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TCS HR Interview Questions

Last Updated: Nov 10, 2023
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As with any company's recruitment process, the HR round is the last round and this is true for TCS' recruitment as well. Over the past fifty years, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) has been assisting many of the world's leading organizations in their transformation efforts.

TCS is one of the top IT services, consulting, and business solutions firms in the world and has offices across the world. Whether you are a fresher or an experienced professional, the TCS HR interview is an integral part of your overall assessment.

HR interviews are often seen as straightforward, however, if you fail the HR interview, it will ruin your chances of being hired even if you have cleared all of the other hurdles (the aptitude/written test, the technical round, etc.). TCS HR professionals may ask you tricky questions during the HR interview so they can evaluate your basic skills as well as clarify the points you mentioned on your resume. In any case, remember that nothing beats preparation and it's important to plan how to respond to the tricky questions so that you can answer them confidently.

In this article, we have compiled a list of top 20+ TCS HR interview questions and answers that you might encounter during an interview regardless of the position you have applied for. This article covers both TCS ninja as well as TCS digital HR interview questions, which have been grouped as per their difficulty level, both for freshers and experienced candidates. Check out these questions and prepare yourself for the next TCS interview.

TCS HR Interview Questions: Freshers and Experienced

1. Tell me about yourself.

HR interviews normally start off with this question since it is the one that is usually asked the most often. The right response can boost your chances of making a positive first impression. Interviewers often ask this question so that you can provide a summary of your resume so they can get an idea of what you find most valuable.


  • Start with your greatest achievements.
  • Give your in-depth answer in two-three minutes.
  • Point out what you want to be highlighted on your resume.
  • Mention how you got to this point in your career and why it's the perfect fit.
  • Don't overwhelm the interviewer with too many details, but don't leave important ones out.
  • Although you must prepare your answer in advance, do not sound robotic. Give a straightforward, friendly, and confident answer.
  • Make sure you use the appropriate terminology in your response like innovative, problem-solving, fast-paced, creative, etc.
  • Conclude your response by explaining why you are interested in the position.
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2. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Answering this question requires skill and ingenuity. With this question, you will be able to acknowledge weaknesses that you look forward to improving. Public speaking, time management, self-criticism, etc., are some common areas of weakness that will not negatively reflect on your selection. The tone should be positive. Always speak only of true forces and never state strengths that you cannot verify. Avoid saying anything that could adversely affect your selection. 


  • Don't mask a strength as a weakness, instead, mention and address those you could improve.
  • Provide a thoughtful and honest response that emphasizes the areas of weakness that are easily remedied.
  • This is not a question to confess your struggle with meeting deadlines or can't master high school math. Rather, use these questions as a tool to your advantage. It could be that, for instance, you are overambitious, have a high degree of attention to detail, or enjoy taking on too many tasks.

3. What are the competitors of TCS globally and in India?

Keeping an eye on the current market will definitely help. The key to an impressive answer is sound research, and this also shows the interviewer that you are concerned about the interview as well as the job. For example, Wipro, Mahindra Satyam, Tech Mahindra, Infosys, HCL Tech,  Mphasis, etc.

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4. Who is the founder of TCS?

TATA Group was founded by Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata in 1869 as a private organization. Jehangir Ratanji Dadabhoy Tata (JRD Tata) was the driving force behind the expansion of this group into TCS, which was established in 1968. At the present time, Mr Natarajan Chandrasekaran is the Chairman of the TCS.

5. How do you envision yourself five years from now?

Often, employers will ask this question to determine whether you are committed to the company and if you have future goals aligned with the position. Employers want to know that the job will satisfy you, that you'll work hard, and that you'll stay with the company for many years. Although it's not possible to know entirely envision yourself five years from now, being prepared to answer this question will help put you on the right track and help make the interview more productive overall. 


  • Take a moment to consider where you'd like to be in five years of your career. If you prepare yourself for this ahead of time, you will be able to talk about the question confidently.
  • Speak with a slight sense of ambition. It may seem simplistic, but it's true: for an interview, all you need to do is say something a little challenging, but still reasonable.
  • Finally, ensure that you can explain how the job that you are interviewing for fits within the context of your five-year career objective. Otherwise, they may wonder whether you really want the job and if you are capable of staying for a longer period of time.

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6. Who inspired you to be an engineer?

Typically, employers ask this question in order to better understand your motivations for applying for the position. Additionally, employers may utilize this question to learn how you interact with those around you. This question can help you articulate your desire to obtain the job you are interviewing for, as well as your values. 


