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Persistent Interview Questions

Last Updated: Jan 02, 2024
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Incorporated in 1990, Persistent is a multinational company that has been delivering enterprise modernization, digital business acceleration, and next-generation product engineering solutions worldwide for over 25 years. The company is striving to build an inclusive culture based on what employees value and reflect on what's important to them. Having an inclusive culture enables employees to grow professionally and personally, utilize the latest technology to positively impact the world, experience collaborative innovation while keeping diversity and work-life balance at the forefront, and have access to global opportunities to learn and work with the industry's best. Competitive salaries, new technologies, and job security; are all at your fingertips! Now, you must be wondering how and what you should prepare for the persistent interview?

In this article, the InterviewBit team has compiled an exhaustive list of commonly asked Persistent Interview Questions and Answers that cater to both Freshers and Experienced Professionals. Here, you will gain valuable insight into the Persistent Recruitment process as well as the type of questions you may encounter during the interview process & tips on preparing for the same.

Persistent Recruitment Process

1. Interview Process

Persistent's hiring process is an integral part of its culture and is extremely rigorous and competitive. The company values the team members and the people who make them up deeply. Persistent also strives to create a more representative and inclusive work environment, which begins with hiring the right people. The Persistent Recruitment process is a step-by-step approach to hiring talented employees who can help the company grow. The company understands a diverse mix of perspectives and experiences is essential to building for all, and a fair hiring process is an essential first step. Check out the Persistent Recruitment process to learn how the recruitment team will hone in on the hiring process. Candidates go through three rounds of interviews that assess both their technical and analytical skills.

  • Round 1: Online/Aptitude Test
  • Round 2: Technical Interview
  • Round 3: HR Interview

Note: Generally, Persistent officials follow this interview procedure; however, in some cases, more rounds may be needed to eliminate applicants in bulk. Recruitment teams might conduct group discussions as part of the shortlisting process. Applicants should therefore be prepared for any round of the selection process. You have to pass each of these rounds completely in order to qualify for a position at Persistent since they are all elimination rounds.

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2. Interview Rounds

1. Aptitude/Online Test: 

At Persistent, the online/aptitude assessment round usually consists of 3-4 sections: Computer Science, English, Logical, and Quantitative. In this MCQ round, you will be tested on CSE Subjects, Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Database Management Systems, Database Security, Programming, and simple coding skills. In addition, you will be tested on Data Interpretation, puzzles, reasoning, numerical aptitude, and English.

Note: The number and nature of persistent questions, as well as their duration, may vary based on job requirements. Since there are no negative markings, it is advisable to attempt all questions.

2. Technical Interview Round:

Candidates who are shortlisted after the Persistent Online test will then be invited to the Persistent Technical Interview. In technical interviews, questions are designed to assess your level of technical knowledge and how well you are able to deal with conflict and challenge situations specific to the position you are interviewing for. You can expect a wide range of questions, from technical to brainteasers to problem-solving skills. So, you should be ready for every scenario.

  • During the interview, you will be asked questions pertaining to programming languages you are proficient in, such as C, C++, Java, Ruby, Pearl, Python, etc., and computer fundamentals, such as Database Management Systems (DBMS), Operating Systems (OS), Computer Networks (CN), Object-Oriented Programming Systems (OOPs), Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA), SQL, etc.
  • Additionally, the interviewer will ask you about your past projects and experiences, how you handled obstacles and the effectiveness of your projects.
  • In this round, you will need to resolve persistent coding questions related to C, DSA, DBMS, etc. In looking at how a candidate solves a given challenge, employers gain a sense of how you might actually solve a real-world problem in the workplace. During the round, you may need to solve puzzles as well.

Note: A company may require you to undergo additional technical interviews based on how you performed in previous rounds, your job profile, your experience, and your company's requirements. It is okay to let the interviewer know (in a polite manner) if you don't know the answer to a particular question. In general, if you pass this round, you are 90% more likely to be hired; however, you must also pass the final interview with HR.

