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Goldman Sachs Interview Questions

Last Updated: Jan 03, 2024
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The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. is a leading global financial institution that provides a broad range of financial services to a large and diverse client base that includes corporations, financial institutions, governments, and individuals across investment banking, securities, investment management, and consumer banking.

The firm, which was founded in 1869 and is headquartered in New York, has offices in all major financial centres around the world. The purpose of Goldman Sachs is to promote global economic growth and financial opportunity. Goldman Sachs mobilises its people and resources to enhance the success of its clients, broaden individual prosperity, and accelerate economic progress for all, drawing on over 150 years of experience working with the world's greatest corporations, entrepreneurs, and institutions. Collaboration, teamwork, and honesty, according to Goldman Sachs, provide the perfect environment for employees to deliver the greatest possible results for their clients. It seeks people who will thrive in this environment, with quick thinking, passion, and communication skills taking precedence over precise qualifications. So, whether you're still in school, a recent graduate, or have been working for a few years, Goldman Sachs wants to hear from you if you're excited about the possibility of working there. Learn More.

Goldman Sachs Recruitment Process

1. Interview Process

Candidates will be evaluated on their programming as well as their analytical abilities.

There are generally four rounds to hire candidates in the Goldman Sachs Recruitment Process:

  • Online Assessment Test
  • Technical Interview
  • HR Interview
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2. Interview Rounds

1. Online Assessment Test 

The Goldman Sachs  online assessment test is divided into the  following  sections:

  • Quantitative Aptitude: It contains questions related to Numerical Computations and Numerical Reasoning. Prepare questions related to Numbers, Profit and Loss, Permutation and Combination, Averages, Time Speed and Distance, Ratio, Probability among other topics. Candidates' mathematical ability will be assessed through  Diagrammatic puzzles and Series.
  • Reasoning: It contains questions related to Logical Reasoning, Abstract Reasoning and Diagrammatic Reasoning. Be prepared on questions related to Data Arrangements, Coding and Decoding, Data Interpretation,  Algorithms/ Flowcharts, Circuits, Input-Output patterns among other topics.
  • Verbal: This section is related to Reading Comprehension. You must practise the topics listed below in order to answer more efficiently: Improvement and Correction of Sentences, Articles and Fill in the blanks.
  • Technical section: Technical Test will contain questions related to the following topics which are listed below:
    • Coding
    • Aptitude(Advance)
    • Computer science
    • Competitive Programming
    • Subjective

Prepare questions related to Primitive data types and expressions, Control flow operations, Basic object-oriented concepts, Subclassing, Abstract classes and interfaces,  Error handling and debugging among other topics. You can also prepare questions related to Data Structures, Pseudocode, OOPS, Operating systems, Networking, DBMS and SQL among other topics.

This round can be skipped for experienced folks based on the company's policy and job requirements.

2. Technical Interview

Candidates who pass the online assessment test stage will be invited to a face-to-face technical interview. Technical interviews are meant to assess your technical abilities – which are usually specific to the role you are seeking – as well as to discover how you think, solve problems, and handle stressful situations. Your problem-solving talents will also be evaluated by the interviewer. You'll be questioned about your previous projects and job experiences, as well as what you did and how you employed technology, as well as your level of success. Be prepared with the basics of computer fundamentals too.

Goldman Sachs is searching for candidates who have a strong conceptual understanding of at least one programming language, ideally C/C++, Java, Python, or JavaScript. 

The number of technical interviews you have will be determined by your performance in previous rounds, your job profile, your experience, and the needs of the firm. Generally there are two rounds of technical interview per candidate.

3. HR Interview

After passing the technical interview, candidates will move on to the HR round. The major goal of an HR interview is to examine a candidate's personality, background, strengths, and weaknesses in order to determine whether or not they are a good fit for a given post.  As a result, it's important to be well-prepared for the HR interview.

Examine your resume to ensure that you've included all relevant personal information and that the information you've provided is accurate to the best of your knowledge. They can also enquire about Goldman Sachs history, including when the company was established, its goals, principles, and organisational structure, among other things. Prepare to answer any questions based on your résumé that may be asked. Explain your interest in the profession and what motivates you the most in your explanations.

We've compiled a list of frequently requested HR round interview questions to help you prepare for your job interview.

