Mphasis Interview Questions
Mphasis Limited is a Bangalore-based Indian multinational IT service and consulting company. The company offers infrastructural technology and application outsourcing services, along with architecture consultation, application design and implementation, and application administration. It caters to the financial services, telecommunications, logistics, and technology businesses.
Mphasis was positioned 7th in Indian IT companies and 189 overall in 2019 by Fortune India 500. Mphasis uses next-generation technologies to assist firms with global business transformation. Mphasis' Front2Back Transformation strategy reflects Mphasis' commitment to customer-centricity. Front2Back leverages the cloud's and cognitive's exponential capacity to empower clients and their end customers with hyper-personalised digital experiences. Mphasis' Service Transformation methodology enables businesses to 'shrink the core' by using digital technologies across legacy infrastructures within a company, allowing them to stay ahead in a changing world.

Mphasis is on a collaborative workplace that values individual growth. Workshops and training in mastering new technologies are available to help us improve and expand our skills, whether at work or at home. Mphasis also has an Open Door Policy, which makes clear that there is always someone to help the employees in times of difficulty and stimulates healthy conversation among our colleagues and supervisors.
Mphasis Recruitment Process
1. Interview Process
Mphasis's Recruitment Process is divided across many stages. They are as follows:
- Online Test
- Group Discussion (There can also be a tool based communication test or coding round prior to GD).
- Technical Interview
- HR Interview
2. Interview Rounds
1. Online Test: Mphasis, like other firms, begins its recruitment drive with an online exam comprising multiple components, the first of which is the logical section, followed by others. The sections are as follows:
- Logical Reasoning- Recruiters can assess a candidate's analytical and logical ability using this component.
- Quants- If you are familiar with the fundamentals of aptitude, you will breeze through this portion.
- Verbal Ability- Recruiters can analyze a candidate's grammar skills using this area.
- Computer Programming- This component is mostly used to assess the coding abilities and technical information acquired during the three to four years of graduation.
2. Group Discussion: Since this is an optional round, it varies from college to college. A few colleges have a GD Round, whereas others do not. However, you must be ready for any scenario. This round focuses primarily on how you respond to other people's perspectives and how you operate as part of a team. You will be provided with one statement and will be required to convey your perspective on that statement while respecting the opinions of others.
3. Technical Interview: Candidates who clear the online test will be called to a technical interview in person. There can also be a tool based communication test or coding round prior to this. There are usually two programming questions in the coding round. The candidate has the option of writing the program in C or C++, depending on his or her preference.
Technical interviews are designed to test your technical talents, which are usually related to the position you're applying for, and also to learn how you analyse, solve problems, and deal with stressful situations. The interviewer will also assess your problem-solving abilities. You will be asked about previous projects, technical subjects you mention in your CV, work experience, along with what you did, how you used technology, your level of success and so on. So, be specific about the topics you provide on your CV.
4. HR Interview: Following the technical interviews, the HR interviews are the next step of evaluation. The employer wants to know if you will be a good cultural fit for the organisation. Before attending an HR interview, make sure to read over the company's mission and leadership values. Try to weave your responses accordingly. It is critical to be well equipped for the HR interview.
Make sure you are adequately prepared for any questions based on your resume that the recruiter may ask. As a result, it is critical that you include information in your resume that is accurate to the best possible standard. The following list consists of the most often asked HR Interview questions:
- In a few words, tell me about yourself.
- Would you consider shifting to some other part of India?
- What do you want to gain from this position?
- What first brought you to Mphasis?
- Where do you envision yourself in five years?
- What made you decide to hunt for a new job?
- Describe a time when you encountered a difficult situation and how you handled it.
- Assume you're in control of a group. One of the team members is unproductive and refuses to change his or her approach despite numerous warnings. What would you do if you were in this situation?
- Describe a situation in which you did your hardest yet fell short.
Mphasis Technical Interview Questions: Freshers and Experienced
1. Write a program to find the sum of the digits of a number. The input number is given in the form of a string.
Increment the sum with that character by running a loop from the beginning to the end of the string (in this case it is numeric). The execution of the above method is shown below.
int getSum(string str)
int sum = 0;
// Traversing through the string
for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
// Since ascii value of
// numbers starts from 48
// so we subtract it from sum
sum = sum + str[i] - 48;
return sum;
The above problem can also be solved using recursion.