3. HR Interview Round:

A good academic record and technical skills alone are not enough to gain employment. Generally, the HR round is the last in any company's recruitment process, but it is perhaps the most important. As part of this round, hiring managers will evaluate candidates' personalities, strengths, and weaknesses, communication skills, and reasoning abilities. Additionally, you can expect to be asked a few general behavioural questions so the interviewer can get familiar with you and determine if your personality and behavioural traits are good matches for the company. A prospective employee should be aware of the company's leadership principles and vision prior to attending an HR interview. Listed below are some of the most common Persistent HR interview questions.

  • Tell us something about yourself and your family.
  • In your opinion, which of your strengths makes you uniquely qualified for this job?
  • Why Persistent?
  • What is your favourite hobby?
  • What are your top strengths and weaknesses?
  • How did you deal with the COVID situation and what is your opinion?
  • What technologies would you like to learn in the future, besides what you know now?
  • Which location is most preferable to you?
  • Are you familiar with Persistent?
  • Do you have any questions for us?
  • How well will Persistent fulfil your needs?
  • Which of your accomplishments have you been most satisfied with?
  • If you were to live your life over again, what would you do differently?
  • Are you good at handling pressure?
  • Are there any aspects of your personality you would change? If yes, why?

Persistent Technical Interview Questions: Freshers and Experienced

1. Write a program to remove alternate occurring vowels in the given code

Given string str, we must remove consecutive vowels (a, e, i, o, u) present in the string. For example, if a string is InterviewBit, then after removing alternate occurring vowels, the output will be IntervewBt.


// Java program for counting vowels in a string
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
public class Main
    // Check for vowels
    static boolean isVowel(char ch)
        ch = Character.toUpperCase(ch);
        return (ch=='A' || ch=='E' || ch=='I' ||
                           ch=='O' || ch=='U');
    // Counts the number of vowels in str
    static int count(String str)
        int total= 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)
            if (isVowel(str.charAt(i)))
        return total;
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String args[])
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
        System.out.print("Enter a string: ");
        String str= sc.nextLine();


Enter a string: InterviewBit
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2. Write a program to replace the 2nd occurrence of the ‘e’ character in a string with ‘@’.

Let's consider a String str, a character array ch[], a number n, and a replacing character. In the string, we will replace the 2nd occurrence of a specific character i.e., e within the character array ch[] with the given replacement character i.e., ‘@’.


def replacer(original_str, ch, replacing_ch, occurrence):
    # Breaking a string into individual characters
    lt1 = list(original_str)
    lt2 = list(ch)
 # Loop to find and replace the character in the string
 # with the  given replacing character
    for i in lt2:
        sub_str = i
        val = -1
        for i in range(0, occurrence):
            val = original_str.find(sub_str, val + 1)
        lt1[val] = replacing_ch

# Driver Code:
if __name__ == '__main__':
    original_str= 'InterviewBit'
    ch = ['e']
    occurrence = 2
    replacing_ch = '@'
    replacer(original_str, ch, replacing_ch, occurrence)



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3. Explain the dangling pointer.

Dangling pointers are among the most common errors associated with pointers and memory management. Dangling pointers point to memory locations that have been deleted (or freed). An error resulting from this condition is known as the Dangling Pointer Problem. In C, there are three different scenarios in which the pointer acts as a dangling pointer:

  • De-allocation of memory
  • Function Call
  • Variable goes out of scope

The occurrence of Dangling Pointers can also lead to some surprising errors during program execution, so we should ensure to avoid them when writing programs. Dangling pointer problems can be avoided by using static variables or by assigning NULL to the pointer while memory is being allocated.

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4. Write a program to find duplicate characters in a given string?

