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Hexaware Interview Questions

Last Updated: Jan 02, 2024
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Surfing this page certainly indicates your interest in joining Hexaware. Don't you! Be it an experienced candidate or a newbie, Hexaware is definitely a better workplace to hang around. Founded in 1990, Hexaware Technologies is a leading provider of IT solutions, BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) services, and consulting services. Hexaware has achieved prominence in fields such as IT, Business Analytics, Transportation, Health, etc. 

Hexaware is a rapidly growing organization that offers great career prospects, the chance to work with a number of brilliant minds, and a variety of high-profile clients, while also providing a stable work-life balance. Depending on the level of experience you have, a Software Engineer's salary at Hexaware Technologies may range from ₹46,416 - ₹50,71,423 per year. Your next question might be: What and how should I prepare for the Hexaware Interview?

In this article, the InterviewBit team has compiled an exhaustive list of Hexaware Interview Questions and answers that cater to both Freshers and Experienced Professionals. Furthermore, we have also included information regarding the Hexaware recruitment process, as well as tips on how to prepare for the interview. 

Now, let's take a look at the Hexaware Recruitment Process.

Hexaware Recruitment Process

1. Interview Process

Hexaware typically requires candidates to undergo an extensive recruitment process. If you would like to apply for a job opening at Hexaware, please refer to this section for more details on the recruitment process at Hexaware. The Hexaware selection process involves three rounds that test both the candidate's technical skills and analytical capabilities.

  • Round 1: Online/Aptitude Test
  • Round 2: Technical Interview
  • Round 3: HR Interview

Note: Generally, Hexaware officials follow this interview procedure; however, in some cases, more rounds may be required to select the skilled candidate. Group Discussions/ JAM sessions can also be conducted by the recruitment team as part of the shortlisting process. Obviously, all of these rounds are elimination rounds, which means to be considered for a position at Hexaware, you must pass all of the aforementioned rounds. 

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2. Interview Rounds

1. Aptitude/Online Test:

The online/aptitude assessment round at Hexaware usually consists of four sections, namely, quantitative aptitude, verbal ability, logical reasoning, and technical questions (MCQs). For the technical portion, IT students have questions related to Computer Science, while non-IT students have questions from the First-year basic Engineering portion. In this section, we have compiled complete information about the Hexaware Test Patterns to assist you in Interview preparation. Be sure to check what will be included in the online test, and how long you will have to complete it.

Name of the Section No.of Questions Duration
Quants 48 48 mins
English 48 15 mins
Logical 48 48 mins
Technical MCQs 30 30 mins

Note: The number and type of Hexaware aptitude questions asked, as well as the duration, may vary depending on the job requirement.

2. Technical Interview Round:

After passing the online test, candidates will be invited to an in-person technical interview. In a technical interview, you're evaluated on your technical abilities, which are invariably related to the position you're seeking, as well as on your ability to resolve problems and handle difficult situations. Therefore, be well prepared for any eventuality.

  • In the interview, you may be asked technical questions about programming languages such as C, C++, Java, Python, etc., computer fundamentals such as Database Management Systems (DBMS), Object-Oriented Programming Systems (OOPs), Operating Systems (OS), Computer Networks (CN), Data Structure and Algorithms (DSA), etc. 
  • Also, you will be questioned about your previous experiences and projects, how you used technology and the success rate of any projects you've done during college.
  • Furthermore, since this is a technical round, candidates will be required to answer Hexware coding questions such as writing a particular program in Java, DBMS, etc. As such, ensure that you possess exceptional coding skills to succeed in this round.

Note: You may be required to undergo more technical interview rounds, depending on your performance in previous rounds, your experience, your job profile, and the company's requirements. It is 90% likely that you will get hired by the company if you pass this round. However, you will need to pass the final and most important HR interview as well.

3. HR Interview Round:

This is the easiest yet crucial round of the Hexaware Interview Process. During this round, hiring managers will interact with candidates to learn more about them and assess their suitability for a specific position. The interviewer will evaluate the candidate based on his/her communication skills, logical reasoning skills, and knowledge of the subject matter. Prior to attending an HR interview, it would be advisable to familiarize yourself with the company's vision and its leadership principles. Prepare yourself well for any questions that the interviewer may ask based on your resume or any behaviour-related questions. Be sure to weave your answers accordingly. Below is a list of some of the most commonly asked Hexaware HR interview questions.