  • Tell me about yourself. (You can start with your family history, then go on to your educational qualifications, and finally your professional advancement.)
  • Are you open to relocating to other parts of India?
  • What do you hope to get out of this job?
  • In five years, where do you see yourself?
  • Tell me about your internships and projects.
  • What prompted you to look for a new job? (This is a common question among experienced professionals looking for a new job.)

Goldman Sachs Technical Interview Questions: Freshers and Experienced

1. What is Binet's formula in context to the Fibonacci series?

For computing the nth Fibonacci number, there is a simple mathematical procedure called Binet's formula that does not require the calculation of the preceding numbers. Hence, we can find out the nth fibonacci number in constant time, without using recursion or iteration.

It features the Golden Ratio (x) (ratio of any two successive Fibonacci numbers): 

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2. What is a join in SQL?

Joins in SQL join rows from two or more tables based on a shared column. The different categories of joins are:

  • INNER JOIN returns rows when both tables have a match.
  • LEFT JOIN returns all rows from the left table, even if the right table has no matches.
  • RIGHT JOIN returns all rows from the right table, even if the left table doesn't have any matches.
  • FULL OUTER JOIN returns rows when one of the tables has a match.
  • SELF JOIN is a SQL statement that joins a table to itself as if it were two tables, temporarily renaming at least one table.
  • CARTESIAN JOIN (CROSS JOIN) returns the Cartesian product of two or more joined tables' sets of records.

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3. Explain processes and threads in context of OS.

A process is a running program that serves as the foundation for all computations. The process is not the same as programming code, although it is very similar. In contrast to the programme, which is regarded as a 'passive' entity, a process is a 'active' entity. Hardware state, memory and CPU are among the attributes held by the process.

Within a process, a thread is a single sequence stream. Threads have the same properties as the process, which is why they're referred to as lightweight processes. Threads are executed one after the other, giving the appearance that they are running in parallel. Each thread has a unique state. Each thread has:

  • A program counter
  • A register set
  • A stack space

Threads are dependent on each other since they share the code, data and OS resources.

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4. Explain the working of AJAX.

Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a set of web development approaches that generate asynchronous web applications using various client-side web technologies. Web applications that use Ajax can transmit and get data from a server asynchronously (in the background) without interfering with the existing page's appearance and behaviour.

The XMLHttpRequest Object is used by Ajax to communicate with the server. The user submits a request using the User Interface, and a JavaScript call is made to the XMLHttpRequest Object, which then sends an XMLHttp request to the XMLHttpRequest Object. At that point, the server interacts with the database via php, servlet,, and other technologies. The data is retrieved, and the server transmits it to the XMLHttpRequest Callback method in the form of XML or Jason data. The Data then is presented on the browser using HTML and CSS.

5. Given an array of strings, you need to remove strings which are anagrams of strings preceding them in the given array. You need to return the remaining strings in sorted order.

For example,
Input :
“tea”, “ate”, “anagram”, “eat”, “gramaan”

Output :
“anagram”, “tea”

Explanation :
The words "ate" and "eat" are anagrams of the word "tea."
Due to the fact that "gramaan" is an anagram of "anagram," the array becomes ["anagram", "tea"].


We can simply sort and compare the given two strings to see if they are anagrams or not. We may also use a hashmap to see if a string has appeared or not. Make an auxiliary array to store the generated strings, as well as a hashmap to keep track of the string we've found thus far. Then iterate through the array's supplied string, sort the current string, and look it up in the hashmap.

If the current text is not found in the hashmap, insert the sorted string arr[i] in the resultant array. After that, sort the array and print each string.


 void uniqueAnagrams(string arr[], int n)
    vector<string> result;
    //to keep track of already encountered sorted string
    unordered_set<string> found;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        string cur_word = arr[i];
        // sorting the current string
        sort(begin(cur_word), end(cur_word));
        // Checking if the current sorted string is present in the data structure already
        if (found.find(cur_word) == found.end()) {
    // Sorting the answer vector
    sort(begin(result), end(result));
    // Printing the answer
    for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) {
        cout << result[i] << " ";


In the above code, we created a function uniqueAnagrams, which removes all the duplicate anagrams and prints the sorted array. We take the help of a hashmap to store each visited string in its sorted form. If the current string is not found in the hash map, we push it in the answer vector. At last we sort the answer vector and then display the resultant vector.