In order to identify the duplicate character in a string, we can count the number of times each character appears in the string. When the count is greater than 1, it indicates that a character has been inserted twice in the string. Below is a Java program to find duplicate characters in a given string.


import java.util.Scanner;  
public class Main 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        String str;  
        Scanner sc=new Scanner(;                     
        System.out.print("Enter a String: ");  
        int count;  
        //Converts a string into a character array  
        char string[] = str.toCharArray();  
        System.out.println("Duplicate characters in the string: ");  
        //Counts the characters in the string  
        for(int i = 0; i <string.length; i++) 
            count = 1;  
            for(int j = i+1; j <string.length; j++) 
                if(string[i] == string[j] && string[i] != ' ') 
                    //Set string[j] to 0 
                    //to avoid printing visited character  
                    string[j] = '0';  

            //If the count is greater than 1
            //a character is considered duplicate  
            if(count > 1 && string[i] != '0')  


 Enter a String: InterviewBit
Duplicate characters in the string: 

5. Write a program to reverse a given string without using reverse()?

The following methods are available for reversing a string in Java without using reverse():

  • For loop
  • While loop
  • Static method

Below is a Java program to reverse a given string using a while loop.


import java.util.Scanner;  
public class Main 
    public static void main(String args[])  
    String str;  
    Scanner sc=new Scanner(;                     
    System.out.print("Enter a String: ");  
    System.out.print("Reversed string: ");  
    int a=str.length();           //to find string length   
        //printing the character at index a-1
        //decreasing the length of the string


Enter a String: Scaler
Reversed string: relacS
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6. Write SQL query to find an employee with the second highest salary.

Consider the following table “Employee”:

Name Position Salary
Gourav SDE 2 1,00,000
Sonal Data Analyst 1,50,000
Kunal Content Specialist 80,000
Farhan Team Lead 2,00,000
Ashutosh Product Lead 1,70,000

To find the second-highest-paid employee, simply run the SQL query below:

SELECT MAX(Salary) FROM Employee WHERE Salary < (SELECT MAX(Salary) FROM Employee);


 SELECT Name, MAX(Salary) as Salary from Employee where Salary <(SELECT MAX(Salary) FROM Employee);

7. What does aggregation mean in relation to databases?

The aggregate function in database management is a function that takes the values of multiple rows and combines them into a single valuable entity. Since the values do not make sense separately, they are combined. Aggregation establishes a relationship which combines these values from different rows to create a single entity. Some common aggregate functions include Count, Average (i.e., arithmetic mean), Median, Minimum, Maximum, Mode, Sum, and Range.

8. Describe the ACID properties of a database.

A transaction is a sequence of operations performed as one unit of work, and it can include one or more steps. Transactions make use of the read and write operations to access data. A database must follow certain properties and guidelines before and after each transaction to maintain consistency. Such properties are known as ACID properties. ACID stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability, which are properties of a transaction in a database system.

ACID properties are designed to maintain the integrity of the data, ensuring that the data does not become corrupted by some failure, guaranteeing validity even in the presence of errors or failures. Therefore, all transactions in a database must adhere to ACID properties.

9. Write a program to print all the permutations of a string.

A permutation refers to all possible ways that a set of numbers or characters can be arranged. As an example, if a string is ‘KMG’, then all its permutations will be KMG, GMK, GKM, MKG, MGK.


// C++ program to print permutations of a string
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// x is a string
// str is starting index of string
// end is ending index of string
void permute(string x, int str, int end)                
    // Base case
    if (str == end)
        // Permutations performed
        for (int i = str; i <= end; i++)
            // Switching performed
            swap(x[str], x[i]);
            // Recursion called
            permute(x, str+1, end);
            swap(x[str], x[i]);

int main()
    string s;
    cout << "Enter a string : " <<endl; 
    cin >> s;
    cout << "Permutations of given string : " << endl;
    int n = s.size();
    permute(s, 0, n-1);
    return 0;


Enter a string : KMG
Permutations of given string : 

10. Write code for printing pyramid pattern.

Pattern program enhances coding skills, logic, and looping concepts. It is mostly asked in an interview to check the logic and thinking of the programmer. To learn the pattern program, we must have a deep knowledge of the loops, such as for loop, while loop, and do-while loop. Below is a C++ program to print a pyramid pattern using a while loop.


