.Net Developer Salary in India – For Freshers and Experienced [2023]

.Net Developer Salary in India

.Net Developer is a much sought-after position, with an average net worth of ₹860,630. The average salary of a Net Software Developer is well above the national average, with the highest-paid .Net Developer earning as much as ₹96426 per month. A .Net Software Developer needs to have experience in multiple programming languages and lots of complex coding skills to get this lucrative position.

What is .Net?

.Net is a cross-platform, open-source, and free developer platform for building a variety of different applications.

With .Net, you can use multiple languages, editors, and libraries to create interactive web pages, mobile applications, desktop software, or games. You can also write code that connects different embedded devices.

Who is a .Net Developer?

A .Net Developer is a software developer who builds Microsoft’s Windows-compatible software with programming languages compatible with Microsoft’s .Net framework, including VB.Net and C#.

.Net Developers normally work in a process called the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), which contains six stages: analyzing, designing, developing and testing, implementing, documenting, and evaluation. They interact with computers multiple hours of the day and work in teams at software development firms or in the IT department of various technology-driven organizations. They may also work freelance servicing a list of clients.

C# is a modern general-purpose programming language that can be used to perform different tasks and objectives in different professions. C# is primarily used by the Windows .NET Framework, but can also be implemented on open source platforms. This highly versatile programming language is an object-oriented programming language (OOP), which is less common but fairly new to the game, but already pleasing to a familiar audience.

C# has a low learning curve and in addition to that, it utilizes the same ORM as .NET, the Entity Framework.

Furthermore, The .NET Framework provides a runtime environment called the Common Language Runtime (CLR) that runs the code and provides services that facilitate the development process. This provides access to the components of CLR viz. Common Type System, Intermediate language to Native Code compiler, execution support, security, garbage collector, code manager, class loader and memory layout, to the programming language on top of the .NET framework.

Key Reasons to Become a .Net Developer

Requirements for a .Net developer range depending on the hiring company, and it’s a fact. Companies will have different projects that use various technologies. For example, on one project in the firm, knowledge of a certain technology is necessary, but the same technology may not even be used on another project. This section will describe the main requirements of .Net software engineers that employers want to see in general without defining an exact technology stack.

Junior, Middle, and Senior .Net Developer salaries are dependent on responsibilities and how familiar they are with: Agile software development methodologies; common applicable technical frameworks, approaches, and methodologies; enthusiasm to meet and cope with the challenges.

As they advance in their career, it becomes more difficult to remain a relevant .Net developer by keeping up to date with technological innovations.

The .Net framework is designed to enable programmers to build software programs in a standardized manner. In addition, programmers also have access to robust security features with the .Net framework, like memory management and exception handling, for instance.

●   How big the library is

  • The Game Development SDK is a huge library for developers and is an easy reference to help with software projects. This can include dealing with complex application architecture by using a runtime system with a library of classes made specifically for this use.
  • Also, it has languages that make interoperability possible. For example, Cymatic enables each language to use any code from other languages, which in turn creates an even more dynamic practice of development.

●   The development Environment is quite Robust

  • The .Net framework promotes the best practices of software development through its robust, cross-platform development environment.

●  .Net is beneficial for developers

  • .Net platform can build a powerful variety of applications from simple web apps to more complex applications such as mission-critical ones. .Net can be built on Java technology with the added benefit that programming can be done in C# is object-oriented and praised for its simplified design. Examples:
  1. Accounting And Bookkeeping Applications
  2. Applications of Business Intelligence
  3. Web and Mobile Applications
  4. Supply Chain Applications can use data to boost productivity through robotics.

.Net Developer Salary in India

The average total compensation for an entry level .Net Software Developer / Programmer at different years of experience are ₹244,362 (level 1), ₹366,618 (level 2), ₹787,556 (level 3), and ₹1,158,863 (level 4).

.Net Developer Salary by Experience

The more years you have on your resume, the better your salary range. Experience in your desired position also shows recruiters that you are knowledgeable about the industry and the role, giving you a higher salary.

Experience YearsAverage Base Salary/year (In INR)
Fresher (>1 year)₹244,362
Early career (1-4 years)₹366,618
Mid-career (5-9 years)₹787,556
Experienced (<10 years)₹1,158,863

.Net Developer Salary by Location

.Net developers in different cities earn salaries based on apartment rent, employment opportunities, and other factors. For example, Bangalore might even command a higher salary than Chandigarh because of more employment opportunities.

