Top Automation Testing Tools To Know

Automation Testing Tools


Any company that develops its own products definitely has a set of tests in place that need to be conducted on the products, before their release. The main purpose of having this testing system in place is to ensure that the quality of the product is high. In case this essential step is skipped, chances are, the product’s quality will not be up to the mark. However, just having tests in place does not guarantee a high-quality product. The way these tests are executed is also extremely crucial in producing a good quality final product.

The way these tests are executed can be broadly divided into two categories – Manual Testing and Automation Testing. As the names themselves suggest, manual testing is carried out by a person sitting in front of a computer, methodically carrying out test procedures as specified in a manual test case; while automation testing is a method of writing and executing test cases on a software application using automation tools.

Some companies prefer manual testing over automation testing. But this isn’t ideal. While both methods of testing have their own benefits, we can without a doubt say that automation testing makes our job easier by relieving us of tedious and repetitive work. It also improves the efficiency of the overall development of software and reduces room for the risk of human error. However, there are some situations where manual testing is unavoidable. In these cases, automation testing cannot replace manual testing. Knowing what kind of testing to use in what case is extremely essential. The best-case scenario is a system where both manual and automation testing go hand in hand.

In the next few sections, we will focus on what the term automation truly means, and the various automation testing tools that can prove to be extremely helpful. Let us explore them now!

What is Automation?

First, let us acquaint ourselves with what the term ‘automation’ means. 

In our day-to-day life, we come across various forms of automation. Right from brushing our teeth with an electric toothbrush, to commuting to work in automobiles, our day is filled with different types of automation. In the growth of domains like medicine, entertainment, security and industries, automation has played an important role.

So, what is automation?

Automation is the use of technology to do activities with less human intervention than what is normally needed. Automation can be put to use in any industry that has repetitive and monotonous operations. To be a little more specific, let’s focus on automation in the field of computer science. Here, it refers to the process of developing software and systems to replace repeated operations and eliminate manual involvement. It improves the speed with which applications are delivered by automating manual operations that previously required human intervention. Automation is an essential method for helping teams deliver services with enhanced speed, consistency, and security, especially with the rise of virtualized networks and cloud services that require rapid, sophisticated deployment.

Automation is a strong tool that may help a company scale, save money, and free up staff members to focus on strategic rather than administrative tasks. Automation helps us scale more quickly with fewer faults. A completely automated system can cut the time it takes to get production-ready resources from weeks to minutes.

Automation can be used in various fields of computer science. In this article, we will be focusing on the role of automation in software testing.

Software testing plays an integral part in the development of software applications. Software engineers have turned to Automation Testing to speed up the testing process and boost test coverage. Instead of performing manual testing by humans, this technique utilises a software tool to test other software and hence the name Automation Testing. Automation Testing comprises comparing the test case results to the projected results and then controlling the execution of the tests.

Now, the question is when do we use automation in software testing?

Automation can be used in software testing under the following conditions:

  • Testing Frequency – If the frequency of carrying out certain tests is extremely high and repetitive, we can automate the testing and save a significant amount of time.
  • Number of Test Cases – If the number of test cases is large, manually testing each of them can get extremely tedious. In such cases, automation testing can be used. 
  • Testing in multiple environments – If the same set of tests need to be conducted in different environments, then, automation testing is much more efficient.
  • Testing the same feature using different sets of data – If a single feature or functionality needs to be tested with different inputs of data sets, automation testing gets the job done quicker.
  • Regression Testing – Regression testing refers to tests that are carried out to make sure if the addition/ deletion/ or changing of a certain snippet of code doesn’t impact the way the rest of the product or the existing features work. Regression testing needs to be done after every cycle of editing. If this is automated, the entire testing process will be made so much easier.

 Now that we know what Automation Testing is, let us move on to automation testing tools.

