15+ Exciting C Projects Ideas With Source Code

C Projects


If you are looking for project ideas to enhance your C Programming skills, you are at the right place. Programming is more about what you can figure out than what you know. With the technology landscape continually changing, problem-solving is the one skill that allows you to navigate through innovations while also evolving. Start with C, the language using which most of the current programming languages are derived, to sharpen your essential programming skills and develop problem-solving abilities. C is widely used in practically every field and is regarded as the best language for novices, despite the fact that it was first introduced 50 years ago. This raises the question of what C is and why it is still so popular. 

The C programming language is a procedural programming language. Dennis Ritchie created it as a system programming language for writing operating systems. Low-level memory access, a small collection of keywords, and a clean style are all qualities that make C language excellent for system programmings, such as operating system or compiler development. C quickly established itself as a powerful and reliable language in the software development area, with some of the most well-known names still linked with it today. C is used to create Microsoft Windows, Apple’s OS X, and Symbian. The C programming language is also used by Google’s Chromium, MySQL, Oracle, and the majority of Adobe’s apps. It also plays an important role in our daily lives, as most of the smart devices we use today are powered by C-programmed technology. 

Let’s see what are the features that make C a popular and demanded language.

  • Flexibility – The seamless flexibility it offers in terms of  memory management and allocation is one of the key reasons why C is so extensively used. Programmers have complete control over how they allocate and reallocate memory, resulting in increased efficiency and improved optimization. The C programming language provides several functions for memory allocation and management like calloc(), malloc() etc.
  • Portability – C continues to be a very portable assembly language. It comes with numerous libraries that improve its functionality and allow it to work with practically any processor architecture. Compilers, libraries, and interpreters for a variety of other programming languages are typically written in C. This enables more efficient computation and accessibility.
  • Simplicity – C is classified as a mid-level language, which implies it has characteristics of both high-level and low-level languages. It’s straightforward to understand and use as a result of this. It also helps users to break down code into smaller, more legible parts because it is a structured programming language.
  • Structured Language – C is a structured programming language in the sense that functions can be used to break down a program into smaller chunks (functions). These functions also allow you to reuse code. As a result, it is simple to comprehend and work on. 
  • Memory management – C supports dynamic memory allocation (that is, allocation of memory at runtime). We can free the allocated memory at any time in the C language by using pre-defined functions.
  • Speed – There is no denying the fact that the compilation and execution time of the C language is fast since there are lesser inbuilt functions and hence the lesser overhead.

Compiled language – A Compiler is used in the C language to compile the code into object code, which is nothing more than machine code that the computer understands. You can split your code into many source code files in the C programming language. The files will be compiled individually and then linked together for execution.

We’ll look at some intriguing C projects that you may find on GitHub in this article. We believe that these project ideas will assist you in improving your problem-solving abilities, broadening your knowledge base, and enriching your learning experience. Mini projects, mini-games, and little apps are among the C projects described here. The majority of these programs make good use of functions, file handling, and data structure. Analyze and comprehend the source code of these projects, and you’ll be able to develop a similar project by learning how to add, modify, view, search, and delete data using files.

C Projects For Beginners

Simple Calculator

You can build a simple calculator with C using switch cases or if-else statements. This calculator takes two operands and an arithmetic operator (+, -, *, /) from the user, however, you can expand the program to accept more than two operands and one operator by adding logic. Then, based on the operator entered by the user, it conducts the computation on the two operands. The input, however, must be in the format “number1 operator1 number2” (i.e. 2+4).

Source Code – Calculator

Student Record management system

Student Record management

Using C language, you can also create a student management system. To handle students’ records (like Student’s roll number, Name, Subject, etc.) it employs files as a database to conduct file handling activities such as add, search, change, and remove entries. It appears a simple project but can be handy for schools or colleges that have to store records of thousands of students.

Source Code – Student Management



If you have ever lost track of which day of the week is today or the number of days in that particular month, you should build a calendar yourself. The Calendar is written in the C programming language, and this Calendar assists you in determining the date and day you require. We can implement it using simple if-else logic and switch-case statements. The display() function is used to display the calendar and it can be modified accordingly. It also has some additional functions. The GitHub link of the calendar has been provided below.

