously worked on. Therefore, one should not think a lot about the toughness of the interview and instead focus on how to improve their technical and cultural skills.
3. What are the three components of the DXC Technology operating model?
The three components of the DXC Technology operating model are as follows:
- CxO & Board Executives layer.
- Business Units layers.
- Digital Transformation Execution layer.
4. Where do you see yourself in five years?
The answer to the given behavioural question should mostly impress the interviewer if you make him understand that you are very motivated to work for the company for the next five years and it is clear in your mind how you are going to impact the company's growth in the given time period. A sample answer to the given question can be as follows:
"My ultimate goal for the next five years is to master my position and advance to a leader in my department. I am fascinated by the personalized learning approach that your company describes on your website, and I sincerely believe that it will enable you to acquire new skills and advance in this position. Over the next five years, I will be working on exciting new projects in the company that will prepare me for a leadership role in the organization".
5. What are DXC CLEAR values?
The DXC Technology company's CLEAR Values is an acronym for Client focused, Leadership, Execution, Aspiration, Results. These are the basic five cultural principles that guide the instincts of the employees at this company and inform their actions. Every employee in the company is expected to imbibe these principles and put them into action in their day to day lives as members of DXC Technology.
6. What are some of the most important topics to prepare for a DXC Technology Interview?
In the DXC Technology Interview, you will be tested on your programming skills. Computer networking, DBMS, software management, operating systems, and cloud computing are some of the topics on which students will be asked questions. Prepare well for the projects which you have made. Preparing the basics of HTML, C, C++, and other computer-related topics also might help. Prepare the topics mentioned in your resume. The most frequently asked questions in employee interviews are about relocation, resume, reasons for leaving, and expected salary. You can also ask questions about your company. Scroll to the above section to Learn More.
7. Why are you suitable for this position?
When asked a question like this, one should highlight the skills and abilities that are relevant to the job to have a positive impact on the interviewer and make him or her feel that you are an ideal candidate for the job. An example of a typical answer to this question is:
“There are many reasons as to why I am suitable for this position, but most importantly, I am convinced that I am worthy of this position because I have the will to succeed. I have all the skills I need to be successful in this profession. I am constantly working to learn the latest technologies. My abilities and skills are well suited for the requirements of this post. Last, of all, my communication and leadership qualities make me an excellent candidate for this position.”
8. What is the salary of an Associate Software Developer (fresher) at DXC Technology?
The average compensation for a DXC Technology Associate Software Developer (Fresher) is Rs. 3,60,000 per year. At DXC Technology, fresher wages can range from Rs. 3,00,000 to Rs. 5,00,000 per year.