Top 15 Automation Testing Tools List

Before we get into the top 15 tools used in Automation Testing, let us understand what an Automation Testing tool is. A test automation tool is a piece of software that allows users to specify software testing activities that are then executed with minimal human input. There are a whole lot of Automation Testing Tools, but only some of them are exceptional. The following are some of the Top Automation Testing Tools:

1. Selenium IDE

What is it?

Selenium IDE is an integrated development environment for web app developers that allows them to record, edit, and debug tests. It is a recording tool that allows developers to automatically capture their interactions with the browser or website so that they may produce, develop, and maintain test cases. It was first implemented as a Firefox add-on.

What are its features?

Selenium IDE is an appropriate environment for building Selenium tests, with a broad set of commands for testing the existence of UI elements, specific content, selection list options, form submission, and online application functionality. Users will be able to establish breakpoints and startpoints as they uncover and correct faults in their test cases using Selenium IDE. It allows users to save tests in HTML, Ruby scripts, and other formats. Selenium IDE offers the ability to record test cases based on interactions with a website automatically. This automated recording option, on the other hand, may be turned off. When the tool records a test case, commands are automatically inserted based on the activities taken by the test developer, such as clicking a link, entering values, picking options from drop-down list boxes, and pressing radio buttons.

When using the Selenium IDE to create test cases, you can add assert and verify commands to them. These are commands for inspecting web page characteristics. When users right-click a web page’s UI element, such as a text block, the context menu displays a list of assert and verify commands, as well as pre-defined parameters based on the context of the selected UI element. As test developers continue to utilise Selenium IDE, this set of instructions will grow. As a result, the IDE can anticipate the commands and parameters that can be applied to certain UI elements on web sites.

Selenium IDE provides test developers with a variety of choices for running test cases. They’ll be able to run all of the test cases in the currently loaded test suite, as well as pause and resume individual test cases. They can also instruct Selenium IDE to begin running a test case from a certain command in the midst of the test case or to stop it from running on a specific command in the middle of the test case. Furthermore, the IDE allows them to run a single command, which is very important if they are unsure whether the command they made is correct.

2. LambdaTest

What is it?

Founded in the year 2017, LambdaTest is a cross-browser testing tool that is cloud-based and can be used to assess manual and automated browser compatibility. LambdaTest is a testing system that assists development teams in managing software testing and patch release procedures in enterprises.

What are its features? 

LambdaTest enables users to conduct a variety of tests in the cloud to identify potential faults or malfunctions that would otherwise be impossible to detect, and to do so early in the development process, well before anything goes into production. Live browser testing, resolution display testing, and multiple browser support are all important aspects. Users may test their public or private websites and web apps in real time on a variety of mobile and desktop browsers running on a variety of operating systems. Users can also utilise LambdaTest to create full-page screenshots of web sites across a variety of devices, operating systems, browsers, and resolutions.

Users can utilise fendering to test how their web app looks on different devices and at different resolutions. Visual layout testing is also included in the solution, which allows users to compare many picture layouts and identify design variations. LambdaTest also integrates with Jira, Asana, Trello, and Slack to provide bug recording functionality. It provides continuous Integration Tools and APIs for Continuous Testing. It also supports Automated Screenshot Testing. Continuous collaboration while testing is an added bonus. LambdaTest also allows Geo-Targeting and Geo Localization across various countries.

3. Appium

What is it?

Appium is the most widely used open-source platform for automating mobile app testing. It enables native, hybrid and mobile web application testing, along with cross-platform testing. It supports various programming languages and provides multi-platform support. Based on client-server architecture, the parallel execution of test scripts in Appium reduces the time consumed in the testing process. Appium is the leading choice for mobile app automation testing, regardless of whether the app is native, hybrid, or mobile web, and whether it runs on Android, iOS, or Windows. 

What are its features?

It’s a server that keeps running in the background. It can be synced with the TestNG testing framework, which provides a more comprehensive set of capabilities. It is capable of producing rich information logs and has a detailed reporting structure for better analysis of test results and easier debugging thanks to an in-built UI Automator. It allows you to develop test code in a variety of languages (including Java, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, Python, and C#). It allows you to reuse the same code across multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, and Windows. This saves a significant amount of time and work. The test code gives QAs complete control over the back-end APIs and databases. This aids in the evaluation of faults originating from back-end APIs or databases. 