2. Discuss the ‘extern’ keyword in C.
The declaration of a variable or function plainly states that it exists someplace in the program but that no memory has been allocated for it. In terms of the definition, defining a variable or function does more than just declare it; this even allocates memory for that variable or function.
The extern keyword is used to make variables and functions more visible. The usage of extern in function declarations or definitions is unnecessary because functions are visible all through the program by default. Its application is self-evident. When you use an extern with a variable, you're merely declaring it, not defining it. When an extern variable is declared with initialization, it is also considered to be the variable's definition.
3. Assume there are n people seated at a circular table with the names A, B, C, D,...
You must output all n people (in order) beginning with the supplied name if you are given a name. Consider the following six people: A B C D E F and the given name is ‘C’. You need to print: C D E F A B
This question is based on circular array implementation. Creating an auxiliary array of size 2*n and storing it in another array is a straightforward method. Now we simply print n elements beginning from any given index. For example, you make the auxiliary array as follows: A B C D E F A B C D E F. You then print the following six elements: A B C D E F A B C D E F.
This method takes O(n) time but adds O(n) space to the solution. Dealing with circular arrays with the same array is an efficient solution. It is worth noting that after the n-th index, the next index will start from 0 which can be obtained using the mod operator. This makes it easy for us to access the elements of the circular array within the specified array without requiring any more space.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// function to output circular seating arrangement starting
// from any given index.
void display(char a[], int N, int index)
// print from ind-th index to (n+i)th index.
for (int i = index; i < N + index; i++)
cout << a[(i % N)] << " ";
// Driver code
int main()
char a[] = { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F' };
int N = sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]);
print(a, N, 2);
return 0;
The above implementation takes O(n) time and O(1) space.
4. Explain how the elements of a two dimensional array are stored in the memory.
The members of a 2D array could be stored in the memory using two different ways.
- Row-Major Order: In row-major ordering, all of the 2D array's rows are sequentially stored in memory. The first row of the array is completely stored in memory, followed by the second row, and so on until the last row is completely recorded in memory.
- Column-Major Order: In column-major ordering, all of the 2D array's columns are stored in the memory in the same order. The first column of the array is completely stored in memory, followed by the second row, and so on until the last column of the array is completely stored in memory.
5. Explain stable vs unstable sorting algorithms.
A sorting algorithm's stability is determined by how it handles equal (or repeating) elements. In contrast to stable sorting algorithms, unstable sorting algorithms do not maintain the relative positions of equal elements. In other terms, stable sorting preserves the relative positions of two equal elements.

The sort key is used by all sorting algorithms to establish the ordering of the entries in the collection. Equal elements, such as numbers or texts, are indistinguishable if the sort key is the (entire) element itself. Equal elements, on the other hand, can be distinguished if the sort key contains one or several, but not all, of the element's attributes, such as age in the Employee class.
Stable sorting isn't always required. If equal items are indistinguishable or all of the elements in the group are distinct, stability is not really a problem. Stability is essential when equal elements may be distinguished. Merge Sort, Timsort, Counting Sort, Insertion Sort, and Bubble Sort are examples of frequent sorting algorithms that are naturally stable. Others, like Quicksort, Heapsort, and Selection Sort, are unstable. We can make unstable sorting algorithms stable by modifying them. In Quicksort, for example, we can employ extra space to preserve stability.
6. Is Dijkstra's algorithm Greedy Programming or Dynamic Programming? What are the benefits of utilising Bellman-Ford instead of Dijkstra?
Let's see if you can say both. Since we always mark the nearest vertex, it's greedy. Because distances are adjusted using previously determined values, it is dynamic. However, I'd say it's more akin to dynamic programming than a greedy algorithm. It does not pick which route to walk step by step to get the shortest distance between A and B. Instead, it determines all possible routes from point A to point B. The best selections are made not by being greedy, but by exhausting all available routes that can shorten a distance. As a result, it's a dynamic programming algorithm, with the only difference being that the stages are dynamically chosen throughout the procedure rather than being known in advance.
By constantly relaxing distances till there are no more distances to relax, the Bellman-Ford method finds single-source shortest pathways. Relaxing distances are accomplished by determining whether an intermediate point offers a better path than the one currently selected. This algorithm outperforms Dijkstra in that it can manage graphs with negative edges, whereas Dijkstra can only handle non-negative ones. Its main constraint is graphing with loops that provide an overall negative route; however, this simply means that no finite solution exists.