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6. Given an array whose elements denote the price of a stock on the ith day, find the maximum profit that you can make by purchasing and selling those stocks. No stock can be bought unless the previously bought stock has been sold.

For example,
If the array is 100, 180, 260, 310, 40, 535, 695
Then, the output will be 765

Explanation of the above test case:
The maximum profit can be achieved by buying on day 0 and selling on day 3 and then buying on day 4 and selling on day 6.


In our approach, we will iterate through each of the prices of the stock starting  from day 1 and check if its price is greater than the previous day’s price. This is because there is no limit on the number of transactions being made. For example, buying a stock on day 1 and selling on day 4 is equivalent to buying a stock on day 1, selling on day 2, buying on day 2, selling on day 3, buying on day 3, selling on day 4. 


using namespace std;
//function to calculate the maximum profit attainable
int maximiseProfit(int prices[], int size)
    int maximumProfit = 0; // stores the maximum profit
    for(int i = 1; i < size; i ++)
        if(prices[i] - prices[i - 1] > 0)
            maximumProfit += prices[i] - prices[i - 1];
    return maximiseProfit;
int main()
    int prices[] = { 100, 180, 260, 310, 40, 535, 695 };
    int size = sizeof(prices) / sizeof(prices[0]);
    cout << maximiseProfit(prices, size) << endl;
    return 0;


In the above code, the function maximiseProfit calculates the maximum profit attainable on the given set of stock prices. We iterate over the array and add up any difference in which an element is greater than its preceding element.

7. You are given a number N. You need to check if it can be written as a sum of k prime numbers.

For example,
Input :
N = 5, k = 2

Output :

Explanation :
10 can be written as 5 + 5

Input :
N = 2, k = 2

Output :


We use the Goldbach Conjecture for solving this problem. Goldbach’s conjecture states that every even integer (greater than 2) can be represented as the sum of two primes.

When N >= 2k and k = 1: 

The answer will be True if and only if N is a prime number

When N >= 2K and K = 2: 

If N is an even number the answer will be Yes(Goldbach’s conjecture) 

If N is odd the answer will be No if N-2 is not a prime number and Yes if N-2 is a prime number. 

This is because we know odd + odd = even and even + odd = odd. So when N is odd, and K = 2 one number must be 2 as it is the only even prime number so now the answer depends on whether N-2 is odd or not. 

When N >= 2K and K >= 3: 

The answer will always be True. This is because when N is even N – 2*(K-2) is also, even so, N – 2*(K – 2) can be written as the sum of two prime numbers p, q and N can be written as 2, 2 …..K – 2 times, p, q. 

When N is odd N – 3 -2*(K – 3) is even so it can be written as the sum of two prime numbers p, q and N can be written as 2, 2 …..K-3 times, 3, p, q 

 // function to check if a number is prime
bool checkPrime(int x)
    for (int i = 2; i * i <= x; i++)
        if (x % i == 0)
            return false;
    return true;
bool checkSumOfKPrimes(int N, int k)
    // We return false if N < 2*k
    if (N < 2*k)
        return false;
    // If k = 1 we check if N is prime or not
    if (k == 1)
        return checkPrime(N);
    if (k == 2)
        // if N is even the answer is true;
        if (N % 2 == 0)
            return true;
        // If N is odd, we check if N - 2 is prime or not
        return checkPrime(N - 2);
    // If k >= 3, we return true;
    return true;


In the above code, we created a function checkPrime which takes one input parameter and we check if the given input is a prime number or not. We also created a function checkSumOfKPrimes which takes two input parameters N and k. In the function, we check if N can be represented as a sum of k prime numbers using the conditions of the Goldman Conjecture.

8. Given a 2D matrix with n rows and m columns, your task is to print the elements of the matrix in a zigzag manner as shown in the image below :

For example,
1 2
3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 
4 5 6
7 8 9

1 2 4 7 5 3 6 8 9


The strategy is straightforward. We will keep iterating over each diagonal element one by one and change the direction based on the previous match.

using namespace std;

