Last Minute Coding Interview Preparation Guide

Looking to prepare for an upcoming coding interview and overwhelmed by the amount of resources available? We have got you covered!

With this preparation plan containing hand-picked problems with video solutions from all the major topics, you can crack your next interview with confidence.

Over a million people trust InterviewBit for their tech interview preparation, this guide makes your preparation even more focussed and rewarding!

How to use this guide?

Go through topics below one by one and solve the questions mentioned by difficulty level. Most interview questions are from the topics covered below.

Use our fast track courses to brush up concepts if needed. Come back to the questions below when you are done.

Follow through hints, discussions and videos solution to find the best way forward if you are stuck.


Even Product! Very Easy

Video Solution

Bribing was never Easy! Medium

Video Solution

Make them Equal Easy

Video Solution

Subarray Cost Sum Hard

Video Solution


Sell items Very Easy

Video Solution

Count Good Subsequences Medium

Video Solution

Predict Future! Easy

Video Solution

Consecutive Losses Hard

Video Solution

Binary Search

First Index Very Easy

Video Solution

Maximize matrix XOR Medium

Video Solution

Request X Chocolates Easy

Video Solution

Red Zone Hard

Video Solution


Check Palindrome Very Easy

Video Solution

Queries in Infinite String! Medium

Video Solution

Flipping String Easy

Video Solution

Text Editor Hard

Video Solution

Bit Manipulation

OR equal XOR Very Easy

Video Solution

Diagonally powerful Matrix Medium

Video Solution

Maximize the Matrix Easy

Video Solution

Bitwise AND Sum Hard

Video Solution

2 Pointers

Lexicographically largest Array Very Easy

Video Solution

Help Rishabh! Medium

Video Solution

At most Two Occurrences! Easy

Video Solution

Scaler Subarrays II Hard

Video Solution

Linked List + Stacks & Queues

Replace With Factors! Very Easy

Video Solution

Prime calculations Medium

Video Solution

Ticket Counter Easy

Video Solution

Coin Queue Hard

Video Solution


4 number with highest xor Very Easy

Video Solution

Super Array Medium

Video Solution

Make The Array Empty Easy

Video Solution

Grid Paths Hard

Video Solution


Clear the Array Very Easy

Video Solution

Similar Pairs Medium

Video Solution

Equal Array Easy

Video Solution

Anagram Match Hard

Video Solution

Heaps & Segment Tree

Meeting Point Very Easy

Video Solution

Range of the Array Medium

Video Solution

Magical Pool and Items Easy

Video Solution

Range Shopping Hard

Video Solution

Binary Trees & Trie

BST Sum Very Easy

Video Solution

Max Base Pair Medium

Video Solution

Unequal Ancestor Easy

Video Solution

Prefix with key greater than X Hard

Video Solution

DP & Greedy

Turn on the Bulbs Very Easy

Video Solution

Yet another string operation problem Medium

Video Solution

Maximum xor with Min X Easy

Video Solution

Valid Parentheses Again Hard

Video Solution


Kingdom of Friendship Very Easy

Video Solution

Shortest in Shortest Medium

Video Solution

Strengthen It Easy

Video Solution

Jackpot queries Hard

Video Solution
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