7. What are Marker Interfaces in Java?
Marker interfaces, commonly termed tagging interfaces, are interfaces that do not define any methods or constants. They exist to assist the compiler and JVM in obtaining run-time information about the objects. Examples of Marker Interfaces being used in real-time applications include:
- Cloneable interface: The java.lang package contains a Cloneable interface. In the Object class, there is a function called clone(). A class which implements the Cloneable interface signifies that it is permissible to use the clone() method to create a field-for-field copy of instances of this same class. Invoking the Object's clone function on a class object which does not implement the Cloneable interface raises the CloneNotSupportedException exception. Classes which implement this interface should, by convention, override the Object.clone() function.
- Serializable interface: The Serializable interface can be found in the package. It is used to enable an object to save its state to a file. This is known as serialisation. No state will be serialised or deserialized for classes which do not implement this interface. A serializable class's subclasses are all serializable.
- Remote interface: The java.rmi package contains a remote interface. A remote item is one that is stored on one system and accessed from another. To render an object a remote object, we must mark it with the Remote interface. In this case, the Remote interface identifies interfaces whose methods can be called from a non-local virtual machine. Any remote object must implement this interface, either directly or indirectly. RMI (Remote Method Invocation) provides a set of convenience classes that remote object implementations may extend to make remote object creation easier.
8. Is it possible to run a C++ application without using the OOPs concept?
C++ supports the C-like structural programming model, therefore it can be implemented without OOPs. Structured Programming is a programming method that involves a completely structured flow of control. Structure refers to a block, including (if/else), (while and for), block frameworks, and subroutines, that contains a set of rules and has a defined control flow.
Java applications, on the other hand, are built on the Object-Oriented Programming Models (OOPs) paradigm and so cannot be implemented without it.
9. List the differences between superclass and subclass in inheritance in context of OOPS.
Inheritance is an OOP concept. It allows a new class to access the methods and properties of an existing class. The Superclass is the inherited class, and the Subclass is the derived class. Vehicle, for example, is a Superclass with the subclasses Car, Truck, and Motorcycle. The superclass Vehicle includes the subclasses Car, Truck, and Motorcycle. They share common characteristics like speed, colour, and so on, but they also have distinct characteristics, such as the count of wheels in a car compared to the count of wheels in a motorcycle.
Parameter | Superclass | Subclass |
The Superclass is the existing class through which the new classes are derived when inheritance is used. | The Subclass is the class which inherits the methods and properties from the Superclass when inheritance is used. | |
Synonyms | Superclass is also known as parent class or base class. | Subclass is also known as child class or derived class. |
Functionality | The attributes and methods of the derived class cannot be used by a superclass. | A subclass can use the attributes and methods of the base class. |
Single-Level-Inheritance | There exists one superclass | There exists one subclass. |
Hierarchical Inheritance | There exists one superclass | There exist many subclasses. |
Multiple Inheritance | There exist many superclasses. | There exists one subclass. |
10. Predict the output of the code below.
// Java
class ABC
static int x;
x = 50;
public class StaticBlock
public static void main(String[] args)
First, the static block within the calling class for the main method will be executed. As a result, the letter 'Y' will be produced first. The main method is then called, and the sequence is now maintained as expected.
11. What do the words Entity, Entity Type, and Entity Set mean in DBMS?
- Entity: An entity is a real-world entity with attributes, which are nothing more than the object's qualities. An employee, for example, is a type of entity. This entity can have characteristics like empid (employee id), empname (employee name), and so on.
- Entity Type: An entity type is a group of objects with similar attributes. An entity type, in general, corresponds to one or maybe more related tables in a database. As a result, entity type can be thought of as a trait that uniquely identifies an entity. Employees can have properties like empid, empname, department, and so on.
- Entity Set: In a database, an entity set is a group of all the objects of a specific entity type. An entity set can include a group of employees, a group of companies, as well as a group of persons, for example.
12. Discuss checkpoints and their advantages in DBMS.
When transaction logs are produced in a real-time setting, they consume a significant amount of storage space. Keeping track of each update and maintaining it may also take up more physical space in the system. As the transaction log file grows in size, it may eventually become unmanageable. Checkpoints can be used to address this. A Checkpoint is a way for deleting all prior transaction logs and saving them in a permanent storage location.
The checkpoint specifies a time when the DBMS was in a steady-state and all transactions had been committed. These checkpoints are tracked during transaction execution. Transaction log files will be generated after the execution. The log file is discarded when it reaches the savepoint/checkpoint by recording its updates to the database. Then a new log is produced with the transaction's upcoming execution actions, which is updated till the next checkpoint, and the process is continued.
