16 Exciting PHP Projects With Source Code [2023]

PHP Projects


Let us take a glance at what PHP is before we talk about the project ideas. Php is an open-source scripting language, and is considered one of the most favoured Programming languages, thereby everyone aspires to become a Php Developer. But to become a Php Developer, you ought to know about a few things like understanding coding tactics, developing projects, etc. Once you have accomplished that, you will be capable of working as a Php Developer. The best way to know any programming language and to keep developing is to work diligently on projects. These projects will challenge your creativity and will sharpen your skills. This implies that if you are a novice with PHP, the most suitable thing you can do is operate on a few real-time projects.

Theoretical knowledge is important, but the thing that will help you in a real-time work environment is a pragmatic approach to learning. In this article, we will be knowing more about some of the Best PHP Project Ideas for beginners, amateurs, and experts so that they can work on their skills to gather experience.

Here are a few qualities of PHP:

  • With PHP, you can design static and dynamic websites
  • You can incorporate business logic layers.
  • It utilizes hashing techniques.
  • You can create desktop applications with the help of PHP.
  • It enables cross-platform development.
  • PHP connects to the database and lets you execute different operations like updating and documenting data. The more you experiment with various PHP projects, the more you will gain knowledge.

PHP includes C-like syntax, which is effortless to run and master. With the help of PHP, you can accomplish all the basic system functions, handle dynamic databases and web content, keep track of sessions, and even create an exclusive e-commerce website. You can assemble data from files, save data, email it, and return it to the user. Furthermore, you can encrypt the data and limit users from browsing certain pages. PHP also has the function to edit the elements in your database and access cookies variables. This scripting language works best with multiple available databases, including Informix, MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, etc.

The below-mentioned PHP project idea will familiarize you with these elements. Whether have just begun with PHP or looking to sharpen your programming skills, you can start at the open-source codes available on GitHub and uncover new chances in the web development space!

PHP Projects for Beginners

If you have just begun your journey in this field and you only have a basic understanding of PHP, you should start with easy projects, meant for beginners that can be finished within a few hours. You can finish almost all of these projects with little resources and without assistance from other programmers. To know about the great project ideas for PHP beginners, take a look at the list below.

1. A Chatbot for Students

This PHP project lets the bot analyze the user’s messages and the replies to the questions are sent accordingly. This web app can be utilized to respond to the queries of the students. You can create a college query bot of sorts thereby making it easier for the students. With artificial intelligence, the chatbot will be able to analyze the questions of the users efficiently and will provide appropriate responses. If the chatbot is incapable to provide suitable responses to the query of the user, then they can give feedback to enhance the accuracy. For this project, you get to implement the knowledge you have of PHP, UI, and AI for this project.

Source Code – A Chatbot for Students

2. Portal for Doctors

Portal for Doctors

PHP has many diverse abilities, and you can utilize them when working on this project. You can create a portal where various patients and doctors can interact. Patients can make use of this portal to schedule appointments on the portal according to the availability of the doctors. This is a very impressive yet exceptional PHP project that you can work on. This portal tackles the hassle of the tedious process of appointment booking. Doctors can also handle their appointments on this portal at their convenience. You can also incorporate additional features for the doctors like the portal creates the possibility for the doctors to incorporate the medical records of the patient into the database.

Source Code – Portal for Doctors

3. Clothes Recommendation System

Clothes Recommendation System

In this project, you will be creating a clothes recommendation system. You will be utilizing PHP to create a suggestion that can be employed for an online clothing store. The solution you are creating can capture user data in the items they’ve eyed, items in their wishlist, and the last purchases to suggest the consumer’s related products. Collective filtering can be used to offer suggestions that are correct as well as effective as they can determine the similarities between different users. These kinds of suggestion systems are very famous and are seen in many e-Commerce stores. Amazon’s recommendation system is considered the most powerful and efficient. You can also take a glance at their system to get encouraged on how to work around this project.