LocationAverage Base Salary/year (In INR)

.Net Developer Salary by Employer

Average .Net developer salary in India is influenced by the company’s tier level. An average .Net programmer can find great pay with excellent opportunities.The best (most paying) dot net development company in India is Microsoft. Most Indian programmers come to the conclusion that the average salary of a .Net developer depends on experience and role. Most highly paid IT employees to receive a 6 figure income, which means that those former answers offered by our expert are true. There are other kinds of analysis of IT companies in India along with the average salary they offer in different Departments or cities and networks available in corporate offices or start ups. See the below table.

Company Average Base Salary in (INR)Range
Cognizant Technology Solutions₹5,59,879/yr₹3L to ₹10L
Tata Consultancy Services₹4,84,680/yr₹4L to ₹10L
Accenture₹5,82,464/yr₹3L to ₹14L
Infosys₹5,39,019/yr₹4L to ₹6L
Capgemini₹5,19,984/yr₹5L to ₹7L
Intelizign₹6,45,346/yr₹5L to ₹9L
Wipro₹5,18,621/yr₹3L to ₹15L
HCL Technologies₹8,02,812/yr₹3L to ₹8L
LTI₹5,99,235/yr₹3L to ₹7L

Source: Glassdoor

.Net Developer Salary by Skillset

Skill SetAverage Base Pay/annum (In INR)

Microsoft SQL Server₹435,032
ASP.Net Framework₹422,328
.Net Core₹685,000
Microsoft Azure Skills₹609,836

.Net Developer Salary in Other Countries


Net developer salaries differ across states in the US, with New York topping the list with a median annual salary of $110,731. However, other states such as Massachusetts and California also boast salaries well over six figures per year.


Salaries for UK-located .Net coders vary, with an entry-level salary hitting the lowest of $35,940-$42,257 per year. Lead NET programmers charge the highest at $64,709-$78,011 yearly, and mid-level .Net programmers are hired at $51,797-$56,863 per year.


Net engineer salaries depend on both seniority and location. Entry-level specialists make $43,667-$48,180 annually, while mid-level specialists can make up to $59,648-$96,158. However, employers in Canada are likely to offer the best rates with a net developer salary of just shy of $83,000 per year.


From $49,977 to $100,126 for an experienced net programmer salary, the data does not lie. The median annual income of an average net information programmer in Australia is $89,584 and ranges from $59,232 to $90,510.


An average net developer salary is in the span of $44,800-$53,200 per year. As in other locations, an entry-level developer makes around $30,000-$32,500. Middle .Net programmers make around $37,000-$43,500 and senior-level specialists can charge up to $55,000.

 .Net Pros

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): The greatest advantage of using OOP technology in .NET is that it enables developers to work on small chunks of software individually (or, one at a time). Once one part of the software has been completed, it can be moved to the next. As a result, smaller components may be assembled and used more efficiently once they are complete.

Good caching system: The straightforward cache system of .NET makes it reliable and easy to use in addition to being easy to develop for. In addition, it allows for the cache to be refined so that performance and scale can be enhanced.

Visual Studio: The VS integrated development environment (IDE) makes creating applications with .NET simple as well as releasing them on multiple platforms and operating systems. Because of simple development, debugging, and publishing, .NET apps are easy to create, distribute, and maintain.

Cross-Platform Development: There are multiple varieties of .NET that may be used to create applications on different operating systems. Because they can work with different languages and are open source, they don’t have any difficulties communicating. Developers who prefer different programming languages may work together without any trouble.

Easy to Deploy and Maintain: The .NET family of development tools makes it simple for developers to deploy applications and keep them running efficiently. Because of its modular structure, developers can easily disassemble applications and then update or fix them, without wasting time searching for that particular line of code that causes everything to crash.

Large community: The .NET has grown to become a large community ever since it was made open-source by Microsoft, but it was not until it was released that it really exploded. As a result of the ubiquitous nature of Microsoft’s products and services, the development framework has now become even bigger.

ASP.NET enables automatic monitoring: It is important to remember that ASP.NET’s automatic monitoring feature is there to warn you if something goes wrong, such as an infinite loop or memory leak. You will also become aware of this if something goes wrong. It is unfortunate when this happens, but it can be prevented with the right precautions.