  • Do not go into too much detail.
  • Consider a few industry leaders who have achieved something extraordinary in their lives. You may choose someone with the same values as your own. You may list one person whose life story you know and holds the same values, mentioning his accomplishments.
  • Include some of his quotes or values that he believes contributed to his extraordinary success.
  • Mention the traits and qualities you possess which will be valuable to your success in the position you are interviewing for. Incorporate those values and behaviours into how they affect your professional life.

7. What will you do if you are rejected today?

This does not mean that they are rejecting you, so do not let your discouragement get the better of you. Candidates are often asked this question to discern whether or not they will get frustrated and depressed after rejection, or if they will learn from their mistakes and reapply. Also, they may want to know if you have applied to any other companies or if you are determined to join TCS. You will not be rejected either way, as long as your answer is positive.


  • An interviewer is not concerned with how many mistakes you have made, but rather how you have learned from them and incorporated them into your next attempt. Let the interviewer know you intend to improve your skills and will try again with better skills.
  • Don't appear disappointed, but be honest about your feelings. Say that you will see rejection as a challenge and will overcome it.
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8. Are you interested in changing your domain? If yes, why?

Typically, this question is more pertinent for individuals who are switching careers between two different domains, such as engineers moving from other domains to the field of Data Science or Management. The interviewer will want to make sure you aren't leaving your job due to poor performance, a difficult working relationship, or a dislike for your boss. Answering questions about why you are switching domains is a great means of providing reassurance that you are leaving for the right reasons, not just to get out of a work situation.


  • Focus on the positive reasons why you wish to work for the organization.
  • Cite factors like the company culture, work environment, and employer that match your interests and skills.
  • Putting your potential employer at the forefront of the conversation redirects the conversation from your past work experience to your potential. It also shows the hiring manager that you've done your research before the interview.
  • Do not discuss the negative aspects of your previous employment. The only exception would be if your industry suffered a downturn and faced layoffs, reduced opportunities, etc.

9. What has been TCS's most recent accomplishment?

The Brand Finance 2022 Rankings show Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) brand value increased by $1.8 billion over the past year, moving into the top two IT services brands globally. TCS's strong financials, customer equity, and investments in the brand are contributing to the rise in brand value.

10. What is your previous work experience and role?

The job you're applying for will come with its own set of responsibilities that you'll be expected to carry out, so your prior work experience can assist your interviewer in gauging whether you are suitable for the position. Though your work history can be seen on your application, your ability to summarise it and relate it to the position shows that you have considered the employer's expectations.


  • Get familiar with the position's responsibilities in order to best showcase your abilities.
  • Moreover, you can tie your experience directly to the position's responsibilities. Assess your application materials to determine which of your past experiences correspond to those described in the job description.
  • Rephrase your resume items to match the new position's requirements. If you practice, you can avoid omitting relevant information, remain concise, and sound conversational.

11. How well do you know TCS as a company?

Employers can afford to be picky when securing top talent in a competitive job market. Rather than simply choosing candidates with experience or high education, the company prefers to hire individuals passionate about the organization and who apply to a position for a specific reason. Obviously, if you spent time researching and preparing for the interview, you are likely to do the same with the day-to-day activities and responsibilities associated with the position. Candidates who are well prepared are likely to be ambitious and committed to their professional development.


  • Always do some research on the company for which you are interviewing. Study the organization, discover what it offers, how big or small the company is, why a position is needed, what challenges the company is facing, and what the hiring manager's role is.
  • Be enthusiastic and show your interest. Communicate your desire to join the organisation in an authentic and genuine way.
  • Talk about the company's services, landmarks in its history, and aspects of its mission and values that are relevant to your career goals.

12. Would you mind working night shifts and relocating?

In a nutshell, the answer depends entirely on you. Simply be honest with yourself. The question is intended to determine whether you can make it to the office if you do not live nearby and if you are willing to work a night shift. TCS has centres across the various countries and in some states, there is more than one centre. Thus, joining it does not pose a problem at all. Although some offices do have specific positions that are for one type of job profile. You can answer the question depending on your situation.

13. What makes you the best candidate for this position? Or Why should we hire you?

Interviewers ask this question to figure out whether you are aware of how your skills, experience, and education are aligned with the job's responsibilities. Applicants should be prepared to communicate why they are the right fit for the position and the company, highlighting specific accomplishments and characteristics that will make them an asset to the company. When answering such a question, you should try to convince the hiring manager that you are a unique candidate who stands out from the rest.