Appium employs standard automation APIs on all platforms, so testers don’t have to change or recompile the app under test in any way. They don’t need to look at the source code of the app they’re testing. It allows mobile applications to be tested on emulators, simulators, or real devices, giving users the freedom to choose their testing device and environment. It has cross-platform compatibility, which means that the same tests can be run on multiple platforms, increasing coverage. 

It allows for real-time monitoring of tests, resulting in more reliable execution. Using UIAutomator, UIAutomation, or Xcode9, Appium provides concurrent execution of test automation scripts on several Android or iOS sessions. This streamlines the testing process while also ensuring scalability. Appium stands out as the ideal alternative for mobile application testing thanks to its extensive set of capabilities.

4. Kobiton

What is it?

Kobiton is a mobile testing platform that helps developers and testers deliver and test mobile apps faster, and has scriptless automation abilities. Kobiton is a mobile app testing platform that speeds up the development and delivery of mobile apps by simplifying the testing process. It offers a variety of features and capabilities to mobile app developers, including manual and automated testing on real mobile devices, testing apps on numerous devices, and testing apps in cloud, on-premise, and hybrid settings.

What are its features?

Developers may test their apps on mobile devices directly and remotely with Kobiton. It also allows users to detect and repair possible issues that could stymie app performance before releasing them to the public.

It supports manual, automated and parallel testing using Appium, Selenium etc for scripting. It also allows device lab management and easy access to device logs, with flexible cloud testing facilities. This aids developers in the creation of fully working apps that guarantee the best usability and provide the best possible consumer experience.

Kobiton gives you real-world scenarios in which to test your mobile apps. Although emulators are still extensively used, they do not provide the most realistic results. Kobiton, on the other hand, allows you to run your apps and online applications on real mobile devices and the most up-to-date platforms, resulting in superior results and actionable insights based on real user experience.

Furthermore, Kobiton provides you with access to over 350 real mobile devices in addition to your on-premise or private cloud-based lab. Simply said, you may test your apps however you want in real-world settings.

You may connect your devices with Kobiton both on-premises and in your own private cloud lab. You and your team may test your apps in real-world circumstances and use Kobiton’s 350+ devices to enhance your testing. You have complete control over how you test your apps, whether on-premises, in the cloud, or in a truly hybrid environment.

5. Katalon Studio

What is it?

Katalon Studio is a powerful automation tool with a Selenium-based engine that was first launched in January 2015. It is software program for automation testing that was created with a specific IDE interface for online, API, mobile, and desktop application testing. It is developed on top of the open-source automation frameworks of Selenium and Appium. It provides options to record and playback, along with built-in templates for maintaining object repository, custom keywords and test cases. It also allows test artifacts sharing and sending requests using SSL client certificates. Private plugins act as a cherry on top. 

What are its features?

Katalon is primarily intended for creating and reusing automated UI test scripts without the need for coding. Katalon Studio enables automated testing of UI elements like pop-ups, iFrames, and wait times. Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux are all supported by the tool.

Originally provided as a free solution, Katalon Studio Enterprise and Katalon Runtime Engine were announced in October 2019 to provide more feature-rich solutions for varied needs. The basic Katalon Studio for individual users, on the other hand, is still free.

When compared to Selenium, the industry leader, Katalon’s key benefit is its simplicity of deployment and broader collection of integrations. Katalon features two scripting interfaces to accommodate users with varying programming abilities. As a result, testers with low technical understanding can use a user interface that doesn’t require them to write code.

Scripting with syntax highlighting, code suggestion, and debugging are available in the advanced mode for more experienced users. Katalon Studio provides a pre-defined artefact structure, which includes test case, test suite, test object, and report templates. Local and remote testing, as well as parallel and sequential executions, are all supported by Katalon Studio. Groovy (Java) is the scripting language used by Katalon.

