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PayPay Interview Questions

Last Updated: Jan 02, 2024
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Payments have become one of the most convenient ways for people to send and receive money electronically from apps like PayPay. PayPay is a Japanese fintech company that has amassed a user base of over 43 million in just three years since its launch in 2018, and has employees that hail from more than 40 countries.

PayPay provides a new way to move and manage money, giving people more choice and flexibility in how they spend, pay, and receive money. Today, it has grown to be one of the most popular mobile payment apps in Japan.

PayPay is a dream company for many professionals and the company continues to attract new talent to deliver new value to the world. It employs a diverse group of professionals. A major step in attaining that dream is being properly prepared for PayPay interview questions and finally acing the interview. 

In this article, we have compiled a list of the frequently asked PayPay Interview Questions and Answers for both Freshers and Experienced Professionals. We'll walk you through everything you need to know to impress the hiring managers over at PayPay.

Prepare and assess your responses to become confident and well prepared before your PayPay interview.

PayPay Recruitment Process

1. Interview Process

PayPay has a pretty intense and competitive recruitment process. Check out their interview process provided below for details on the hiring procedure that the recruitment team will follow. 

PayPay interviews candidates on campus as well as online. If you are applying online, the first step is to submit your resume and cover letter for the opening you are interested in. PayPay screens resumes in order to shortlist candidates that can clearly articulate what they do, describe their goals, and describe their motivation to work for PayPay. Interviews revolve around three key factors:

  • What do you value? Try to articulate the types of challenges you would like to solve for society.
  • In what way do you work? PayPay looks for candidates who are not averse to taking risks.
  • What are you doing to grow and prosper? Recruiters want to know about your past experiences and your future goals so that they can understand your skill set.

Therefore, if you are seeking a technical role with PayPay, you will need to be able to demonstrate what sets you apart from the rest and how you can make your efforts count towards achieving these goals.

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2. Interview Rounds

As part of the hiring process, candidates are subjected to five rounds of assessments that assess their technical skills as well as their analytical skills.

  • Round 1: Online Assessment
  • Round 2: Technical Interview (1st)
  • Round 3: Technical Interview (2nd)
  • Round 4: Technical Interview (3rd)
  • Round 5: HR Interview

Note: Candidates must be prepared to cope with any type of interview round. There may be several rounds of technical interviews depending on your performance. You must make it through all of these rounds to be considered for a position with PayPay. 

1. Online Assessment: The online/aptitude assessment round at PayPay involves a coding challenge. It's usually conducted on Hackerrank, and there are two questions with 14 test cases each.

2. Technical Interview Round (1st): Those shortlisted after the PayPay Online test will be invited for the PayPay Technical Interview. In a technical interview, your skills are evaluated not only on the basis of your technical abilities, which are often directly related to the position you are seeking but also on the basis of your ability to resolve conflicts and deal with challenging situations. Interviewers will ask about your familiar programming language, garbage collectors, Java concepts, etc., followed by coding questions. 

3. Technical Interview Round (2nd): This round lasts for about an hour and consists primarily of questions about your resume. Based on your experience, it is likely that you will be asked about DSA, system design, OOP concepts, etc. Afterward, questions may pertain to coding.

4. Technical Interview Round (3rd): This is also an hour-long round, in which you will be asked questions relating to database principles, including rollback transactions, coding problems, binary search algorithms, backend/frontend topics, etc.

Note: In some cases, you may have to undergo more technical interview rounds based on your performance in previous rounds, your experience, and the requirements of the company. There may also be differences in the types of questions asked, so you should be prepared. Never hesitate to inform an interviewer (in a polite way) if you are not sure of an answer. 

5. HR Interview Round: A good academic record and technical skills won't guarantee you a job. In any company's recruitment process, the HR round is often the last, but it may be the most critical. Candidates are evaluated on their personalities, communication skills, strengths & weaknesses, reasoning ability, and fit for the role. Questions will cover both technical and behavioral areas. You may also be asked about previous internships and other resume-related questions. When attending an HR interview, it is prudent to be familiar with the company's vision and leadership principles.

When the interview rounds are over, the interviewers will conduct a debriefing to discuss your performance. Recruiters will contact you after 2-3 business days if the majority of interviewers endorse your candidacy, and you can expect an offer letter within a week of the interview.

PayPay Technical Interview Questions: Freshers and Experienced

1. What do you mean by autocommit mode in SQL Server?

If you enable auto-commit mode, this means that once you have finished your statement, the method commit will be automatically called on the statement. The SQL Server Database Engine uses it as its default transaction management mode. By setting implicit_transactions ON, you can disable auto-commit. In SQL Server, you can disable auto-commit by running the following T-SQL command.