Source Code – Clothes Recommendation System

4. Product Rating System as per the Consumer Reviews

Product Rating System

You may have come across various product rating systems prevalent in many famous and famous e-Commerce platforms. These systems highlight the average ratings of the reviews provided by the users, making it easy for a visitor to comprehend what the favored opinion on a particular product is. This is a suitable solution where the user experience is improved, at the same time, the company can look for new ways to serve the customers better. The rating system you are creating will require an algorithm to keep a track and handle the customer reviews. Also, you can mine and match certain keywords present in the reviews with your database for opinion mining. Additionally, you can design a sentiment analyzing solution, it will look for few keywords in the reviews of users to learn whether it is good or bad.

Source Code – Product Rating System

5. Automatic Time Table Creation

Automatic Time Table Creation

This is another interesting project where you will have to design a custom algorithm that utilises a timetable object. This object should be equipped with options for variety of classrooms as class objects along with a fitness score. The fitness score is dependant on when the timetable crashes owing to the different calendars of the several classes. The class object will contain week objects, and these will comprise days which in turn will contain time slots. Also, these ought to have an address where the student and teacher are related.

Source Code – Automatic Time Table Creation

Intermediate PHP Projects

Intermediate PHP developers have taken a step from the beginner level though are not yet completely thorough in advanced PHP programming. If you have progressed to this stage, you will require to finish more complex projects than the fundamental options listed above. Below mentioned is a list of favored PHP ideas that will assist you to evolve into a professional PHP developer.

6. Ad Dispenser Server

PHP Skills Required: PHP best practices, Composer, PHPUnit, programming

An ad dispenser server can be enforced on a website for ad display automation. You can create it to make sure that ads are shown to a customer on the basis of the keywords they explore. This makes the path for targeted advertising and heightened conversions. You will require Apache HTTP server 2.2 installed to design the ad dispenser.

Source Code – Ad Dispenser Server

7. Movie Recommendation App

PHP Skills Needed: Composer, Design patterns, PHPUnit, PHP best practices
Just like how the ad dispenser project mentioned above exhibits advertisements, this project should involve a database that suggests movie recommendations. The software should be able to make movie recommendations to customers on the grounds of what they have seen in the past. Take the example of a movie streaming platform like Netflix that offers customized experiences to subscribers.

Source Code – Movie Recommendation App

8. Predictive Model for Customer Behavior

Customer Behavior

PHP Skills Necessary: Programming, Composer, PHP best practices, PHPUnit
This web application is ideal for executing market research. It should anticipate the demeanor of online customers by examining their history. Some knowledge of machine learning and AI is needed for this project. This software for foreseeing customer behavior can be used for an e-commerce site, blog, or any apps that depend on returning visitors.

Source Code – Predictive Model

9. Image Processing and Generation

PHP Skills Needed: PHPUnit, programming, PHP best practices, Composer

You can build an engaging web application by changing images with the help of PHP along with the GD Graphics Library, Exif, Gmagick and ImageMagick. The web page should be capable of processing various image sizes, ranging from thumbnails to full-size.

Source Code – Image Processing and Generation

10. Facebook Application Development

PHP Skills Required: Composer, PHPUnit, PHP best practices
The Facebook developer community is rich in resources that make it effortless for anybody with an understanding of AWS SDK for PHP to develop and monetize a Facebook app. Many Facebook application programmers develop interactive games. You can attempt to create a chess game or opt for something slightly more unique like a horoscope app.

Source Code – Facebook Application Development

Advanced PHP Projects

Once you are quite satisfied with intermediate-level PHP projects, you can start working on more challenging projects. The below-mentioned advanced projects are excellent for experienced developers.

11. E-Commerce Website

E-Commerce Website

Build an e-commerce website with the help of PHP, Ajax, CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. The features comprise:

  • Product catalog details
  • Shopping carts
  • User records
  • Admin Panel
  • Manage product details (add or remove product).

Source Code – E-Commerce Website

12. Online Shopping Project

Online Shopping Project

This project lets the consumer shop virtually and all the details about the product are saved on the server-side. To create this, you can use Javascript, HTML, and CSS for the frontend and MySQL and PHP for the backend. All the transactions are conducted electronically and interactively in real-time. The features comprise:

  • Management of shopping items
  • The consumer is given their email ID and password to use their account.
  • Customer support via email.