This tool is simple to set up and comes with a number of pre-installed templates for repeating certain testing patterns. 

6. TestComplete

What is it?

SmartBear Software’s TestComplete is a fully functional automated testing platform for desktop, web and mobile applications. Many different types of software tests are created and automated with TestComplete. With record and replay features, it allows the building of automated UI tests. Test creation using record and playback captures a tester completing a manual test and allows it to be replayed and kept as an automated test. Testers can modify recorded tests later to add new tests or improve current tests with extra use cases.

What are its features?

It provides GUI object recognition and has regression, parallel and keyword driven testing. It allows reuse of automated tests and provides easy DevOps integration. Panels, project elements, particular scripting objects, and other features of TestComplete are all implemented as plug-ins. These plug-ins are included in the programme and installed alongside other TestComplete modules on your PC. You can write your own plug-ins to enhance TestComplete and add capabilities tailored to your individual requirements.

Behavioral driven development is also supported natively (BDD) in TestComplete. It offers an unrivalled artificial intelligence-based hybrid object recognition engine. Its object identification combines property-based and AI-powered visual recognition to quickly, conveniently, and precisely locate dynamic UI elements. Functional tests are quick and simple to build, manage, and execute, increasing test coverage and ensuring you release high-quality, battle-tested software.

7. Cucumber

What is it?

Cucumber is a behaviour-driven development (BDD) software tool with Gherkin, an ordinary language parser at its heart. Its tests are automated using example tables and it provides end-to-end test frameworks. It focuses on end-user experience and provides a bridge between technical and business languages because it can be scripted in simple English words. Its test script architecture allows code reusability and it provides a single document that serves as a specification and test document.

What are its features?

Cucumber is a tool for writing web application acceptance tests that is based on the Behavior Driven Development (BDD) framework. Behavior Driven Development is a variation of Test Driven Development in which the system is tested rather than the individual code. Cucumber reads the code in the feature file written in plain English text (Language Gherkin). Each step in the step definition is found to be an exact match. It allows Business Analysts, Developers, Testers, and others to automate functional validation in an easily accessible and comprehensible manner (like plain English). Cucumber feature files can be a useful document for everyone. Many additional programmes, such as JBehave, also support the BDD framework. Cucumber was first developed in Ruby and later ported to the Java framework. Native JUnit is supported by both tools. 

Different software frameworks, such as Selenium, Ruby on Rails, and others, can be used to execute the code. Cucumber’s popularity has grown as a result of its superiority to competing frameworks such as JBehave, JDave, Easyb, and others. Cucumber can be combined with Selenium, Watir, and other ingredients. Many languages, including Perl, PHP, Python, and Net, are supported by Cucumber. 

8. Eggplant

What is it?

Keysight’s Eggplant allows developers to define, schedule, and carry out automated testing and debugging activities on various mobile platforms. It utilises image matching technology for GUI and application testing. Just like users, it also interacts with devices just by looking at the screen and due to its modular nature, provides flexibility. With efficient image library management, Eggplant provides easy transcript maintenance across multiple platforms. 

What are its features?

Eggplant’s Digital Automation Intelligence Suite is strengthened with AI to optimise testing, development, and delivery. Eggplant’s product suite is designed for large enterprises to test any application, website, or software using cutting-edge technologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence. Its product line includes automated functional and usability testing, robotic process automation, performance testing, and monitoring, among other things (real and synthetic users).

Companies all over the world use Eggplant to outperform their competitors, increase productivity, and delight customers by dramatically improving the quality, responsiveness, and performance of their software applications across a variety of interfaces, platforms, browsers, and devices – including mobile, IoT, and desktop – in agile, DevOps, and innovative application and data environments.

9. Worksoft Certify

What is it?