// C++ code print pyramid pattern
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void pypart(int row)
    int i, j; 

    // Outer loop to handle number of rows
    for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) 
         // Inner loop to handle number spaces
         for (int j =row-i; j>1; j--)
            cout << " ";
          // Inner loop to handle number of columns
          for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++)
            cout << "* ";

        cout << endl;
// Driver Code
int main()
    int row = 5;
    return 0;


   * * 
  * * * 
 * * * * 
* * * * * 

11. Why is C considered to be a middle-level language?

C is considered to be a middle-level language because it provides features of both high-level and low-level languages, bridging the gap between low-level and high-level programming languages. The C language can be used for Application Programming (for generating customer billing systems) and System Programming (for generating operating systems).

Low-level features of the C language

  • Supports Inline assembly language programs.
  • C features inline assembly language, which lets us directly access system registers.
  • C supports bit-level programming, which means we can modify and manipulate data at the bit level.
  • Memory can be accessed directly via a pointer. Dynamic memory allocation is therefore possible.

High-level features of the C language

  • Programs written in C are machine-independent, and therefore portable.
  • A wide range of functions, data types, operators, and data structures are built into C.
  • There are high-level constructs such as if-else, do-while, etc.
  • C is more readable and has a syntax similar to that of English.

12. What do you mean by reserved words?

Reserved words (also known as reserved identifiers) in computer language refer to words that cannot be used as identifiers, such as the names of variables, functions, or labels -- they are "reserved". Therefore, avoid using reserved words as variable names. C has 32 keywords; each has a pre-defined meaning, and can't be used as a variable name. These keywords are known as reserved words.

13. What is a Linked list?

Linked lists are linear data structures made up of a series of connected nodes. In Linked lists, each node contains both a data field and the address (reference link) of the next node in the list. You can visualize a linked list as a chain of nodes, each of which points to the next node.


  • As linked list size increases and decreases at run time, there is no memory wastage and pre-allocating memory is not required.
  • It is often possible to implement linear data structures, such as stacks and queues, using linked lists.
  • It is quite easy to insert and delete items in a linked list.
  • Linked lists are dynamic in nature, so they can grow and shrink by allocating and releasing memory at runtime. As such, no initial size for the linked list is required.


  • A linked list traversal takes longer than an array. A linked list does not offer direct access to an element as an array does.
  • Reverse traversal can be done in doubly-linked lists since each node contains a pointer to the previous nodes. As additional memory is required for the back pointer, there is a loss in memory.
  • A linked list requires more memory than an array. Since a linked list requires a pointer to store the address of the next element, it consumes extra memory.
  • A linked list has a dynamic memory allocation, so random access is not possible.

14. Can you initialize a variable when it is declared?

Yes, you can initialize a variable when declaring it. It isn't necessary to write another assignment statement after the variable declaration unless you intend to change it later. Whenever a variable is declared, it should also be initialized. In initialization, a variable is given a value. As an example, char InterviewBit [20] = "Scaler"; It declares a string variable named InterviewBit, and then initializes it with a value of "Scaler".

15. What is Access Specifier? How can we implement it in C++?

In Object-Oriented Programming, data hiding is achieved through access modifiers. An access specifier specifies how the members (attributes and methods) of a class can be accessed. C++ has three types of access specifiers:

  • Public: All members of the class that are declared as public will be available to everyone. Public members can be accessed by others outside of the class. Other classes and functions can access public data members and functions.
  • Private: All members of the class that are declared as private will only be accessed by other members of the same class. Private members cannot be accessed from outside the class. They can only be accessed by the member functions or the friend functions.
  • Protected: All members of the class that are declared as protected can’t be accessed by others outside of the class, but they can be accessed within the class and from derived (inherited) classes.

16. What do you mean by Subnet?

The term subnetwork or subnet refers to a logical subdivision of an IP network. Subnetting is a computer networking technique that divides a larger network address space into smaller, independent ones. With subnetting, a group of connected computers can operate as two or more independent networks. There is a separate network ID for each group.