A checkpoint is a functionality that provides a value of C in ACID-compliant to RDBMS. If the database unexpectedly shuts down, a checkpoint is utilised to recover. Checkpoints write all changed pages from logs relay to the data file, i.e. from a buffer to a physical disc, at regular intervals. It's also known as "dirty page hardening." It's a specialised procedure that SQL Server runs at predetermined times. A checkpoint serves as a synchronisation point between both the database and the transaction log.
The following are some of the benefits of using checkpoints:
- It makes the data recovery procedure go faster.
- The majority of DBMS packages perform self-checkpoints.
- To avoid unnecessary redo operations, checkpoint records in the log file are employed.
- It has very low overhead and could be done very often because the modified pages are flushed away continuously in the background.
13. Differentiate between DataSet and DataReader in context of ASP.NET.
Both DataSet and DataReader are extensively used in applications to get/fetch data from the database. The following are some key distinctions between DataSet and DataReader:
- Read-only and forward-only data from a database are retrieved using DataReader. It allows you to expose data from a database, whereas a DataSet is a set of in-memory tables.
- DataReader retrieves entries from a database, saves them in a network buffer, and returns them whenever a request is made. It does not wait for the whole query to complete before releasing the records. As a result, it is much faster than the DataSet, which releases the data when it has loaded all of it into memory.
- DataReader works in the same way as a forward-only recordset. It fetches one row at a time, resulting in lower network costs than DataSet, which gets all rows at once, i.e. all data from the datasource to its memory region. In comparison to DataReader, DataSet has additional system overheads.
- DataReader retrieves information from a single table, whereas DataSet retrieves information from numerous tables. Because DataReader can only read information from a single table, no relationships between tables can be maintained, but DataSet can keep relationships between several tables.
- DataReader is a connected architecture in which the data is available as long as the database connection is open, whereas DataSet is a disconnected architecture in which the connection is automatically opened, the data is fetched into memory, and the connection is closed when done. DataReader requires manual connection opening and closing in code, whereas DataSet does so automatically.
- DataSet can be serialised and represented in XML, allowing it to be readily shared across layers, whereas DataReader cannot be serialised.
14. What is a Private Cloud in context of Cloud Computing?
A private cloud (also termed as an internal cloud or corporate cloud) is a cloud computing environment wherein all hardware and software assets are devoted to a single client and only that customer has access to them. Private cloud combines the elasticity, scalability, and ease of service delivery of cloud computing with the access control, protection, and resource customization of on-premises infrastructure.
Since the private cloud is a more efficient (or the only) means to meet regulatory compliance standards, many enterprises prefer it to the public cloud (cloud computing services supplied over shared infrastructure by numerous clients). Others prefer the private cloud because their workloads contain confidential documents, proprietary information, personally identifiable information (PII), health records, financial information, or other sensitive data.
When a company builds a private cloud architecture based on cloud-native principles, it offers itself the flexibility to shift workloads to the public cloud or run them in a hybrid cloud (mixed public and private cloud) environment when the time comes.

Important Technical Interview Topics
15. What do you know about Top-N Analysis in SQL?
In SQL, Top-N Analysis is used to limit the number of rows returned from ordered collections of data. Top-N queries look for a column's n least or greatest values. Top-N inquiries include both the lowest and largest value sets. Following this method of searching could save you a great deal of effort. Top-N analyses are beneficial when only the n bottom-most or n top-most records from a table must be displayed based on criteria. This set of results could be used for subsequent analysis.
We can, for example, use Top-N analysis to run the following queries:
- The top two products with the most sales in the previous two months.
- The top two agents by the number of policies sold.
Performing Top-N Analysis: We can readily grasp the workings of Top-N analysis in SQL by running the following queries:
SELECT [column_list], ROWNUM
FROM (SELECT [column_list]
FROM table_name
ORDER BY Top-N_clolumn)
16. Explain the Agile software development paradigm in context of Software Engineering.
The Agile SDLC model combines iterative and incremental process models, focusing on process adaptability and customer satisfaction through the rapid delivery of working software solutions. Agile methods divide a project into small, incremental steps. Every iteration entails cross-functional teams working on planning, requirements analysis, designing, coding, unit testing, and acceptance testing at the same time.

- Customer satisfaction is achieved by the distribution of useful software in a timely and consistent manner.
- Customers, developers, and testers all engage on a regular basis.