  • Tell me about yourself and your family.
  • What makes you think that you are qualified for this position?
  • What are your dream company, job, and location?
  • What is your opinion of working nights and weekends?
  • What do you do to keep up with new technologies?
  • How will you benefit us if we hire you?
  • Do you know anything about Hexaware?
  • Tell me about an example of your creativity.
  • In what ways do you cope with criticism?
  • Do you have any questions about the company?
  • Have you ever experienced an environment or situation where you did not thrive instantly?
  • Suppose you're paid more by another organization? What would you do?
  • What was the most challenging decision you ever made and how did you come to it?
  • What if you don't get promoted after working here for five years? Most of our employees don't. Wouldn't that be frustrating?
  • Can you tell me what you did - or didn't do - that makes you feel slightly ashamed of yourself?

Hexaware Technical Interview Questions: Freshers and Experienced

1. Explain WYSIWYG.

The acronym WYSIWYG stands for What You See Is What You Get. It is a software system in which content can be edited in a manner that mimics/resembles the appearance of a final product, such as a web page, a printed document, or a slide presentation. The software can visualize how every type of content will look without requiring any additional setup or coding on the users' part. The WYSIWYG editor allows users to focus on design instead of learning complex formatting codes.

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2. Write a function to print the Fibonacci series.

Fibonacci series: It is essentially a series of numbers, each of which is the sum of its two previous or preceding numbers. Fibonacci's series begins with the numbers 0 and 1.

Example: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, etc.


//Java program to print Fibonacci Series using recursion.
public class Main
   static int n1=0,n2=1,n3=0;    
   static void printFibonacci(int count)
            n3 = n1 + n2;    
            n1 = n2;    
            n2 = n3;    
            System.out.print(" "+n3);   
public static void main(String args[])
       int count=15;
       //printing 0 and 1 
       System.out.print("Fibonacci Series: " + n1+" "+n2);  
       //n-2 because 0 and 1 number are already printed


Fibonacci Series: 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377

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3. Write a program to reverse a number and reverse a string.

Program to Reverse a String:

Let's consider a string "InterviewBit, so after reversing the string, we'll get “tiBweivretnI”.


//Java program to reverse a string
public class Main 
  public static void main(String[] args) {
      String stringExample  =  "InterviewBit";
      System.out.println("Original string: "+stringExample);
      //Declaring a StringBuilder 
      //and converting string to StringBuilder
      StringBuilder reverseString = new StringBuilder(stringExample);
      //Reversing the StringBuilder
      //Converting StringBuilder to String
      String result = reverseString.toString();
      // Printing the reversed String
      System.out.println("Reversed string: "+result);


Original string: InterviewBit
Reversed string: tiBweivretnI

Program to Reverse a Number:

Let's consider the number "45695832, so after reversing the number, we'll get “23859654”.


//Java program to Reverse a number
public class Main 
 public static void main(String[] args) 
       int n= 45695832, reversed = 0;    
       System.out.println("Original Number: " + n);
       //Run the loop until n is equal to 0
       while(n != 0) 
         //get last digit from n
         int digit = n % 10;
         reversed = reversed * 10 + digit;
         //remove the last digit from num
         n /= 10;
   System.out.println("Reversed Number: " + reversed);


Original Number: 45695832
Reversed Number: 23859654

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4. State difference between List in python and NumPy array.

NumPy array and List differ in the following ways:

Python List NumPy Array
Lists are provided by the Python core library.  NumPy is a Python package that facilitates scientific computing. 
Python lists are similar to arrays, but they can be resized and contain elements of different types. Contains only elements with similar data types. 
It's possible to store an integer or afloat in a list, but you can't perform any mathematical operations on it. Mathematical and other operations can be performed on large numbers of data using NumPy arrays. 
Elements are stored at random locations in memory. Elements are stored sequentially.
It consumes more memory than the NumPy array. It consumes less memory than Python List.
Modifying a list is easier than modifying an array. Unlike arrays, lists store each element individually, making it easier to add and remove elements. Modifying an array is more difficult than modifying a list.

5. When would you use the char type versus the varchar type?

Variable-length fields are represented by VARCHAR, while fixed-length fields are represented by CHAR.

  • Varchar: Use varchar when storing strings that are variable in length, like names, and addresses. The programmers use them when the data length varies and they need more than one data type.
  • Char: Use char when the length is always the same since it is more space-efficient, as well as slightly faster. Programmers use them only when they know the length of the data storage.
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6. Can you explain the RR Scheduling algorithm?

