Top 10 SQL IDEs To Know



The term “integrated development environment” refers to a software development environment. It’s a piece of software that allows us to integrate several components of building a computer program. A source code editor, build automation tools, and a debugger are commonly included in an IDE.

You might wonder why you need an IDE when your computer already has a command line. The debate between writing queries in the command line vs. using an IDE is raging in the developer community. Many of you are likely to have begun with the command line. You could handle anything with SQL in this manner, but working with large databases can be challenging.

You can now learn whenever you choose from the convenience of your own home, and you may choose from a wide range of SQL courses to build a solid foundation. As we constantly say, you need to practice SQL, and a practice set of SQL questions gives you plenty of possibilities to do so. Even if you are now a beginner, you can become a SQL specialist in the future. An editor may also be beneficial when you begin working on your own SQL projects. You may also require an IDE at work if you must collect and evaluate data. You can even use a SQL ide online and practice online without having the need to explicitly download any IDEs.

What Is A SQL IDE And Why Do We Need It?

SQL IDEs are also referred to as SQL editors. Database administrators and web developers can use SQL editors or SQL IDEs to perform and execute a variety of SQL queries and integration the database with the application. These editors also aid in the establishment of a database connection, allowing you to view, control, and alter the data in the database.
Integrated development environments are primarily intended to increase the productivity of developers and administrators by providing tightly coupled components with similar user interfaces. IDEs show a single program that performs all development and post-development tasks. Some of the features of SQL Editors are listed below.

  • Setting up database objects.
  • Defining the schema and instance of the database.
  • Data analysis and user management.
  • Debugging in case a query fetches an unexpected result.
  • Testing to see whether the database connection is working properly or not.


Following are some of the best SQL IDEs available in the industry :



Adminer has been one of the most popular SQL IDEs You receive greater MySQL feature support, a cleaner user interface, more security, and excellent speed with admirers. Adminer has always prioritized security as a key component since its start. It prevents unauthenticated access to other databases and protects against brute-force attacks by rate-limiting connection attempts. Additionally, if you no longer require Adminer, you can delete it instantly. Unlike many other IDEs, an admirer is a single file that can be deleted and uploaded instantly.

Adminer used to have several flaws, but it has been improved over time, and anytime an update is released, make sure to install it.
Following are the features of Adminer :

  • Authentication of user (using username and password) is used to connect to the database server.
  • Selecting an existing database or creating a new one is an option.
  • Columns’ names, type, collation, comment, and default values can all be changed.
  • Tables and columns can be dragged and dropped. Supports several data types, including blobs, via file transfer.
  • Users and rights can be viewed and changed. Variables with documentation links are displayed. There is also an option to import and export SQL queries.
  • Manage table divisions and events.
  • Plenty of customization options. Custom code can be used to override parts of the basic Adminer features.



As a database developer, you’re well aware that different SQL statements are required for backups, ad-hoc querying, and troubleshooting. DBeaver is one of the solutions that can quickly complete these tasks for you.

It is a database management solution that is multi-platform and accessible to all types of developers, SQL programmers, analysts, and database administrators (DBAs). DBeaver is a Java-based database management system that supports practically all types of databases, including MariaDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and even YugaByte DB.

Although its UI isn’t as nice as pgAdmin, DBeaver is an open-source IDE, which makes it a popular choice. Following are the features of DBeaver :

  • It’s a free and open-source application.
  • This SQL application allows you to examine and edit database metadata, tables, keys, indexes, and columns.
  • Auto-formatting, auto-completion, and hyperlinks are all available in the SQL editor.
  • It provides multiple data views to meet the needs of a wide range of users, such as displaying image contents (gif, png, jpeg, bmp) as images.
  • Table contents and query results can be filtered using custom filters, including filters based on cell values.