.Net Cons

While many prefer to use .Net because of its plethora of advantages, it also comes with many problems. However, other users view these drawbacks as bonuses because they give users the chance to learn how to code and ultimately become more knowledgeable developers.

●   Limited Object-Relational Support

  • .Net works with Object-Oriented Programming, a process of the objects. With support from data from the Entity Framework, data-oriented software application development can thus be achieved.
  • Not all developers are on board with the Entity Framework Core, saying the framework lacks flexibility and does not support every database design.

●   Vendor Lock-Ins

  • Without open-source models, you will be reliant on Microsoft guidelines to build your product.

●   Memory Leaks

  • At first, creating and debugging large projects in C# was tedious work. For example, if a developer mistakenly omits the new keyword before an object declaration, it will blow up with a segfault or return references to random memory.
  • Engineers waste time and resources with .Net’s efforts to use a garbage collector for resource management.

●   Moving to .Net Core

The .Net core transition can be difficult, with many dependencies that may require a bit of time to update. In addition, many older applications have been developed for the dotNET architecture, and not all of these are compatible with the latest versions. Since the .Net framework is Windows only and .Net Core is a cross-platform, there are a few technologies that do exist in .Net core viz. Application Domains, Remoting, Code Access Security (CAS) and Security Transparency.

Porting from .Net framework to .Net Core might be easy and not require a lot of changes but the fact that .Net Framework is windows only, so using Windows-specific technologies such as Windows Forms or Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) can throw errors on operating systems other than Windows. So, when porting your application please ensure to perform an end to end testing and look out for such errors.

It is noteworthy that .Net Upgrade Assistant and .NET Portability Analyser can help prevent the common porting issues.

●   Hang – Ups

  • Difficulties with ASP.Net software result in hang-ups for apps. The condition typically takes one of two forms: soft hangs and hard hangs. Soft hangs occur when pages tend to be slow to load or can display errors, whereas hard hangs are evidenced by the site not loading at all

●   Excessive Event Logs

  • Changes to the web. config file could result in an event log being left as it is or neglected. ASP .Net software development applications require routine checks to avoid errors that have been encountered due to unnecessary or excessive logging. Therefore, events will be logged in by default if the web.config file is left as it is, or if you neglect to read this part of your configuration file.

●   Database Issues

  • Complex database operations and slow page load times are some of the most common issues that .Net developers face. For example, complex database transactions could take seconds to minutes to complete. However, with data field configuration methods, this can be eliminated.

●   Overloaded Servers

  • Some ways to combat server overload are by providing alternate sources for content delivery and handling various file sizes designated to different servers, with different sites caching being just one solution.

●   Careful when using thread synchronization

  • .Net developers can reduce the number of threads that compete for the same resource by synchronizing as and when necessary. For instance, an e-commerce application should process items on one request at a time thus threads would need to be synchronized for execution. Using synchronization properly prevents threads from competing over shared resources like locks or system resources like CPU cycles.


It is difficult to calculate the average salary for a .Net developer, it mostly varies depending on the languages and job types used. However, we can assume that it is high. Implementing a business’ many of NET’s benefits as globalization and expandability are significant. Builders should be ready to create web, mobile, and desktop apps of any complexity and games, IoT solutions, and AI solutions .Net developers should work to develop highly scalable software for Microsoft operating systems and devices.


Q: Is Dot Net in demand?
A: There is high demand for the profile of a .Net developer, but the demand exceeds the supply. There is no clear answer to what skills are required. E.g: X years of experience in WinForms and VB.Net

Q: Is .Net good for a career in India?
A: From mobile apps to enterprise applications and services, API development depends on the Microsoft server-side application created by millions of developers worldwide. .Net provides a cohesive framework allowing developers to reuse code, whether they’re building the next social app or something more directed at enterprise operations.

Q: How do I become a .Net Developer?
A: It is possible to work as a .Net developer without formal qualifications; however, employers may prefer candidates with qualifications in computer science like a Masters’s or a Bachelor’s, to say the least. Specialization in one or multiple .Net compatible programming languages is also essential.

As a .Net developer, make sure you try for an internship placement while studying. This will provide you with broad experience and guidance from experienced developers. You can also help the company reach mutual goals by creating long-term value as you could in a full-time role.

Develop programming skills for a .Net compatible language that will enable you to code easily.

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