Source Code – Calendar

Mini project for phone book

Phone Book

This Phone book Project generates an external file to permanently store the user’s data (Name and phone number). The phone book is a very simple C project that will help you understand the core concepts of capacity, record keeping, and data structure. This program will show you how to add, list, edit or alter, look at, and delete data from a record.

Source Code – Phone Book

Unit converter project

Forgot how to convert degree Fahrenheit to Celsius? Don’t worry. We have a solution for you. This unit converter converts basic units such as temperature, currency, and mass.

Source Code – Unit Converter

Intermediate C Projects with source code

Mini Voting System

Mini Voting System

An online voting system is a software platform that enables organizations to conduct votes and elections securely. A high-quality online voting system strikes a balance between ballot security, convenience, and the overall needs of a voting event. By collecting the input of your group in a systematic and verifiable manner, online voting tools and online election voting systems assist you in making crucial decisions. These decisions are frequently taken on a yearly basis – either during an event (such as your organization’s AGM) or at a specific time of the year. Alternatively, you may conduct regular polls among your colleagues (e.g. anonymous employee feedback surveys).

With this voting system, users can enter their preferences and the total votes and leading candidate can be calculated. It’s a straightforward C project that’s simple to grasp. Small-scale election efforts can benefit from this.

Source Code – Voting System

Tic-tac-toe Game

Tic-tac-toe Game

Tic-tac-toe, also known as noughts and crosses or Xs and Os, is a two-person paper and pencil game in which each player alternates marking squares in a three-by-three grid with an X or an O. The winner is the player who successfully places three of their markers in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row. You can implement this fun game using 2D arrays in the C programming language. It is important to use arrays while creating a Tic Tac Toe game in the C programming language. The Xs and Os are stored in separate arrays and passed across various functions in the code to maintain track of the game’s progress. You can play the game against the computer by entering the code here and selecting either X or O. The source code for the project is given below.

Source Code – Tic Tac Toe

Matrix Calculator

Matrix Calculator

Mathematical operations are an everyday part of our life. Every day, we will connect with many forms of calculations in our environment. Matrices are mathematical structures in which integers are arranged in columns and rows. In actual life, matrices are used in many applications. The most common application is in the software sector, where pathfinder algorithms, image processing algorithms, and other algorithms are developed. Some fundamental matrix operations are performed in this project, with the user selecting the operation to be performed on the matrix. The matrices and their sizes are then entered. It’s worth noting that the project only considers square matrices.

Library Management System

Library Management System

Library management is a project that manages and preserves electronic book data based on the demands of students. Both students and library administrators can use the system to keep track of all the books available in the library. It allows both the administrator and the student to look for the desired book. The C files used to implement the system are: main.c, searchbook.c, issuebook.c, viewbook.c, and more.

Source Code – Library Management

Electricity Bill Calculator

Electricity Bill Calculator

The Electricity Cost Calculator project is an application-based micro project that predicts the following month’s electricity bill based on the appliances or loads used. Visual studio code was used to write the code for this project. This project employs a multi-file and multi-platform strategy (Linux and Windows). People who do not have a technical understanding of calculating power bills can use this program to forecast their electricity bills for the coming months; however, an electricity bill calculator must have the following features:

  • All loads’ power rating
  • Unit consumed per day
  • Units consumed per month, and
  • Total load calculation

Source Code – Electricity Billing

Movie Ticket Booking System

The project’s goal is to inform a consumer about the MOVIE TICKET BOOKING SYSTEM so that they can order tickets. The project was created with the goal of making the process as simple and quick as possible. The user can book tickets, cancel tickets, and view all booking records using the system. Our project’s major purpose is to supply various forms of client facilities as well as excellent customer service. It should meet nearly all the conditions for reserving a ticket.

Source Code – Movie Ticket Booking

Advanced C Projects With Source Code

Snakes and Ladders Game

Snakes and Ladders Game

Snakes and ladders, also known as Moksha Patam, is an ancient Indian board game for two or more players that is still considered a worldwide classic today. It’s played on a gridded game board with numbered squares. On the board, there are several “ladders” and “snakes,” each linking two distinct board squares. The dice value can either be provided by the user or it can be generated randomly. If after moving, the pointer points to the block where the ladder is, the pointer is directed to the top of the ladder. If unfortunately, the pointer points to the mouth of a snake after moving, the pointer is redirected to the tail of the snake.
The objectives and rules of the game can be summarized as-

Objective – Given a snake and ladder game, write a function that returns the minimum number of jumps to take the top or destination position.