Round Robin (RR) is a CPU scheduling algorithm that is commonly used to schedule processes. This is the simplest scheduling algorithm used most often for multitasking. Every ready process in the queue is executed in a cyclic way with a limited time slice (Time Quantum). When the process is in the ready queue, it is assigned the CPU for that time quantum. Now, if the process execution is completed within that time quantum, the process will terminate, otherwise, the process will be placed back in the ready queue until its turn comes around to complete the execution as shown below.

  • BT (Burst Time): Time required by the process to complete its execution.
  • TQ (Time Quantum): The amount of time a process is allowed to run uninterrupted.

7. What is Throughput, Turnaround time, waiting time, and Response time?

Whenever multiple processes are running simultaneously, the CPU must decide which process should run next in order to optimize system performance and resource utilization. There are different parameters that can be computed based on the operating system design goals and processes that are currently running to get a sense of how well the system is running.

Here are the parameters:

  • Throughput: The number of processes that complete execution in a specified period of time.
  • Turnaround Time: The time it takes for a process to complete its execution.
  • Waiting Time: The amount of time that a process waits in the ready queue before being executed.
  • Response Time: Amount of time a process takes from the submission of a request until the first response is provided, not the output.

8. How are this() and super() methods used with a constructor?

Both this() and super() are used to call constructors. 

this(): It calls the constructor of the current class. The this() must be used only inside the constructor, not even in a static context or inside methods, and it should be the first statement in the constructor.


class Scaler()
 public static void main(String[] args)

super(): It calls the constructor of the base class (i.e., the Parent's class). Specifically, the super() is used as the very first statement within the constructor of a subclass.


class Parent 
class SubClass extends Parent
  public static void main(String[] args)

9. Is it possible to make a constructor private?

Yes, it is possible to declare constructors as private in Java. A constructor can be declared private using the private access specifier. We are unable to create an object outside the class if the constructor is declared private. However, we can use this private constructor within a Singleton Design Pattern instead. To prevent objects from being created outside the scope of a class, a private constructor is used. We can instead create multiple objects in the Singleton class. 

10. State difference between union and anonymous union.

Union: In computing, a union is a type that is user-defined and consists of all members sharing the same memory address/location. Additionally, it means that no matter how many members a union has, its memory is limited to storing only the largest member.


//Union Example
union Scaler
   char ch;
   int i;

Anonymous Union: Unions without names are known as anonymous unions or unnamed unions. Because they do not have names, direct objects (or variables) of them are not created, but they are used in nested unions. Member names of an anonymous union must differ from those of other members within the scope of the union. In addition, the anonymous union is unable to have protected or private members, or any member functions.


// Anonymous union example
  char ch;
  int i;

11. What do you mean by Trigger? And can we invoke them on-demand?

Triggers are special types of stored procedures (SQL Statements) that are automatically executed when operations are performed on a table within the database. It is not possible to invoke triggers on-demand. The triggers are more like event handlers since they are executed on a specific occasion. A trigger is triggered only whenever an action (INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE) is performed on the table on which it is defined.  

  • Triggers help to maintain the integrity of data by updating a database in a systematic manner. 
  • A trigger can adjust the entire database when there is a change in the table. For instance, when a new entry (representing a new employee) is added to the employee's table, a new record should also be created in the vacation, tax, and salary tables. 
  • Additionally, triggers can be used to track historical data, such as employee salaries.

12. Can you explain Abstract class?

Abstract classes are restricted classes that cannot be used as a basis for creating objects, i.e. cannot be instantiated. The abstract keyword is used to declare an abstract class. The concept of abstract classes can be found in all object-oriented programming (OOP) languages, including Java, C#, C++, and VB.NET.

// Create a class abstract
abstract class InterviewBit 
 // fields and methods
//try creating an object 
//an error is thrown
InterviewBit scaler = new InterviewBit();

Abstract classes can have both abstract methods and regular methods (which are not abstract). For example:

abstract class InterviewBit 
     // abstract method
     abstract void method1();
    // regular method (non-abstract)
    void method2() 
      System.out.println("This is a non-abstract method");

13. State difference between Package and Interface.

In Object-Oriented Programming-based languages like Java, packages and interfaces are the main concepts. 