// function to print the matrix in a zigzag pattern
void zigZagTraversal(vector<vector<int>> arr, int n, int m)
    int cur_row = 0, cur_col = 0; //denotes the current row and column
    // false denotes cur_col needs to be incremented, true denotes cur_row needs to be incremented
    bool flag = false;
    // Printing matrix of lower half zig-zag pattern
    int mn = min(m, n);
    for (int length = 1; length <= mn; ++length) {
        for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
            cout << arr[cur_row][cur_col] << " ";
            if (i + 1 == length)
            // If flag is true we increment cur_row and decrement cur_col else decrement cur_row and increment cur_col
            if (flag == true){
                cur_row = cur_row + 1;
                cur_col = cur_col - 1;
                cur_row = cur_row - 1;
                cur_col = cur_col + 1;
        if (length == mn)
        // We update cur_row or cur_col value according to the last increment
        if (flag){
            cur_row = cur_row + 1;
            flag = false;
            cur_col = cur_col + 1;
            flag = true;
    // Updating the indexes of cur_row and cur_col variable
    if (cur_row == 0) {
        if (cur_col == m - 1)
            cur_row = cur_row + 1;
            cur_col = cur_col + 1;
        flag = 1;
    else {
        if (cur_row == n - 1)
            cur_col = cur_col + 1;
            cur_row = cur_row + 1;
        flag = 0;
    // Printing the next half zig-zag pattern
    int mx = max(m, n) - 1;
    for (int length, diagonal = mx; diagonal > 0; --diagonal) {
        if (diagonal > mn)
            length = mn;
            length = diagonal;
        for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
            cout << arr[cur_row][cur_col] << " ";
            if (i + 1 == length)
            // We update cur_row or cur_col value according to the last increment
            if (flag == true){
                cur_row = cur_row + 1;
                cur_col = cur_col - 1;
                cur_col = cur_col + 1;
                cur_row = cur_row - 1;
        // Updating the cur_row and cur_col variables
        if (cur_row == 0 || cur_col == m - 1) {
            if (cur_col == m - 1)
                cur_row = cur_row + 1;
                cur_col = cur_col + 1;
            flag = true;
        else if (cur_col == 0 || cur_row == n - 1) {
            if (cur_row == n - 1)
                cur_col = cur_col + 1;
                cur_row = cur_row + 1;
            flag = false;
int main()
    vector<vector<int>> arr = vector<vector<int>>(3, vector<int>(3, 0));
    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i ++)
        for(int j = 0; j < 3; j ++)
        arr[i][j] = 3 * i + (j + 1);
    zigZagTraversal(arr, 3, 3);
    return 0;


We follow a simulation approach in the above code. First, we print the elements in the first upper half of the matrix. Then, we print the elements of the lower half of the matrix. We iterate each diagonal one by one and print its elements.

9. Explain BFS (Breadth First Search) vs DFS (Depth First Search) in context of graph traversal.

  •  Breadth-First Search (BFS) is a vertex-based method that begins at the root of the tree and traverses all nodes at the current depth level before moving on to nodes at the next depth level. It employs a Queue data structure that follows the first-in, first-out principle. In BFS, one vertex is visited and marked at a time, then its neighbours are visited and placed in the queue.
  • Depth First Search (DFS) is an edge-based approach. It employs the Stack data structure and operates in two stages: first, visited vertices are pushed into the stack, and subsequently, if no vertices are present, visited vertices are popped.
BFS stands for Breadth First Search. DFS stands for Depth First Search.
BFS(Breadth First Search) employs the Queue data structure to determine the shortest path. DFS(Depth First Search) employs the Stack data structure.
Because BFS reaches a vertex with the fewest number of edges from a source vertex, it can be used to identify a single source shortest path in an unweighted graph. To get from a source vertex to a destination vertex in DFS, we may have to traverse through additional edges.
BFS is better at finding vertices that are close to the specified source. When there are solutions that are not close to the source, DFS is a better option.
BFS has a time complexity of O(V + E) when using an Adjacency List and O(V^2) when using an Adjacency Matrix, where V stands for vertices and E stands for edges. DFS also has a time complexity of O(V + E) when using an Adjacency List and O(V2) when using an Adjacency Matrix, where V stands for vertices and E stands for edges.
Here, the siblings of a node are visited before  visiting the children. Here, children of a node are visited before visiting the siblings.

10. What is a Red-Black Tree in context to data structures?

A red-black tree is a self-balancing binary search tree with one extra bit at each node, which is commonly read as the colour (red or black). These colours are used to keep the tree balanced as insertions and deletions are made. The tree's balance isn't ideal, but it's good enough to cut down on searching time and keep it around O(log n), where n is the total number of nodes in the tree. Rudolf Bayer invented this tree in 1972.