Certify is a tool which automates functional testing across almost all of the enterprise apps and interfaces, while also validating important business processes. Certify, which is part of Worksoft’s seamless Connective Automation Platform, provides genuinely code-free, continuous automation that can be easily produced, shared, and repurposed to better analyse, refine, and run your business processes—all from a single code-free platform. With the support of Certify, both business users and IT can participate in the creation of automation assets, and those assets are no longer segregated between separate systems and solutions.

What are its features?

It provides a central data repository and supports a broad interface library for web and cloud application testing. Integrated test management is available for testing complex end-to-end business processes. It enables middle party, bi-directional integrations and is a codefree solution to automation testing. Other value added lifecycle management solutions like Agile and DevOps are complemented. It employs Connected Automation, which links process intelligence and continuous test automation so that QA teams can produce perfect apps faster and more efficiently, with the flexibility to repurpose automation for more accurate and long-lasting RPA in production.

With the market’s choice for enterprise test automation, it is utilised to improve project delivery timeframes, reduce human labour, and mitigate risk. Certify is a code-free platform that makes it simple for business users and IT to design, maintain, distribute, and consume automated end-to-end business process tests as part of continuous testing, integration, and delivery cycles. Certify’s model-based object action framework continuously updates automation throughout your application landscape, providing a fully scalable solution for reducing risk and speeding up delivery timelines. It’s used to automate end-to-end functional testing of mission-critical processes in complex application landscapes, such as web technologies, mobile apps, big data, hybrid cloud environments, and dozens of bundled corporate applications.

10. Watir

What is it?

Watir, or Web Application Testing in Ruby, is an open sourced family of Ruby libraries.  It is a free Open Source programme with no fees associated with its use. Watir is a very lightweight application that supports headless browser execution and allows page object design patterns. 

What are its features?

It provides multiple browser support on various platforms and also supports cloud execution. It allows easy use of APIs to test popup alerts. Watir has a growing community that replaces the proprietary vendor script with Ruby, a full-featured modern scripting language. Watir manipulates browsers in the same way as humans do. It also performs checks on the findings, such as ensuring that the desired text appears on the page. Watir supports any application, regardless of the technology used to create it. On Windows, it only works with Internet Explorer. 

Watir-WebDriver works with a variety of browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Opera. It can also be used without a head (HTMLUnit). Ruby allows you to connect to databases, read data files, and create spreadsheets. It also exports XML and organises the code into libraries that can be reused. Watir-WebDriver is a modernised version of the Selenium-based Watir API. Watir works in a slightly different way than HTTP-based test tools, which merely simulate a browser. Watir-classic uses the OLE protocol to drive the browser directly, making it a handy tool.

11. IBM Rational Functional Tester (RFT)

What is it?

IBM Rational Functional Tester is a functional and regression testing tool that is automated. It allows for functional, regression, GUI, and data-driven testing to be automated. It provides data driven testing as well as allows recording and test scripting. IBM RFT uses natural language and rendered screenshots for storyboard testing while supporting team collaboration during testing. It also provides earlier data detection in various web-based and terminal emulator-based applications.  

What are its features?

Rational Functional Tester is a tool for performing automated functional, regression, user interface, and data-driven testing. Rational Functional Tester supports a wide range of web-based applications, including Microsoft.NET, Java, 3270 (zSeries) and 5250 (iSeries) terminal emulator-based apps, PowerBuilder, AJAX, Adobe Flex, Dojo Toolkit, Siebel, and SAP. Rational Functional Tester automates functional tests by capturing a user’s actions on the system under test and replaying them on demand to run the test. The recorded activities are saved in RFT as a script, which is a basic programme. Java programmes are used to display RFT scripts. A ‘checkpoint’ compares the actual result provided by the system under test at the time of execution with an expected result stored in RFT at the time of recording, allowing the tool to evaluate the success or failure of every step.

The IBM RFT tool was created for users of various technical abilities to ensure that your quality assurance team isn’t limited to basic testing and that other experts in your company may participate in and understand the test flow through a visual storyboard format. Advanced IBM technology learns user interface characteristics and applies them to new software versions, reducing the amount of time spent writing new test scripts.