Package Interface
A package consists of classes and interfaces. An interface consists of fields and abstract methods.
You can use an import statement to access a package. In order to extend an interface, you can use another interface or implement it with a class.
Packages improve maintainability by organizing classes and interfaces. Interfaces allow for abstraction and multiple inheritances.


package package_name;
public class class_name{
(body of class)


interface interface_name{
variable declaration;
method declaration;

14. Does Java support multiple inheritances or not?

No, Java does not support multiple inheritances. Multiple inheritances refer to the process by which a class can inherit properties from more than one parent class. However, multiple inheritances in Java can only be achieved via interfaces. A class may implement any number of interfaces, but it may only extend one class. The ‘extends’ keyword is only used once, and the parent interfaces are declared using commas. In the case where the InterviewBit interface extends Scaler and ScalerTopics, it would be declared as:

public interface InterviewBit extends Scaler, ScalerTopics

15. Explain Inheritance.

Inheritance refers to the process by which a class obtains properties from another class. This is an essential part of OOPs (Object Oriented Programming). Generally, a class inheriting properties from another class is considered a subclass (child or derived class), and the class from which the properties are inherited is considered the superclass (parent class or base class). In Java, inheritance is accomplished using the extends keyword.


class InterviewBit {
 // methods and attributes of InterviewBit
// Inheritance with the extends keyword
class Scaler extends InterviewBit {
 // methods and attributes of InterviewBit
 // methods and attributes of Scaler

In this case, InterviewBit is the Parent class, while Scaler is the Child class. As shown above, the Scaler class is created by inheriting methods and attributes from the InterviewBit class.

16. What types of instance variables are there?

Variables in Java can be categorized into three types: Java local variables, Java instance variables, and Java static variables. As the name implies, a Java instance variable is a variable declared within a class but outside the scope of any method. Instance variables are initialized either when a class is loaded or whenever an object of that class is created. There are several access modifiers available in Java that can be used to declare instance variables, including default, public, private, and protected. Instance variables can be of different data types such as Boolean, byte, short, int, double, float, char, object, long, etc.

17. What do near, far, and huge pointers mean?

  • Near Pointer: Using a near pointer, you can store up to 16 bits of the address. This point is generally used to store the address, which has a maximum size of 16 bits (we can only access 64 kb at a time). We can, however, store any smaller addresses that remain within 16 bits.
    • Syntax: 
<data type> near <pointer definition>  
  • Far Pointer: A Far pointer is typically considered to be a pointer with a 32-bit size. The compiler allocates two segment registers in this case. One register to store the segment address and the other to store the offset within the current segment.
    • Syntax:
<data type> far <pointer definition>
  • Huge Pointer: Huge pointers also have the same size as 32 bits, but they can also access bits stored outside a segment. Unlike far pointers, where segments are fixed and cannot be changed, Huge segments can be modified because they have the elasticity to allow it.

18. Explain Pointers?

Pointers are objects/variables in many programming languages that store memory addresses. Pointers point to locations in memory, and getting the value stored at those locations is called dereferencing the pointer. When traversing iterable data structures (such as lookup tables, control tables, strings, and tree structures), using pointers significantly improves performance.


datatype *var_name;
int *ptr;   
//variable ptr points to an address that contains int data


#include <stdio.h>
int main()
   int a = 10;          
   int *p;    // declare pointer variable *p    
   //data type of p and a must be same
   p= &a;    // assign the address of variable 'a' to pointer 'p'.
   printf("Value at p = %p \n",p);         
   printf("Value at a = %d \n",a); 
   //getting the value of variable 'a' pointed by pointer p
   printf("Value at *p = %d \n", *p);   


Value at p = 0x7ffda8d3102c 
Value at a = 10 
Value at *p = 10

19. What do you mean by Recursion Function?

A recursive function is one that refers to itself, directly or indirectly in the code for execution. Recursive functions can either be simple or complex. Some problems can be easily solved with the recursive algorithm. Recursive functions often make use of loop setups in which the initial variable is called multiple times while it is altered by the loop. Factorial computations are classic examples of recursive functions, where an integer is multiplied by itself while being lowered incrementally. Factorial(4), for example, is equal to 4*3*2*1, and factorial(2) is equal to 2*1. 

20. State difference between C and C++.

C and C++ are two programming languages commonly used in application development. Among C and C++, the major differences center around the fact that C is a procedural programming language and also doesn't support classes and objects, whereas C++ is an extension of C which also supports object-oriented programming (OOP) along with procedural programming language. The following list highlights some of the differences between C and C++.

