Java MCQ
Java is a high-level, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language. It is easy and used to develop any kind of program. Apart from this, it can also be used in Android development.
Editions of Java
- Java mainly has three editions -
- Java Standard Edition(SE): develop applications that run on the desktop.
- Java Enterprise Edition(EE): develop server-side applications.
- Java Micro Edition(ME): develop applications for mobile devices.
Java Development Kit
- Set of programs that enable us to develop our programs.
- Contains JRE(Java Runtime Environment) that is used to run our programs.
Java Architecture
- Java Architecture consists of three main components:
- JVM: One of the main features of Java is Write Once Run Anywhere, i.e. it is platform-independent. It can run on any OS irrespective of the environment because of Java Virtual Machine.
- JRE: Java Runtime Environment provides an environment for the Java programs to be executed.
- JDK: It is the software development environment that is mainly used in the development of Java applications and applets.
Java MCQ Questions
Number of primitive data types in Java are?
What is the size of float and double in java?
Automatic type conversion is possible in which of the possible cases?
Find the output of the following code.
int Integer = 24;
char String = ‘I’;
Find the output of the following program.
public class Solution{
public static void main(String[] args){
short x = 10;
x = x * 5;
Find the output of the following program.
public class Solution{
public static void main(String[] args){
byte x = 127;
Select the valid statement.
Find the output of the following program.
public class Solution{
public static void main(String[] args){
int[] x = {120, 200, 016};
for(int i = 0; i < x.length; i++){
System.out.print(x[i] + “ “);
When an array is passed to a method, what does the method receive?
Select the valid statement to declare and initialize an array.
Find the value of A[1] after execution of the following program.
int[] A = {0,2,4,1,3};
for(int i = 0; i < A.length; i++){
A[i] = A[(A[i] + 3) % A.length];
Arrays in java are-
When is the object created with new keyword?
Identify the corrected definition of a package.
Identify the correct restriction on static methods.
- They must access only static data
- They can only call other static methods.
- They cannot refer to this or super.
Identify the keyword among the following that makes a variable belong to a class,rather than being defined for each instance of the class.
Identify what can directly access and change the value of the variable res.
package com.mypackage;
public class Solution{
private int res = 100;
In which of the following is toString() method defined?
compareTo() returns
Identify the output of the following program.
String str = “abcde”;
System.out.println(str.substring(1, 3));
Identify the output of the following program.
String str = “Hellow”;
Identify the output of the following program.
Public class Test{
Public static void main(String argos[]){
String str1 = “one”;
String str2 = “two”;
What does the following string do to given string str1.
String str1 = “Interviewbit”.replace(‘e’,’s’);
To which of the following does the class string belong to.
How many objects will be created in the following?
String a = new String(“Interviewbit”);
String b = new String(“Interviewbit”);
Strinc c = “Interviewbit”;
String d = “Interviewbit”;
Total constructor string class have?
Find the output of the following code.
int ++a = 100;
Find the output of the following code.
if(1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 == 5){
Find the output of the following code.
Public class Solution{
Public static void main(String… argos){
Int x = 5;
x * = (3 + 7);
Identify the return type of a method that does not return any value.
Output of Math.floor(3.6)?
Where does the system stores parameters and local variables whenever a method is invoked?
Identify the modifier which cannot be used for constructor.
What is the variables declared in a class for the use of all methods of the class called?
What is the implicit return type of constructor?
When is the finalize() method called?
Identify the prototype of the default constructor.
Public class Solution {}
Identify the correct way of declaring constructor.
Public class Solution {}
Find the output of the following code.
Public class Solution{
Public static void main(String args[]){
Int i;
for(i = 1; i < 6; i++){
if(i > 3) continue;
How many times will “Interviewbit” be printed.
Int count = 0;
} while(count < 10);
Identify the infinite loop.
What is Runnable?
Exception created by try block is caught in which block
Which of the following exception is thrown when divided by zero statement is executed?
Where is System class defined?
Identify the interface which is used to declare core methods in java?
Which of the following statements are true about finalize() method?
What does the operator >>>> do?
Identify the incorrect Java feature.
Which of the following is used to find and fix bugs in the program?