Rational Functional Tester allows your development teams to design keyword-associated scripts that can be reused over and over again, increasing efficiency. It easily codes test scripts in Java using the Eclipse Java Developer Toolkit editor in RFT. It automates the completion of code and provides powerful debugging capabilities.

12. TestProject

What is it?

TestProject is an end-to-end automation solution for web, API, and mobile applications. It’s a free and open-source tool based on Selenium and Appium. It provides a collaborative testing repository with easy DevOps integration tools. It gives an elaborate analysis of tests that were carried out and also supports addons. Its scriptless test recorder also allows cross platform functionality across various operating systems. TestProject is a complete platform for automating mobile and web app testing. Its goal is to make test automation easier while also allowing for endless customization through a gallery of add-ons.

What are its features?

It is a first-of-its-kind free community-powered cloud platform for recording, developing, and analysing test automation. A great feature of TestProject is that it supports a wide range of platforms, including Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, and Webservices. You receive a complete test automation framework with TestProject, which allows you to record tests with a cloud-based recorder for online and mobile applications. It allows you to schedule tests to run on whatever browsers or devices you own. With out-of-the-box connectors to Jenkins and other tools, it can integrate testing into your CI/CD process.

It adds a programmed test SDK, a REST API, and a slew of community Add-Ons to TestProject. It has the ability to analyse data using comprehensive analytics and drill-down reports. This feature set empowers the entire team, allowing nontechnical users to record tests and developers to finish them with code. It is extremely beneficial to agile teams in this regard because it allows them to effortlessly communicate and share test artefacts.

TestProject is based on open-source automation frameworks such as Selenium and Appium. It eliminates all the complications of installing and managing drivers for each platform and browser you use, unlike other open source solutions that function on their own. You can use all of the browsers on the PC, as well as any attached mobile devices, to record, execute, debug, and develop your test with the installation of a single application.

13. Subject7

What is it?

Subject7 is a truly script-free, cloud-based test automation platform designed to allow non-technical testers and test automation engineers to create end-to-end automated tests more quickly. It offers a state-of-the-art cloud-based platform for end-to-end test automation, with support for online, desktop, native mobile, database, web services, load testing, security testing, 508/accessibility testing, manual testing, and more. 

What are its features?

Through a series of commands, the Subject7 platform delivers end-to-end test automation capabilities. These commands are accessible through a simple web interface, which hides the intricacies of industry-standard tools like Selenium, Appium, SikuliX, JMeter, and others. 

It allows parameterization and data driven testing. It allows video recording of test reporting and archiving across parallel testing platforms. By modularizing the test steps, it supports browser testing, native mobile app testing, API testing and more. It also provides a test repository for automated and manual test cases.  It is easily integrable into various DevOps platforms.

The Subject7 Player, which executes these automation commands, is available on users’ PCs (for authoring and debugging), in the cloud (for parallel execution), and as a load-generating engine, all of which employ the same commands, ensuring uniform automation across the board.

Subject7 is used by development teams for a variety of tasks, including web, desktop, native mobile, database, web services, load testing, security testing, 508/accessibility testing, manual testing, and more. It offers a REST API for integration into custom pipelines and interfaces with defect tracking systems and continuous integration technologies.

14. Ranorex Studio

What is it?

Ranorex Studio is one of the most complete automation tools available, with solutions for a variety of settings, devices, and applications, enabling automated testing of any desktop, online, or mobile application. Ranorex is a test automation tool that allows anyone, from beginners to experts, to create ground-breaking tests for a variety of platforms. Its ability to run tests locally or remotely on real mobile devices, simulators, or emulators adds to its value. As a result, you will be able to evaluate your programme thoroughly.

What are its features?

Ranorex also allows you to perform parallel tests in many browsers. As a result, you will be able to complete this stage faster. Aside from that, you may spend less time troubleshooting and more time changing your application into something more sophisticated and bug-free.