C C++
C is a procedural/structural programming language. It doesn't support classes and objects. C++ supports both OOP and procedural programming languages. It does support classes and objects.
C does not support OOPs, therefore polymorphism, encapsulation, and inheritance are not available. As an object-oriented programming language, C++ supports polymorphism, inheritance, and encapsulation.
Neither namespaces nor reference variables are supported; neither are function and operator overloading. As for C++, it supports both function and operator overloading, as well as namespaces and reference variables.
Basically, it's a subset of C++ and cannot execute C++ code. C++ is a superset of C and can execute 99% of C code.
The scanf() and printf() functions are used primarily for input/output operations in C. The input and output operations in C++ are performed primarily through stream cin and cout.

Hexaware Interview Preparation

1. Interview Preparation Tips

Interviewing at an IT company is unlike any other job interview: it is a specialized, rigorous process that evaluates your coding abilities, problem-solving skills, and personality traits. Listed below are a few tips for acing the Hexaware interview.

  • Perfection comes with practice: Look at the company's past interview experiences for an idea of how an actual interview is conducted and what you can expect to encounter and prepare accordingly. Make a list of common technical and HR questions you're likely to encounter ahead of time, so you can prepare your responses beforehand. Additionally, you can look up previous Hexaware placement papers and examine them.
  • Don't lie on your Resume: Interviewers may ask you to elaborate on your work and volunteer experience or even require you to perform tasks you are unfamiliar with, so lying on your resume may lead to your disqualification.  Instead, put more emphasis on your skills and experiences that are relevant to the position and the company needs to demonstrate why you are a good fit. Keep in mind that interviewers will ask questions related to the topics and programming languages on your resume, so be prepared accordingly.
  • Don't be shy about asking questions: When you are faced with a challenge, think about it carefully and make sure you fully understand what you must return. In case you are unclear about anything, do not hesitate to ask questions. 
  • Demonstrate your skills: Moreover, you should look for opportunities to demonstrate your expertise and knowledge. So, when you are talking or discussing your thoughts, be sure to mention all the things you would include in a real-world application or codebase.
  • Get a New Perspective: Finally, interviewees are most likely to miss out on learning opportunities during the interview. Every time you attend an interview, you have the opportunity to learn something new. For example, you could learn about a new idea or tool, or you could gain insight into interesting products and technologies. The more you approach your interviews in this manner, the more useful they'll be for you in the long run.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the Eligibility Criteria at Hexaware?

Eligibility criteria for all programs in the Hexaware Recruitment Process are as follows:

Eligibility Criteria Details

Eligible: BE/B.Tech/MCA.

Not Eligible: ME/MTech.



Not Eligible: Mechanical/ Civil allied branches.

Academic and Graduation Criteria 60% or 6.0 CGPA throughout 10th, 12th, and UG/PG.
Backlogs No active Backlogs.
Educational Gap Education gap of 1 year is considered.

2. How long is the Interview Process at Hexaware?

Hexaware usually takes between three and four weeks to complete the interview process. Hexaware, like any other MNC, can take from three to twelve weeks to provide you with an offer letter. 

3. Which programming language is used in Hexaware?

In preparation for the interview, it would be beneficial if you could learn the following (or at least get familiar with some of them):

  • C/C++
  • Object-Oriented Programming (learn Java if you can)
  • Python
  • HTML, CSS & JavaScript

4. Is there a coding round in Hexaware?

Yes, if you apply for a technical position, you will almost certainly have to go through a coding round. Coding skills are often a deciding factor in any technical interview. Solving coding challenges is the best way to sharpen your coding skills. It will help you improve your problem-solving skills, gain insight into a programming language, prepare for interviews, learn new algorithms, etc.

5. Is the Hexaware interview easy?

Hexaware's interview may not seem difficult if you are well prepared. You will find every interview to be equally challenging unless you are well prepared. Preparation is paramount to a successful job interview. Preparation will make you more confident, and you will appear cool, calm, and collected to your potential employer - qualities employers always look for in the perfect candidate.

6. What is the salary for freshers in Hexaware?

Graduate Engineer Trainee salaries at Hexaware Technologies in India range from ₹ 3.5 Lakhs to ₹ 5 Lakhs, with an average of ₹ 3.8 Lakhs for less than one year of experience.

7. Why Hexaware?

Hexaware, one of the most rapidly growing organizations today, offers outstanding career opportunities, excellent growth potential, the opportunity to work with skilled people, a diverse client base, and a favorable work-life balance. Hexaware fosters an environment of respect and care that nurtures a Happy Culture. Their flexible working hours, optional holidays, and employee assistance programs enable a diverse, global workforce to lead a fulfilling and dynamic life.

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