With subnetting, you can create multiple broadcast networks, which reduces network load and provides more security for users. Subnetting is used to create a fast, efficient, and resilient computer network.

17. Explain Preprocessor Directives.

Preprocessor directives are typically found at the top of the source code on a separate line, starting with the character "#", followed by the directive name and optional whitespace. Preprocessor directives are used to simplify the process of modifying and compiling source codes in different execution environments. It instructs the compiler to preprocess information before actual compilation begins. A preprocessor directive is not a statement, therefore it is not concluded with a semicolon (;). Some of the preprocessing directives available for C# include:

  • #define,  #undef
  • #error, #warning
  • #region, #endregion
  • #if, #elif, #else, #endif

18. Can you explain FIFO?

FIFO (First In First Out) is a method for handling data structures that process the first element (oldest) first and the newest element last. As we enter data elements into a data structure, the element added last in any structure is removed last and the element added first is removed first. A fair chance is given to each data element here; the first element to enter gets the chance to exit first. Essentially, it is analogous to serving people in a queue on an FCFS (first-come, first-served) basis, i.e., in the same order/sequence as they arrive at the tail of the queue.

19. Explain different types of control structures in Programming.

In programs, control structures are simply ways of specifying the flow of control. Sequence, Selection, and Repetition are the three main control structures in programming.

  • Sequential: It executes statements line-by-line in the same order as they appear in the program. The execution of a program follows a top-to-bottom flow, where step 1 is first executed, followed by 2, and so on until the last step is performed.
  • Selection: Selection control structures select the execution path based on the conditions defined in the program. It involves conditional statements, which means code is executed based upon evaluations of conditions as TRUE or FALSE. As a result, not all codes will be executed, and there are alternative flows to consider.
  • Repetitions: Iterative structures, or repetitive control structures, are groups of codes that repeat a set of related statements until some condition or control value causes the repetition to stop or cease. Simply put, it is a method of repeating a piece of code several times.

20. What are different types of Polymorphism?

Types of polymorphism in Java:

  • Compile-time (Static or early binding) polymorphism: It is also referred to as early binding/static polymorphism. It refers to the binding of an object with its functionality at compile time. Java determines which method to call based on the method signature at compile time. It is achieved by method overloading.
  • Runtime (Dynamic) polymorphism: It is also referred to as late binding /dynamic polymorphism. It refers to the binding of an object with its functionality at runtime. It is achieved by method overriding.

21. What is Polymorphism?

The term Polymorphism refers to the ability of an object, function, or variable to take on different forms and this concept can be found in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). The word polymorphism is derived from two Greek words, namely "poly" meaning many, and "morphs" meaning forms. Generally, polymorphism refers to the ability to display something in multiple forms. Among the many real-life examples of polymorphism is the woman who is a mother, a wife, an organizer, an advisor, a caregiver, and an employee at the same time. It is, therefore, possible for the same person to display different behaviours in different situations. Polymorphism in Java can be achieved by overloading and overriding methods.

Overriding Example:

class Scaler
void show()
    {    System.out.println("Scaler");
class Scaler extends ScalerVerse
void show()
    System.out.println("ScalerVerse by Scaler");
class Main
public static void main(String args[]) 
    Scaler ob = new ScalerVerse();;


ScalerVerse by Scaler

Persistent Interview Preparation

1. Interview Preparation Tips

IT recruiting has evolved tremendously over the past few decades. An IT interview is a highly extensive, and rigorous process that involves evaluating your programming skills, problem-solving skills, and personal qualities. Preparing for an interview entails much more than looking up a list of commonly asked interview questions. The question remains: How can you convince a gauntlet of potential employers that you are right for the job and won't disappoint them? Hence, we put together a list of our top pre-interview tips for your reference. Whether you're a tech novice or an expert, here are some tips for nailing your next persistent interview. 