You can assume the dice you throw results in always favor of you, which means you can control the dice.

Source Code – Snakes and Ladders

Lexical Analyzer

The Lexical Analyzer program translates a stream of individual letters, which are generally grouped as lines, into a stream of lexical tokens. Tokenization, for example, of source code words and punctuation symbols. The project’s main goal/purpose is to take a C file and generate a sequence of tokens that can be utilized in the next stage of compilation. This should also account for any error handling requirements that may arise during tokenization.

Source Code – Lexical Analyzer

Bus Reservation System

Bus Reservation System

This system is built on the concept of booking bus tickets in advance. The user can check the bus schedule, book tickets, cancel reservations, and check the bus status board using this system. When purchasing tickets, the user must first enter the bus number, after which the system will display the entire number of bus seats along with the passengers’ names, and the user must then enter the number of tickets, seat number, and person’s name.
We will be using arrays, if-else logic, loop statements, and various functions like login(), cancel(), etc. to implement the project.

Source Code – Bus Reservation System

Dino Game

This little project is a modest recreation of the Offline Google Chrome game Dinosaur Jump. The game can be played at any moment by the user. The entire project is written in the C programming language. The X key is used to exit the game, and the Space bar is used to leap. play and score as many points as you can; this is a fun, simple game designed specifically for novices, and it’s simple to use and understand.

Source Code – Dino Game

Pac-Man Game

Pac-Man Game

Pacman, like other classic games, is simple to play. In this game, you must consume as many small dots as possible to earn as many points as possible. The entire game was created using the C programming language. Graphics were employed in the creation of this game. To create the game, you have to first define the grid function to manage the grid structure. To control the movement, you can define functions such as move_right(), move_left(), move_up() and move_down(). C files to add ghosts and their functionalities, positions check, etc. can be added to make the game more fun. The customers will find this C Programming game to be simple to comprehend and manage.

Source Code – Pac Man

Other Project Ideas

Some project ideas are given below. These are just ideas, source code links for these have not been provided.

  1. Bank management system
  2. Airlines reservation system
  3. Vaccine registration portal
  4. A calculator
  5. Tic toe game
  6. Password management system
  7. Phone book management system
  8. Snake and ladders game
  9. Rock paper scissor game
  10. Unit conversion system
  11. Tip calculator
  12. Employee information management system
  13. Library management system
  14. Mini voting system
  15. Vaccine registration system
  16. Calendar
  17. Cricket Scorecard management system
  18. Hangman game
  19. Pac-Man game
  20. Grocery list
  21. Medical store management system
  22. Quiz game
  23. School billing system
  24. Student record system
  25. Typing tutor
  26. Quiz game
  27. Traffic control management system
  28. Telephone billing system
  29. Hotel accommodation system


We collected some C language projects and ideas for you in this article. GitHub has established a huge collection of projects from programmers who routinely examine and critique each other’s codes as the world’s largest software development community. Furthermore, because the platform supports many programming languages, there are a plethora of C project ideas on GitHub for anyone to get ideas from. As the developer, it’s up to you to think outside the box, come up with inventive solutions using available resources, and contribute to the future of software. For the benefit of clarity, the projects/software are grouped into distinct headings. So, if you’re new to project development, start by understanding and analyzing a tiny project before going on to a project with a broader scope and application.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is C good for big projects?
A. C is indeed suitable for large projects. Programming in C requires a great deal of discipline than most modern programming languages. C aids in the learning of programming fundamentals, and because it is a procedural language, it necessitates a large amount of hard code in comparison to its competitors.

Q. Can you program games with C?
A. The C programming language can be used to create games, however, most people choose to choose other languages.

Q. Is C still used today?
A. Yes, C is still one of the most popular programming languages today.

Q. What should I build in C?
A. Start with a little project to understand and analyze before moving on to a project with a larger scope and applicability if you’re new to project development. Some project ideas along with their source code are given in this article.

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