When you use implicit transactions, every change you make starts a transaction that must be manually committed. If you want to enable it, simply run the OFF clause in the above command. You may enable auto-commit with the following command.

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2. When given a string str, how can you calculate its longest palindromic substring?

Given a string s, we need to identify the longest palidrome substring.


import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
class Main 
    static void printSubStr(String s, int low, int high)
        for (int i = low; i <= high; ++i)

    public static int longPalindromeSubstr(String s)
        int l = s.length();
        // Every subString of length 1 is a palindrome
        int maxLength = 1, start = 0;
        // Mark start and end index with nested loop
        for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) 
            for (int j = i; j < s.length(); j++) 
                int flag = 1;
                // Check for palindrome
                for (int n = 0; n < (j - i + 1) / 2; n++)
                    if (s.charAt(i + n) != s.charAt(j - n))
                        flag = 0;
                // Palindrome
                if (flag!=0 && (j - i + 1) > maxLength) 
                    start = i;
                    maxLength = j - i + 1;
       System.out.print("Longest palindromic substring in given string is: ");
       printSubStr(s, start, start + maxLength - 1);
       return maxLength;
    public static void main(String args[]) 
        Scanner sc=new Scanner(;  
        System.out.println("Enter a string: "); 
        String s= sc.nextLine(); 
        System.out.println("\nLength: " + longPalindromeSubstr(s));


Enter a string: 
Longest palindromic substring in given string is: anana
Length: 5

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3. Write a program to check if a given string is a palindrome?

A palindrome string is one that will be the same whether it is read from left to right or right to left.


// Java program to determine if a string is palindrome
import java.util.*;
public class Main 
    // Returns true if string is palindrome
    static boolean checkPalindrome(String s)
        int i = 0, j = s.length() - 1; 
        while (i < j) 
            if (s.charAt(i) != s.charAt(j))
                return false;
        // Given string is a palindrome
        return true;

//Driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Scanner sc=new Scanner(;  
        System.out.println("Enter a string: "); 
        String s= sc.nextLine();         
        //Convert the string to lowercase
        s = s.toLowerCase();
        if (checkPalindrome(s))
            System.out.print("Yes, the given string is a Palindrome!");
            System.out.print("No, the given string is not a Palindrome!");

Sample Output 1:

Enter a string: 
Yes, the given string is a Palindrome!

Sample Output 2:

Enter a string: 
No, the given string is not a Palindrome!
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4. Write a program to check if a given Binary Tree is SumTree or not.

In a sum tree, the value of each non-leaf node is equal to the sum of its left and right subtrees. A leaf node may have any value, while an empty child node has a value of 0.

Example: Consider the following example of Binary Tree:


       /     \

    15       5

  /     \        \

9       6       5

Now, for each non-leaf node, determine if the node's value is equal to the sum of all elements in its left and right subtrees. The given binary tree cannot be a sum tree if this relation does not hold for any of the nodes.


// Java program to determine if Binary tree is a sum tree
class Node
    int val;
    Node left, right, nextRight;
    Node(int item)
        val = item;
        left = right = null;

class Main 
    public static Node root;   
    static int sum(Node node)
        if(node == null)
            return 0;
        return (sum(node.left) + node.val+sum(node.right));
    static int checkTree(Node node)
        int sumleft, sumright;
        //Return true if node is NULL or a leaf node
        if(node == null || (node.left == null && node.right == null))
            return 1;
        // Add up nodes in left and right subtrees
        sumleft = sum(node.left);
        sumright = sum(node.right);
        if((node.val == sumleft + sumright) && checkTree(node.left) != 0 && checkTree(node.right) != 0)
            return 1;
        return 0;
    // Driver code
    public static void main (String[] args)
        Main tree=new Main();
        tree.root = new Node(40);
        tree.root.left = new Node(15);
        tree.root.right = new Node(5);
        tree.root.left.left = new Node(9);
        tree.root.left.right = new Node(6);
        tree.root.right.right = new Node(5);
        if(checkTree(root) != 0)
            System.out.println("This is a SumTree!");
            System.out.println("This is not a SumTree!");


This is a SumTree!