  • By analyzing your experience and job requirements, you can learn more about your unique strengths. If possible, express enthusiasm and provide evidence to back up your answers.
  • Despite your experience not being directly relevant, you can still find some value in it. Highlight your teamwork skills, leadership roles, computer skills, and independent research activities that have proven useful to the job at hand, even if you lack direct experience.
  • Check the job description and do some research on the company. Outline how your skills and qualifications align with the daily responsibilities of the position in addition to the mission and goals of the company as a whole.
  • Practice answering the question naturally and confidently. Your answer should not sound rehearsed and forced, but you need to know in advance how you will respond.

14. What's most important to you? Work or Money?

Interviewers want to know how you prioritize money in your decisions, both for accepting the position and for future consideration regarding retention. Answering the right way can make your passions seem like the best fit for the job. Money should not be dismissed out of hand, but neither should it be the top priority. The best approach is to keep things in perspective. Obviously, money is important - no one works for free, after all - but the satisfaction you derive from your work, your coworkers, and your boss ranks higher. You will soon learn in your career that growth and advancement opportunities are more important in the long run.


  • Hiring managers tend to prefer candidates who place a higher priority on their work than their paycheck. Additionally, they are aware that money is an important aspect of their lives as well. Combining these two motivations can help you to give your best answer.
  • Make sure you point out personal interests and goals that align with the company's mission statement, as well as your desire to earn a reasonable wage.
  • Never tell an interviewer that you are more concerned about money than work. It implies that you may leave the company if a more lucrative opportunity emerges.

15. Why do you wish to work for TCS and not any other company?

TCS is a leading company in the world with high salaries, professional growth, and job security. Consequently, if you are interested in working for the company, it is a good decision. As long as these are the only reasons, then it's not what TCS is looking for. It goes without saying that TCS wants you to grow while making your most valuable contribution to the company's success.


  • Discover various facts about the company, its business, its people, its culture, and more. For this, one needs to do a great deal of research. Your research ultimately provides you with insight into how to respond to the interview questions and why you are interested in working at TCS.
  • Consider what you could offer and how you can make a difference.
  • Follow the company's social media accounts, especially for relevant industry news and customer feedback.
  • Analyze your career goals and core values to see whether they are similar to the companies.

16. Do you work well as part of a team? OR Have you ever managed a large team or group of people effectively? OR Are you a team player?

Typically, when hiring managers ask this question, they hope to gauge your skills in collaboration, communication, and the ability to work well with others. Essentially, they would like to see if you would be a suitable candidate for the position and to see if you adhere to the company's values and culture. If possible, in conjunction with providing a clear yes or no response, you should also provide anecdotes or examples of how your answer applies to the case.


  • Find out what skills, duties, and qualifications are relevant to the role you're applying for, including any mention of collaboration, teamwork, or communication.
  • Choose a few examples from your professional experience that demonstrate your ability to work as a team player. It is particularly beneficial to highlight your role in the team effort, your contribution, and what your team achieved.
  • Besides teamwork, it is a good idea to emphasize other skills, such as adaptability, communication skills, collaboration, interpersonal abilities, observation abilities, active listening abilities, etc.
  • When you respond that you prefer to work alone, emphasize how your singular efforts could assist the team in achieving its objectives.
  • If you lack professional experience, you can draw upon extracurricular activities, volunteer experience, and school projects if you are in a space that needs to be filled.

17. How do you stay abreast of technological developments?

Keeping up with technology can make you a more effective employee, regardless of whether you work in coding, manufacturing products, or reaching out to customers. Potential employers will assess your 'fit' by determining whether you are passionate about the industry you are applying to. By freely discussing how you stay on top of industry trends, you will show the interviewer that you are still passionate about your field.


  • Consider reading technology-oriented publications and technology news sites online for a balanced perspective.
  • Conferences provide an excellent opportunity to discover emerging technology that is relevant to your industry. Listen to industry experts, participate in seminars, and discuss products with vendors.
  • Arrange periodic meetings with coworkers, colleagues from other departments, and industry professionals to discuss technology.
  • Startups are often hubs for innovation. Follow start-up news feeds and connect with their employees to keep abreast of new technological trends in your industry.
  • See how other departments or industries are using technology. Seeing what other successful companies are doing with technology can give you ideas for incorporating it into your company.
  • When evaluating new technologies, consider whether they can meet your company's current or future needs. In the workplace, even the most innovative product may not be necessary unless it serves a purpose.

18. In what ways did you prepare for this interview, and did you receive any help?

As the interviewer asks these questions, he is attempting to assess whether you are an individual who takes initiative. When you describe the steps you took to prepare for your meeting, interviewers can see that you are highly motivated to obtain the position. Also, your response will indicate that you will likely be a thorough and diligent employee. Although you may not have had time to prepare for this meeting, or it was a last-minute appointment, it is likely you still took the time to investigate the company online or read the job description. You can briefly outline the ways in which you prepared for the interview.