Ranorex Studio provides the necessary tools for speeding up testing procedures, since a single licence allows you to create and run tests for desktop, web, and mobile devices. Furthermore, by performing tests in parallel across Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge, and other browsers, you may speed up the testing step. As a result, you’ll have more time to improve your application’s flow. It includes intuitive and user-friendly tools for creating scripts that are stable, efficient, and easy to maintain. You can do this regardless of your programming experience, allowing you to achieve your objectives more quickly. 

It’s critical to know the status of your assignments if you want to keep your projects on track. As a result, Ranorex Studio includes robust reporting features that reveal detailed information about the test execution process. These allow you to quickly identify the line of code or piece that is creating difficulties in your application. As a result, you can reduce the amount of time you spend troubleshooting. Furthermore, the programme allows you to run maintenance mode while the test is ongoing, allowing you to repair scripts and monitor how the test unfolds on the fly.

It provides reliable object identification and has tools for codeless automation and an IDE. Its flexibility in test suite structure and shareable object repository make it a great tool. It can be used across cross platforms and for parallel testing too. Its customizable test reports and reusable code structure are really good features. It was made for cross functional DevOps teams.

15. QAWolf

What is it?

QAWolf creates and maintains end-to-end tests, as well as integrates them into the software development process. It provides parameterized testing. It provides video, logs, and exact timeline of code failure for easy debugging. It allows you to re-run individual lines of code or just the code you’re troubleshooting.

What are its features?

It helps to keep track of failures through logs and videos. It shows where the test failed using recorded videos, logs, and highlighted lines of code. You can re-run and fix tests straight in your browser, without running code locally or waiting for a CI build.

It supports parallel execution and is compliant with unicode. It manages integrations to get alerts on test results. It is an end-to-end testing tool that is simple, fast, and free for the entire team. Users may develop tests directly on their browser and communicate with their team in real time using QA Wolf. Testers can share test links, invite team members to their testing dashboard, and cooperate on test creation and maintenance.

QA Wolf creates Javascript code while users browse, making it easy for anyone to build and execute tests on Netlify or Vercel deployments in parallel. Regardless of the number of tests running, test results arrive in minutes and may be sent to teams via email or Slack.


There is no bugless softwares in the world. Every software has some or the other error. What matters is that they are thoroughly tested and fixed. There are several tools that help us in doing so. We’ve learnt about the top 15 automation tools, but, in reality there are so many more automation tools available with great features. Choosing the right one according to your needs can definitely be a hassle. However, knowing about their features can help you go a long way in choosing the right one for you.


Q.1: How to select the best Test Automation Tool?

Ans: There is no such thing as the best test automation tool. It all depends on your requirements. While selecting the right test automation tool, follow the following steps – 

  • Recognize the tests needing automation
  • Define the budget for automation testing
  • Make a list of all the tools that fit your budget
  • From this list, eliminate all but two tools
  • Launch a pilot run for these two tools and choose one of them

Q.2: Why is choosing the correct automation tool important?

There are thousands of automation testing tools in the market, and each of them has its own set of features. Some of them are free, while some are open-sourced. Some are scripted and some are scriptless, and so on. Choosing the right automation tool makes your job easier. If the wrong tool is chosen, and your requirements are not met, then the project could fail as a whole.

Q.3: Which factors should you consider while selecting a Test Automation Tool?

The factors on the basis of which one can select the right test automation tool vary from situation to situation. But overall, there are some key features that you need to keep an eye out for – 

  • Cost of licensing
  • Right platform support for projects
  • Cost of training (employees need to be trained to use the tool in question)
  • Requirements of the tool (hardware/ software additions)
  • Updation and support policies of the tool

Q.4: Which automation tool is easiest?

Ans: There is no such thing as an easy or difficult automation tool. It all depends on the user’s skillset. However, for beginners, codeless automation testing tools like Ranorex are easy to understand and get a grasp of.

Q.5: Which automation tool is in demand?

Ans: As of now, Selenium is one of the most sought-after automation testing tools. But, these trends keep fluctuating and having a good grasp of some other tools as well can be of great help.

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