5. State difference between Commit and Rollback in SQL.

Commit and Rollback differ in the following ways:

Commit Rollback
A COMMIT statement in SQL is used to permanently save the changes made during a transaction in a table/database. ROLLBACK statements in SQL are used to undo unfinished transactions in the database.
It is impossible for the database to return to its previous state after COMMIT has been executed. In case of an error during transaction execution, this command will restore the database to its previous state.
COMMIT is applied after a successful transaction. ROLLBACK occurs when a transaction is aborted, incorrectly executed, or a system failure occurs
When all statements are correctly executed without error, the COMMIT statement permanently saves the state. With the ROLLBACK statement, if any operations fail during the execution of a transaction, the change is not permanently saved; therefore, it may be undone with the statement.





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6. What is a rollback transaction?

In SQL, a rollback can be defined as the process of restoring a database to its previous state if there has been an error during the execution of a transaction. A rollback can either be performed automatically by a database system or manually by an end-user. The rollback function brings a transaction back to the beginning or undo any changes since the last COMMIT. Additionally, it releases resources used by the transaction. 

Example: Consider the following ScalerEmp table.

Emp_ID Name Date of Joining Position Age
101 Ankit Verma 1 July 2022 Program Manager 29
102 Ashutosh Mukherji 5 Jan 2021 SEO Manager 25
103 Sonal Dange 23 March 2020 Content Writer 26
104 Isha Joshi 1 July 2022 Data Analyst 27
105 Kunal Swami 10 October 2021 Business Development Executive 29

Perform the following SQL query:

DELETE from ScalerEmp Where Age = 29;  


Emp_ID Name Date of Joining Position Age
102 Ashutosh Mukherji 5 Jan 2021 SEO Manager 25
103 Sonal Dange 23 March 2020 Content Writer 26
104 Isha Joshi 1 july 2022 Data Analyst 27

In the above table, we can see that two employee records with the age of 29 that satisfy the age criteria have been removed from the ScalerEmp table. Lastly, we executed a ROLLBACK query to undo the changes. 

Now, use the select command to display records from the ScalerEmp table.

Select * from ScalerEmp;


Emp_ID Name Date of Joining Position Age
101 Ankit Verma 1 July 2022 Program Manager 29
102 Ashutosh Mukherji 5 Jan 2021 SEO Manager 25
103 Sonal Dange 23 March 2020 Content Writer 26
104 Isha Joshi 1 July 2022 Data Analyst 27
105 Kunal Swami 10 October 2021 Business Development Executive 29

As we can see from the above table, the Rollback statement restored the ScalerEmp table to its previous state.

7. What do you mean by deadlock, livelock, and starvation?

There may be more than one process competing for a limited amount of resources in a multiprogramming environment. If a process requests a resource that is not currently available, the process will wait until the resource becomes available. In some cases, the waiting process may not gain access to the resource, resulting in deadlock, livelock, and starvation.

  • Deadlock: Processes can become stuck in a deadlock when they can't acquire resources and stop advancing as each of them waits to get the resource held by the other process.
  • Livelock: In a livelock, the state of the processes involved changes constantly. This is a deadlock-like situation where processes block each other by changing their states repeatedly and yet do not progress.
  • Starvation: Starvation occurs when a process does not have regular access to the resources needed to complete its task and so becomes unable to perform any work. All the low priority processes get blocked, while the high priority ones continue.

8. What is race condition?

Both Race Condition and Data Race terms are frequently used when developing multi-threaded programs and are responsible for several types of exceptions, including the well-known EXC_BAD_ACCESS. Race conditions occur when the timing or ordering of events (multiple threads) affects the correctness of a program.

The race condition results from two or more threads accessing shared data at the same time and attempting to change it simultaneously. The thread scheduling algorithm is capable of switching between threads at any time, so you never know in what order they will try to access the shared data. Thus, the outcome of data changes is determined by the thread scheduling algorithm. Thus, both threads fight/race for control of the data that they wish to access/change.

9. Explain data race.

Programs utilizing multiple threads can be highly complex and can introduce subtle defects, such as race conditions and deadlocks. If such a defect is present, it may take a considerable amount of time to reproduce the problem and even longer to identify and remedy it. A data race occurs when multiple tasks or threads are accessing a shared resource simultaneously without adequate protection, resulting in unpredictable behavior. A data race defect is caused when:

  • A shared variable is accessed simultaneously by two or more threads in a single process,
  • One of the threads attempts to modify the variable, and
  • Threads do not use exclusive locks in order to control access to that memory.

10. When does an Object become eligible for Garbage collection in Java?

Objects are automatically deleted when they are no longer in use by the Java runtime environment, and this process is known as garbage collection. When the object is no longer referenced or is no longer reachable by any thread, it is eligible for garbage collection. Alternatively, you can drop an object reference explicitly by setting the variable's value to null. A program can contain more than one reference to the same object; before an object is eligible for garbage collection; all references to it must be dropped. Cyclic references do not count as live references, so if two objects point to each other while neither has a live reference, then both are eligible for GC.