It's worth noting that, because each node only needs 1 bit of memory to store the colour information, these trees have the same memory footprint as a traditional (uncoloured) binary search tree.

Points to remember:

  • Every node of a red-black tree has a colour, which is either red or black.
  • The tree's root is always black.
  • There are no red nodes that are next to one other (A red node is not allowed to have a red parent or red child).
  • There is the same number of black nodes on every path from a node (including root) to any of its descendant's NULL nodes.
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11. Can a constructor be private in C++?

A constructor is a particular member function of a class that is responsible for initialising the class's objects. When a class object is created in C++, the constructor is automatically invoked. Constructors are typically defined in the public section of a class. So, the question is whether construction can be defined in the class's private section. The answer to this is a yes. A constructor can be defined in the class's private section.

The ways to use a constructor in the private section of the class:

  • We can use the friend class if we don't want that class to be instantiated by anyone else except a friend class.
  • If we need to create a singleton class, we can utilise the Singleton design pattern. This signifies that the system is driven by a single item or a small number of objects, rather than multiple objects of the same class.
  • Because constructors have the same name as classes, different constructors are distinguished by their argument lists; however, if there are many constructors, an implementation might become error-prone. The Named Constructor Idiom requires you to declare all of the class's constructors in the private or protected sections, and then build public static functions to retrieve the class's objects.

12. What are the differences between pointers and reference variables in C++?

In C++, a pointer is a variable that keeps track of the memory address of another variable.

A reference is an alias for a variable that already exists. A reference to a variable that has been initialised cannot be modified to refer to another variable. As a result, a reference is analogous to a const pointer.


  • Any time after a pointer is declared, it can be initialised to any value.
 int x = 6;
// some code
int *ptr = &x;

A reference is supposed to be initialized at its time of declaration.

int x = 6;
int &ref = x;
  • It is possible to assign a pointer point to a NULL value. NULL references are not allowed.
  • A * must be used to dereference pointers. References can be referred to simply by their names.
  • A pointer can be altered to point to any similar-type variable. For example:
int x = 6;
int *ptr;
ptr = &x;
int y = 7;
ptr = &y;

A reference to a variable object cannot be modified once it has been initialised to a variable.

13. How can you implement static and dynamic polymorphism in C++?

Polymorphism refers to the fact that something exists in multiple forms. Polymorphism, in simple terms, is the ability of a message to be displayed in multiple formats. On the basis of the time it takes to resolve the procedure call, it can be characterised in two ways.

  • Static polymorphism means that a function's invocation (call) is resolved at compile time. Overloading can be used to accomplish this.
    • Function overloading: Overloading of functions occurs when there are numerous functions with the same name but distinct parameters. Changes in the number of arguments or the kind of arguments can cause functions to become overloaded.
    • Operator overloading: C++ also allows you to overload operators. For example, we can use the string class's operator ('+') to concatenate two strings. This is the addition operator, and its job is to add two operands. So, when the operator '+' is used between integer and string operands, it adds them together, and when it is used between string operands, it concatenates them.
  • Dynamic polymorphism refers to the resolution of a function call at runtime. In C++, it is implemented using the function Overriding in inheritance.
    • Function overriding: Function overriding, on the other side, comes into the picture when a derived class defines one of the base class's members functions. That base function is asserted to be overridden.

14. What is the difference between an interface and abstract class in Java?

For classes and methods, the abstract keyword is a non-access modifier. An abstract class is a special kind of class that can't be used to create objects (to access it, it must be inherited from another class). Talking about an abstract method, it has no body and it can only be used in an abstract class. The subclass provides the body (inherited from). 

In Java, an interface is a blueprint for a class. It features abstract methods and static constants. In Java, the interface is a means of achieving abstraction. The Java interface can only have abstract methods, not method bodies. In Java, it is used to achieve abstraction as well as multiple inheritances. To put it another way, interfaces can have abstract methods and variables. It isn't allowed to have a method body.