19. What do you expect from the company?

A prospective employer may be looking for several factors when asking you what your job expectations are. In asking you about your job expectations, employers are really looking for information about how you met your expectations in your previous role, or what you expect from us as an employer in terms of work environment, culture, and growth, as well as your expectations related to this position. The information you share will be used to determine if the role you're applying for is a good match for your career goals and qualifications.


  • Initially, it is important to research and learn what the job entails and determine if you are capable or interested in doing it. Explain to the interviewer what you believe the job expects of you.
  • Ideally, we would like to obtain a position in which we could utilize our existing skills.
  • Hence, you should let the interviewer know how your current skills are relevant to this job. Indicate which of your skills are relevant to this position.
  • Upbeat responses to prior experiences show the interviewer you have the ability to find the positives despite tough situations and ensure them that you will not speak negatively of the company in the future.
  • The intent of your reply should not be to ramble on for too long, but to highlight one specific area and outline your expectations there.

20. Is there anything you would like to ask me?

HR professionals will often ask this question in an effort to determine if the candidate is truly interested in learning more. It's better to ask a question rather than politely demur, otherwise you can give an impression that you are not engaged with the conversation, or that you are not enthusiastic enough about the job to ask for more information.


  • It is a good idea to prepare a list of a few questions to ask during the interview.
  • Questions should demonstrate your interest in the interview and your understanding of the company's objectives and priorities. Reflect on previous moments in the interview or the news of the company or market.
  • Ask the hiring manager about something that requires more detail than a simple 'yes' or 'no' answer.
  • In asking HR questions about a role or company, it is important to avoid information such as the hiring manager's personal life, non-work activities, easily accessible information, or salary questions.


A good work-life balance is a key aspect of maintaining career advancement. TCS is a brand that people believe can facilitate this. TCS is an excellent place to start your career if you are seeking an organization to develop your skills and advance your career. The workplace provides a good ambience conducive to both company and individual advancement. The TCS recruitment process begins with a written test, followed by a technical interview, and finally, the HR round, which is an easy, yet extremely crucial round.

This article covers a number of frequently asked TCS HR interview questions and answers, as well as a few tips that can help you craft persuasive responses in your interview. TCS HR rounds test the candidate's character and traits, which helps to determine whether the candidate is suited to the TCS work culture. Although you may not be asked the exact same questions, knowing the answers to these questions will prepare you well for any HR questions you might come across. Most candidates mistakenly believe that they can simply breeze through the HR round of the interview without any preparation. It is important to strike a positive tone and maintain an air of self-confidence. Interviews can be long and tiresome, so don't forget to smile!

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TCS HR Interview Preparation

1. Interview Preparation Tips

As it turns out, setting yourself up for an IT interview involves much more than just getting familiar with frequently asked interview questions. IT interviewing is a rigorous and extensive process that involves evaluating your programming capabilities, analytical skills, and personal attributes. Candidates are interviewed in hypothetical scenarios to assess their ability to cope with pressure and solve problems. Yet, the question still remains: How do you convince potential employers that you're the best candidate for the job and won't let them down? In light of this, we thought it would be beneficial to provide a list of interview tips to assist you in preparing for the next TCS interview.

  • Prepare well: Finding a suitable career requires a lot of commitment, time, and effort on the part of the individual. A little bit of preparation can significantly increase the likelihood of getting through an interview. While it may seem laborious, it is totally worth it.
  • Focus on the basics: Research the company, become familiar with its product offerings, understand how your experience aligns with its requirements, and why you are a good fit. Consider studying technical subjects and preparing answers to the most common questions encountered during technical and HR interviews.
  • Express yourself: When you are solving a problem, you need to discuss your alternative solutions before you decide to use one or the other. This will enable the interviewer to view and understand how you approach the problem and how you work with it.
  • Be Confident: Do not be low on confidence, honesty, or faith in yourself. You can do it and do it well. Having faith in yourself means you have already achieved half of the task at your disposal. Keep a positive attitude at all times and smile often.
  • Make it Perfect: Generally, employers are only interested in reviewing resumes and cover letters that are well-formatted, error-free, and fault-free. Resumes should be tailored to the specific position you've applied for, emphasizing relevant work experience and academic achievements.
  • Keep answers concise: You need to focus on the essential solution instead of adding an unnecessary phrase or word. Avoid giving irrelevant responses or asking irrelevant questions. An interviewer who sees you engage in this behaviour will put a negative mark on your scorecard.
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