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11. How does spring IoC work?

Spring sets itself apart from other frameworks with features including Spring IOC (Inversion of Control), Spring AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming), and transaction management. Among the most important components of the Spring Framework is the IOC Container. Objects are created, their dependencies are gathered and configured, and their lifecycle is managed using it. In order to manage the components of the application, the Container utilizes DI (Dependency Injection). Object-related information is obtained from either Java code or configuration files (XML), Java POJO classes, and Java annotations. These objects are known as beans. Because Java objects and their lifecycle are not controlled by developers, the term Inversion Of Control (IoC) has been coined. In the following diagram, you can see how the Container manages beans utilizing Java POJO classes and Configuration metadata.

PayPay Interview Preparation

1. Interview Preparation Tips

In recent years, IT recruiting has become an extremely thorough, and rigorous process that evaluates your skills in programming, problem-solving and personal characteristics. Good interview preparation goes beyond simply doing research on commonly asked questions. Specifically, how can you convince an assortment of prospective employers that you will do well in your new position? For your reference, we have compiled a list of our top pre-interview tips. The following tips will help both novices and experts nail their PayPay interviews. 

  • The key is practice: Spend some time reviewing past interviews to gain an understanding of how they are conducted, what to expect, and how to prepare. As you prepare for PayPay interview questions, make sure you also prepare an elevator pitch where you discuss your work history, career aspirations, and past projects. You'll be better prepared to tackle the behavioral interview with this in hand.
  • Refresh your Knowledge: Take time to review the fundamentals. A candidate should be conversant in programming skills, DSA (Data structures and Algorithms), OOP (Object Oriented Programming), networking, and DBMS concepts, as well as their preferred programming language.
  • Make it a geeky day: If you're having a technical discussion, feel free to discuss your personal interests and opinions as well. When you're in a room with others of the same mindset, you're more likely to discuss technical topics that are mutually engaging. Try to maintain a positive mood and enthusiasm throughout the interview. This will help the interviewer gain a more thorough understanding of your personality and how you may fit into the organization.
  • Take your time: The best way to approach a coding challenge is not to dive in headfirst (even if you're already familiar with the solution). Clarify any ambiguities by asking questions. Asking thoughtful questions during your interview will help you reinforce your interest in the job. After each interview round, do not forget to ask questions about the company.
  • Show your expertise: Make sure your answers reflect an innovative mindset. Recruiters are looking for people who can challenge the status quo and bring disruptive ideas. Examples are the best way to show off your skills. Your ability to apply your skills in a specific area will illustrate to the hiring manager how you can contribute to the role for which you are applying. Describe how you applied your skills instead of bragging about how great they are.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the Eligibility Criteria at PayPay?

PayPay Eligibility Criteria for freshers

  • Degree Required: BE/BTech/BCA/MCA.
  • Programming skills in at least one language.
  • Good analytical skills and problem-solving abilities.
  • Strong foundation in Computer Science.
  • Knowledge of the project undertaken as part of the course curriculum.

2. How long is the PayPay Interview process?

Interviewing is a fairly straightforward process, and there are generally four rounds involved. Depending on the complexity of the interview, it might take PayPay three to four weeks to finalize the process.

3. Does PayPay pay well?

The salary of a Software Engineer at PayPay varies with the type of role and experience. You can expect to earn between JP¥65,00,000/yr and  JP¥1Cr/yr. A Software Engineer can earn up to JP¥76,28,389/yr annually on average.

4. How do I join PayPay?

PayPay interviews candidates both on-campus and online. Online applicants should first submit their resumes and cover letters to suitable job postings. In shortlisting applicants, PayPay takes into account their previous or current roles, their professional goals, and their motivations for seeking employment with PayPay. Finally, the interview process consists of four rounds, and if you are selected, you will be contacted by a recruiter within two to three business days and receive an offer letter within a week. On-campus hiring follows a similar process.

5. Is PayPay interview difficult?

New members are joining PayPay from around the world in order to revolutionize the industry and create new values. There is a little bit of a learning curve to the PayPay interview and its level of difficulty is still quite basic. Although some questions are difficult, most are fairly straightforward. Anyhow, if you are well prepared, no interview will seem difficult. Preparation for a job interview can make you appear relaxed, calm, and collected, which is exactly what an employer wants in a potential employee.

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