  • Practice makes perfect: Review past interview experiences to learn how interviews are conducted, what to expect, and how to prepare. Practising regularly on whichever websites or books you find most convenient will help you quickly gain the competency. Specifically, the job description will specify what subject matter and topics will be covered. Make sure you attend the pre-placement talk (if one is scheduled) to learn what the company is looking for so that you can prepare accordingly.
  • Brush up the Basics: Applicants should also possess an understanding of data structures and algorithms (such as traversing, sorting, searching, trees, linked lists, hash maps, etc.), OOP (Object Oriented Programming) concepts, DBMS, networking, and a programming language of their choice.
  • Have a Geeky Day: Whenever you are engrossed in a technical discussion, you may discuss your own interests and opinions. When you're in a room with like-minded people, you're naturally more likely to discuss mutually engaging technical topics. Don't miss out! Stay positive and enthusiastic during the interview, as much as possible. In doing so, the interviewer will gain a better understanding of your personality and how you will fit into the company.
  • Always ask questions: When faced with a coding challenge, don't just jump right in; instead ask questions (even if you already know the answer). Whenever you're stuck, don't be afraid to ask for help.  You can reaffirm your interest in the job by asking thoughtful questions during your interview. Don't miss your chance to ask questions about the company after each interview round.
  • Demonstrate your prowess: As you write the code, don't be silent; say out loud what you're thinking. Additionally, look for opportunities to demonstrate your expertise and knowledge. One of the best ways to showcase your skills is to provide examples. In discussing how you applied your skills, you will show the hiring manager how you can fit into the role for which you are applying. Don't brag or boast about your skills; rather, describe how you used them.
  • Look at the other side of the coin: The interviewee is likely to learn something from the experience as well. Even so, attending an interview can give you new insights. For instance, you might learn about a new tool or an idea, or you might discover products and technologies that you were unaware of previously. In this way, you are more likely to benefit from interviews in the long run.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the Eligibility Criteria at Persistent?

The following are the eligibility criteria for Software Engineer Associates at Persistent:

Eligibility Criteria Details
Graduation Eligible: BE/ME/B.Tech/M.Tech/BCA/MCA
Academic and Graduation Criteria 60% or 6.0 CGPA throughout 10th, 12th, and UG/PG
Backlogs No active/current Backlogs

2. How long is the Interview Process at Persistent?

A total of 3 rounds are involved in the hiring process; a written test, a technical interview, and an HR interview. Generally, Persistent officials follow this interview process; however, in some cases, more rounds may be needed based on your experience, the job profile you hold, and the company's requirements. If a person has cleared all rounds, he or she can expect to receive an offer letter in approximately 5–7 working days.

3. Does persistent hire off-campus?

It's true, Persistent also hires off-campus. Occasionally, the company recruits graduates/ fresh engineers off-campus.

4. Is Persistent interview tough?

The persistent interview is pretty straightforward and the overall difficulty level is very basic. One can crack the interview by having good programming and computer science skills. Being prepared is key to a successful job interview so that you appear relaxed, calm, and collected to the employer, which is what the employer wants in an ideal candidate.

5. What type of company is persistent?

Persistent is a product-based company that offers great growth opportunities, internal migration, work-life balance, and an excellent corporate culture. It also offers a good promotion cycle as well as incremental growth.

6. How is it working in persistent?

Persistent is a great workplace, with ample learning opportunities for career development. Persistent has an inclusive work environment, a great training team, a diverse portfolio of projects, and a work culture that supports personal growth.

7. What is the salary for freshers in Persistent?

Persistent package for freshers starts at Rs. 4,71,000 and goes up to Rs. 12,41,000.  An entry-level Software Engineer with less than one year of experience is expected to earn an average salary of Rs. 441,767.

8. Why Persistent?

Persistent is regularly rated as a leader in the field of Digital Engineering and specializes in technology innovation and software product services. The company offers plenty of opportunities and good exposure to the latest technologies to its employees. Apart from training employees in different technologies, the company is also involved in supporting their overall development with a range of other activities. Having the opportunity to work on good client projects and job security has been the most rewarding aspect. Furthermore, Persistent offers competitive salaries as well.

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