- Businesspeople and developers work together on a daily basis.
- Consistent focus on technical quality and aesthetics.
- Adapting to new circumstances on a regular basis.
- Even last-minute adjustments are welcomed.
17. Explain Regression Testing in context of Software Engineering?
Regression testing is a sort of software testing used to ensure that recent modifications to a programme or code have not had an unfavourable effect on existing functionality. Regression testing is simply a sample of all or a portion of the tests that have been performed. These test cases are performed again to check that the current functionality is functioning properly. This test ensures that new code modifications do not have unintended consequences for existing functions. It ensures that the above script is still valid once the latest code modifications are made.
18. Explain the term Coupling in context of Software Engineering.
The extent of interdependence between the modules is measured by coupling. Low coupling is a sign of good software. The different types of coupling are:
- Data Coupling: The modules are considered to be data coupled if their dependencies are due to the fact that they interact by transmitting only data. The components in data coupling are independent of one another and communicate via data. Tramp data is not included in module communications.
- Stamp Coupling: Stamp coupling involves passing the entire data structure from one module to another. As a result, tramp data is involved.
- Control Coupling: The modules are considered to be control coupled if they communicate via passing control information.
- External Coupling: External coupling means that the modules are dependent on other modules that are not part of the program being created or a certain sort of hardware.
- Common Coupling: Shared data, such as global data structures, exists between the modules. Changes in global data necessitate a retracement of all modules that access that data in order to assess the impact of the modification. As a result, it has drawbacks such as difficulties reusing modules, limited control over data access, and low maintainability.
- Content Coupling: One module can manipulate the data of another, or control flow can be sent from one module to another in a content coupling. This is the most perilous type of coupling and should be avoided if possible.
19. What is Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) in Computer Networks? What criteria should two routers fulfil so that a neighbourship in OSPF can be formed?
OSPF is a link-state routing protocol that uses its own shortest path first (SPF) algorithm to discover the best path between the source and destination routers. A link-state routing protocol employs the idea of triggered updates, in which updates are only triggered when a change in the learnt routing table is detected, as opposed to the distance-vector routing protocol, in which the routing table is exchanged over a period of time.
Open shortest path first (OSPF) is an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) established by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). It is a protocol that tries to move packets inside a huge autonomous system or routing domain. It's a network layer protocol which uses AD value 110 and runs on protocol number 89. OSPF employs the multicast address for normal communications and for updates to designated routers (DRs) and backup designated routers (BDRs).
In OSPF, there are requirements for both routers to meet in order to form neighborship:
- Both the routers should be found in the same region.
- The router-id should be unique.
- The same subnet mask must be used.
- Hello, and the timer for the dead must be the same as well.
- The stub flag should be identical.
- Authentication must be identical.
20. What is a proxy server in Computer Networks? How does the proxy safeguard computer privacy and data?
A proxy server is a device or router that acts as a bridge between users and the internet. As a result, it aids in preventing cyber intruders from gaining access to a private network. It is a server that acts as an "intermediary" between end-users and the websites they browse online. An IP address is used when a device connects to the internet. This is comparable to your home's street address in that it directs incoming data and provides a return address for some other devices to verify. A proxy server is effectively a machine on the internet with its own IP address.
A proxy server serves as both a firewall and a filter. A proxy meant to safeguard data and privacy can be selected by an end-user or a network administrator. This scrutinises the data that enters and exits your network. It then applies restrictions to prevent you from exposing your digital address to the rest of the world. Hackers or other undesirable actors only see the proxy's IP address. People online cannot access your personal information, schedules, applications, or files without your specific IP address.
With this in place, web requests are routed to the proxy, which further connects to the internet and retrieves the information you require. Passwords and other private information are protected further if the server supports encryption.
21. What do you know about VPN and its types in Computer Networks? List the advantages of using a VPN.
The Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a private internet-based WAN (Wide Area Network). A VPN is an encrypted link between a device and a network via the Internet. The encrypted connection aids in the secure transmission of sensitive data. It prohibits unauthorised individuals from listening in on traffic. It enables the building of a secure tunnel (protected network) via the internet between separate networks (public network). A client can access the organization's network remotely by using the VPN.

The types of VPN are:
- Remote access: A remote-access VPN establishes a secure connection between a device and the corporate network. Endpoints are computing devices such as laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Endpoint security checks may now be performed on endpoints to ensure they satisfy a specific posture before joining thanks to advancements in VPN technology.