Source Code – Online Shopping Project

13. Social Networking Website

With the help of Javascript, HTML, CSS, PHP, and MySQL, you can build an amazing social networking site such as Facebook. The features include:

  • User or Admin Login
  • Search Friends
  • Friend or Unfriend
  • Send private messages

Source Code – Social Networking Website

14. Online Blood Bank

Running a blood bank can be a difficult job but, it becomes effortless with an online application that handles all the details about blood donors, availability of various blood groups in each blood bank, and help them operate in a better way. We would use HTML, CSS (Bootstrap), Javascript, PHP, and MySQL for this purpose. Some of the features are:

  • Donor registration.
  • Inventory management for blood bank storage.
  • Donors who are suitable for donation with their contact information.
  • Transfering blood from one blood bank to another.

Source Code – Online Blood Bank

15. Online Voting System

Online Voting System

Though this project is last on this list, it is very popular as everybody hates polling booths and long queues but, most importantly, we despise corruption in any voting system. This project is created with the help of Bootstrap, PHP, Javascript, and CSS.

Some of the features are:

  • Login
  • Manage Administrators
  • Manage Candidates
  • Manage Positions
  • Check Poll Results
  • Update Password
  • Update Profile
  • Logout

Voter or User Features

  • Registration
  • Login
  • Update Profile
  • Choose Positions for Voting
  • Give Vote
  • Logout
  • It is the total package.

Source Code – Online Voting System

16. WordPress Plugins

You can construct your WordPress plug-in from scratch and monetize it. All you have to do is think of a plug-in that would make the life of WordPress users easier. It can be anything like a search engine optimization plug-in, a grammar plug-in, or anything that would enhance functionality and cut downtime. Build the plug-in with PHP and you can test it out on your WordPress site. The skills required are Composer, programming, PHPUnit, PHP best practices.

Source Code – WordPress Plugins


We hope that our list of PHP Project with source codes has been useful to you and that you have thoroughly enjoyed it. We talked about some of the finest ideas here, and if you want to get better at your PHP skills, then you have to start working on these projects. Only when you create projects like these and keep on practicing, you will have an idea of how real-world projects work. Once you’ve chosen ideas of your choice, you can move forward and work on them or come up with your extraordinary theories as well.


Q.1: Top PHP Projects Ideas

  • A Chatbot for Students
  • Portal for Doctors
  • Clothes Recommendation System
  • Product Rating System as per the Consumer Reviews
  • Automatic Time Table Creation
  • Ad Dispenser Server
  • Movie Recommendation App
  • Predictive Model for Customer Behavior
  • Image Processing and Generation
  • Facebook Application Development
  • E-Commerce Website
  • Online Shopping Project
  • Social Networking Website
  • Online Blood Bank
  • Online Voting System
  • WordPress Plugins

Q.2: What kind of projects is PHP used for?

Ans: PHP is used for social networking websites, content-based web pages like news sites and blogs, enterprise-specific software including CRM solutions and CMS), and e-commerce software solutions.

Q.3: Is it difficult to learn PHP?

Ans: PHP is considered one of the easier programming languages to comprehend as it has a strong ecosystem of resources available for amateurs. It also contains a syntax that is forgiving to beginners. If you struggling to understand PHP, it mostly depends on your experience with programming.

Q.4: How do I start a project in PHP?

Ans: When working on your first PHP project:
Begin with the IDE, select File > Open Project. The Open Project dialog box can be seen.
Choose NewPHPProject and select Open Project. The NewPHPProject tree occurs in the Projects window and the project’s index. PHP file runs in the editor and the Navigator window.

Q.5: Is PHP worth learning in 2023?

Ans: PHP, an open-source programming language is totally free, since it supports all the major browsers, it is highly scalable. PHP is not getting outdated soon and is worth learning in 2022 and beyond. There are still ample jobs available for new PHP developers.

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