The differences between the two have been tabulated below:

Abstract class Interface
Abstract classes can have abstract and non-abstract methods. Interfaces are allowed to have abstract methods only. Since Java 8, interfaces can also have default and static methods.
Abstract classes do not support multiple inheritances. Interfaces do support multiple inheritances.
Abstract classes can possess final, non-final, static and non-static variables. Interfaces can only possess static and final variables.
Abstract classes can provide the implementation of interfaces. Interfaces cannot provide the implementation of abstract classes.
The abstract keyword is used for declaring abstract classes. The interface keyword is used for declaring interfaces.
An abstract class can implement numerous Java interfaces by extending to another Java class. An interface is allowed to extend to another Java interface only.
Java abstract classes are allowed to have class members like private, protected, etc. Members of a Java interface cannot be private or protected.

15. What is Garbage Collection in Java?

Garbage collection is the process of examining heap memory, determining which items are in use and which are not, and then eliminating the objects that aren't.

An in-use object, also known as a referenced object, signifies that it is still referenced by some portion of your program. An unreferenced object, also known as an unused object, is one that is no longer referenced by any portion of your program. An unreferenced object's memory can thus be reclaimed. The most significant benefit of garbage collection is that it relieves us of a load of manual memory allocation and deallocation, allowing us to focus on the problem at hand.

Once we've made an object garbage-collectable, the garbage collector won't be able to destroy it right away. Only the object is destroyed when JVM executes the Garbage Collector program. However, we cannot predict when JVM will execute the Garbage Collector. We can also ask JVM to run Garbage Collector on our behalf. It can be done in two ways:

  • Using the System.gc() method: The static method gc() in the System class is used to ask the JVM to launch the Garbage Collector.
  • Using the Runtime.getRuntime().gc() method: The Runtime class allows an application to communicate with the JVM it is executing on. As a result, we can ask JVM to run Garbage Collector by calling its gc() method.

16. Explain the internal architecture of Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

The JVM (Java Virtual Machine) is a run-time engine that allows Java applications to run. The JVM is the program that executes the main method in java programming. JVM is a component of JRE (Java Runtime Environment).

WORA refers to Java programmes (Write Once Run Anywhere). This means that a programmer can write Java code on one system and expect it to operate without modification on any other Java-enabled device. All of this is feasible because of JVM.

When we compile a .java file, the Java compiler creates .class files (byte-code files) with the same class names as the .java file. When we run this.class file, it goes through a series of phases. These steps sum up the JVM as a whole.

The execution engine scans the byte-code line by line, extracts data and information from various memory areas, and then executes the instructions. The Java Native Interface (JNI) is a user interface that interacts with Native Method Libraries and provides native libraries (C, C++) for execution. It allows JVM to call C/C++ libraries and be called by C/C++ libraries that are hardware-specific. Native Method Libraries are a set of Native Libraries (C, C++) that the Execution Engine requires.

17. Differentiate between StringBuffer and StringBuilder classes in the context of Java.

Strings are Java objects that are internally supported by a char array. Strings are immutable because arrays are immutable (they can't grow). Every time you make a change to a String, a new String is produced. Java, on the other hand, has a number of classes that can be used to manipulate strings. StringBuffer and StringBuilder are two such classes.

StringBuffer StringBuilder
The StringBuffer class is synchronized. This means that several threads cannot call the StringBuffer methods at the same time. The StringBuilder class is asynchronized. This means that several threads cannot call the StringBuilder methods at the same time.
StringBuffer is known as a thread-safe class because of its synchronisation. StringBuilder is not a thread-safe class due to its asynchronous nature.
StringBuffer is much slower than StringBuilder due to synchronisation. StringBuilder is much faster than StringBuffer since there is no preliminary check for multiple threads.

18. Discuss the final keyword in Java.

In Java, the final keyword is used to restrict the user. The final keyword in Java can be used in a variety of situations. The final keyword could be used with a variable, method or class. Once a variable, function, or class has been declared final, it can only be assigned once. That is to say,

  • Final variable: If you mark a variable as final, you won't be allowed to change its value (It will be constant).
  • Final method: You can't override a method that has been marked as final.
  • Final class: You can't extend a class that has been marked as final.

19. Explain hashCode() and equals() in Java.

 HashMap is part of the Java collection framework. HashMap uses a technique known as hashing. Hashing is the process of converting an object into an integer value. Indexing and search speed are aided by the integer value. It is in charge of creating the map interface. It stores the data in a Key/Value pair. In HashMap, the node is represented as a class that holds an array of nodes. Internally, it uses an array and LinkedList data structure to hold Key and Value. There are four fields in HashMap.