- Site-to-site: A site-to-site VPN establishes an Internet connection between the corporate office and the branch offices. When the distance between these offices makes direct network connections impossible, site-to-site VPNs are employed. To create and maintain a connection, specialised equipment is necessary.
The following are some of the benefits of using a VPN:
- VPNs are used to link offices in distinct geographical regions via the internet and are less expensive than WAN connections.
- VPNs are used to safeguard transactions and move secret data between workplaces in different parts of the world.
- By utilising virtualization, a VPN protects an organization's information safe from any possible threats or invasions.
- VPN encrypts internet traffic and hides the user's identity online.
22. What are some of the most popular SQL clauses used with SELECT queries?
The following are some examples of SQL clauses that are commonly used in conjunction with a SELECT query:
- In SQL, the WHERE clause is used to filter records based on certain requirements.
- The ORDER BY clause in SQL is used to sort entries in ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order based on specified field(s).
- The SQL GROUP BY clause is used to aggregate records with similar data and can be combined with some aggregation methods to provide summarised database results.
- In SQL, the HAVING clause is used in conjunction with the GROUP BY clause to filter records. It differs from the WHERE clause in that aggregated records cannot be filtered using the WHERE clause.
Mphasis Interview Preparation
1. Interview Preparation Tips
- Preparing The Content Thoroughly: Solving Data Structure and Algorithm challenges on a regular basis should become a habit. This link will take you to our programming part of the site. We've compiled a list of commonly asked DSA questions by topic for each firm. You'll gain an advantage in interviews if you can solve them. Examine the company's interviewing experiences as well. This will offer a sense of how a real interview is conducted. Answers to popular HR and management interview questions should be prepared ahead of time. You can also learn about the company's achievements, organisation culture, goals, work-life balance, and other topics by visiting their website.
- Take Hints: Make a note of the hints. Recruiters are always happy to guide you and will offer you specific suggestions if you get stuck. It's crucial to act quickly on the clue and move on to the next phase. Never say you won't be able to do something. Even if you haven't checked a problem before or it seems that you won't be able to, keep going at it from different angles; the interviewer will give you hints. Declaring that you will be unable to solve the problem, on the other hand, is a significant red flag, and you may be turned down.
- Positive Attitude: The interviewer's primary focus during the interview is assessing whether or not he or she can deal with the applicant on a daily basis. As a result, ensure you don't speak anything during the interview which might create concern.
- Think Aloud: It is a skill that may be learned. It's funny, but illustrating how you landed at a solution or describing why you're implementing X before Y is the most integral part of an interview.
- Mock Interviews: Take a chance on mock interviews. This will offer a sense of what to anticipate during the interview itself. You can utilise our InterviewBit platform for mock interviews. You'll be paired with a friend, and the two of you will conduct interviews together, creating it a winning scenario for both of you.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why Mphasis?
Mphasis promotes a culture of continual learning in order to prepare the employees for the future. They provide a learning environment that combines Instructor-Led Training (ILTs), Virtual ILTs, and eLearning in a holistic manner. The employees can choose from a variety of topics and courses to help them advance their careers.
2. Is it easy to crack Mphasis online test?
There were four categories in the Mphasis Amcat online test: aptitude, verbal, logical, and programming MCQs. The aptitude, verbal, and logical tests should be simple. The MCQ questions for Mphasis programming are generally trickier. You must attentively read the questions and respond to them.
3. Is there a coding round for Mphasis?
Mphasis can have a coding round or a technical interview round after the online test. There are usually two programming questions in it. The candidate has the option of writing the program in C or C++, depending on his or her preference.
4. Is there any eligibility criteria for Mphasis?
The following are the Mphasis eligibility criteria:
- The candidate has to be a citizen of India.
- Minimum of 60% in graduation or a 6.3 CGPA, and no current backlogs (min 55 per cent and above is considered for the Maharashtra students)
- The candidate must be able to communicate effectively.
- To be assigned to any of Mphasis' operating locations, the candidate must be adaptable.
- The candidate must be adaptable to any technology and the work schedules that will be assigned to them for training and subsequent deployment.
- Basic computer programming skills are required.
5. How long is the Interview Process at Mphasis?
The hiring procedure for shortlisted applicants takes 10 to 15 days on average. It may differ if the hiring process includes a client interview.
6. What is the salary for freshers (Software Engineers) in Mphasis?
For people with less than one year of experience to three years of experience, the average Mphasis Associate Software Engineer salary in India is around 3.7 lakhs per year.