  • equals() is a function that compares two objects to see if they are equal. It compares the Key to see if they are equivalent. It belongs to the Object class and is a method. It is possible to override it. It is required to override the hashCode() method if you override the equals() method.
  • hashCode() is an object class method. It returns the object's memory reference in integer form. The bucket number is determined by the value returned by the method. The address of the element within the map is represented by the bucket number. Null Key's hash code is 0.

20. What is multithreading in Java? How are threads formed?

Multithreading is a Java feature that permits the execution of two or more sections of a program simultaneously to maximise CPU efficiency. In other words, it is the process of executing multiple threads at the same time. A thread is a component of such a program. Threads are hence lightweight processes within processes.

Threads can be formed using two different mechanisms:

  • Extending the Thread class - We'll make a class that extends the java.lang.Thread class. The run() method of the Thread class is overridden by this class. The run() procedure is where a thread starts its life. To begin thread execution, we construct an object of our new class and use the start() method. Start() calls the Thread object's run() function.
  • Bringing the Runnable Interface into Practice - We make a new class that implements the java.lang.Runnable interface and override the run() method of this. After that, we create a Thread object and call its start() method.

The advantages of multithreading are:

  • Since threads use a shared memory space, it helps in saving memory.
  • Threads are autonomous and many operations can be performed at the same time, which helps in saving time.
  • Because threads are independent, an exception in one thread has no impact on other threads.

Goldman Sachs Interview Preparation

1. Interview Preparation Tips

We've compiled a list of five tips to get you started on your interview preparation: 

  • Know your strengths and weaknesses, as well as whatever experiences and skills, make you a good fit for the position. Consider creating examples that will help you stand out from the crowd. Interviewers want to know what inspires you, why you're interested in their firm, and why your background qualifies you as the best applicant for the job.
  • Prepare to share your experiences and demonstrate your abilities in the areas of leadership, teamwork, professional and academic achievements, communication skills, and the ability to overcome barriers and challenges.
  • Practice a variety of coding problems and see how quickly you can solve them. This will enhance your problem-solving skills.
  • "Confidence in oneself" is the first step to a good interview. If you're confident enough, you've already finished half of the task. Maintain a positive outlook and a pleasant attitude at all times.
  • The more you prepare for the interview, the more likely you are to be successful. Learn everything there is to know about interviews, including stages, rounds, and questions. It's a good idea to prepare answers to common HR and management interview questions ahead of time. You can also get information on the company's accomplishments, organisational structure, vision, work-life balance, and other topics.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How many rounds are there in Goldman Sachs internship?

Generally, there will be 3 rounds for the Goldman Sachs internship :

  • Online assessment test
  • Technical interviews
  • HR interview

2. How much does Goldman Sachs pay interns?

The average annual pay for a summer intern can be around 4 lakhs per annum.

3. Are Goldman Sachs interviews tough?

It makes no difference if the Goldman Sachs interview is difficult or simple. The truth is that the more you prepare for the interviews, the more likely you are to succeed. Learn everything there is to know about interviews, including stages, rounds, and questions. Understand the role completely, including what they expect from you, the skill sets you'll require, and the credentials you'll require.

4. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Be open and honest about your strengths and weaknesses in this section. You may have a number of strengths but focus on the ones that will help you succeed in this role. In the same way, mention your flaw. As soon as you recognise your weakness, state how you want to overcome it.

Some examples of strengths that can be discussed in an interview are as follows:-

  • Goal-oriented.
  • Communication abilities.
  • Pressure handling skills

The following are some of the flaws that people have mentioned in interviews.

  • Fear of speaking in front of a large gathering.
  • Critical of oneself.

5. In five years, where do you see yourself?

Tell them you want to learn and master a particular technology. You should be able to persuade them that you want to stay with the company for a longer period of time. You might say, "I want to improve my skills, gain greater confidence, and keep a prominent position in your organisation."  The recruiter is just interested in finding out how long you plan to stay with the company and how satisfied you are with your current position.

6. Why Goldman sachs?

Engineers at Goldman Sachs don't just make things; they make things possible. Goldman Sachs gives candidates the chance to solve the most difficult and pressing engineering problems for clients while also leveraging machine learning and financial engineering to continuously turn data into action and create new businesses, transform finance, and explore a world of opportunity at market speed.

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