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express

For years, the bulk of database developers preferred Microsoft SQL server management studio. While it has lost its position as the top priority, with IDEs such as Adminer and DBeaver taking its place, it is still one of the best in the market, owing to its history as well as what it has to offer given that it is free.
Following are the features of Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express :

  • It provides a single, integrated environment for SQL Server Database Engine management and authoring.
  • It gives users the option of sending them to a Code Editor or scripting them for later execution.
  • Users can use numerous tools while dialogue is open thanks to non-modal and resizable dialogues.
  • A common scheduling dialogue that enables users to complete management dialogue actions at a later time.
  • Importing and exporting goods SQL Server Management Studio is a tool for managing SQL Server databases.
  • SQL Server automatically creates XML Deadlock and Showplan files, which you can save or print.
  • A SQL Server Management Studio tutorial to assist users in taking advantage of the many new capabilities and becoming more productive straight away.
  • Filtering and automatic refresh are included in this new activity monitor.
  • A built-in Web browser for accessing online or MSDN help.
  • A new error and informational message box has been added to provide more details.



RazorSQL is another powerful IDE that includes syntax highlighting and administration features which includes creating, altering, and dropping tables. In addition, RazorSQL provides a built-in database viewer that allows you to explore all of the elements of a database, such as schemes, tables, and functions. Additionally, RazorSQL has a table construction tool that is very useful in producing SQL for tables, which is very useful for quickly creating SQL. It also supports over 20 languages, including SQL, PHP, XML, Java, and others. For Mac OS, Windows, and Linux, it’s the ideal SQL editor.
Following are the features of RazorSQL :

  • An excellent editor – Syntax highlighting, autocomplete, multiple query execution, function lookup, and more features are available. You won’t have to switch between different software to utilize PHP, Java, JavaScript, HTML, or other coding languages. All of this is possible thanks to EditRocket, a code editor that works with programming languages other than SQL.
  • Easy database browsing – It lets you look at your database’s various structures, schemas, tables, foreign keys, and indexes.
  • Aids in Data Comparison – You do not need to manually search data. This editor examines all of your databases’ tables, views, and queries.


All forms of relational databases can be accessed through the SQuirreL SQL IDE, which has a very simple and user-friendly graphical interface. Because it’s written in Java, it can connect to various databases remotely.

SQuirrel SQL is a comprehensive solution to database migration, which is frequently hampered by variances in syntax. Overall, SQuirrel SQL is a very user-friendly IDE, and it is a typical Swing software as well as one of the most successful.
Following are the features of SQuirrel :

  • The plugin for graphs. It includes both a human query builder and an automated SQL query generator. Relationships between table charts are simple to put together.
  • Tab with editable results. It provides you with a comprehensive overview of the data you require from your database.
  • An intelligent editor. Syntax highlighting and code completion are available, but what sets this apart is that it maintains functionality to a bare minimum without sacrificing flexibility. To aid efficiency, the editing interface is very sleek and basic.

MySQL Workbench

MySQL Workbench

MySQL Workbench is another important IDE to use in 2021, and while it may be near the bottom of this list, it is a good IDE with many useful features. A database administrator, data architect, or developer can use MySQL to visually model, design, generate, and administer databases.

MySQL Workbench contains practically everything a database administrator may want for forward and reverse engineering, as well as generating some of the most complicated ER models. MySQL Workbench also has crucial elements for completing difficult documentation and change management activities, which can be exhausting and time-consuming.
Following are the features of MySQL Workbench :

  • Visual SQL Editor – It’s ideal for creating, modifying, and executing SQL queries. You may preview your changes before implementing them, which is really beneficial. It also has a powerful debugger, color syntax highlighting, context-sensitive assistance, and autocomplete.
  • Tool for database migration – It includes a simple solution for transferring tables, objects, and data from Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, Sybase ASE, PostgreSQL, and other RDBMS into MySQL.
  • Provides a visual performance dashboard – With the Visual Explain Plan, you can see where to optimize your query with a single click.



Another free and open-source SQL editor is this one. It allows you to deal with MySQL, MariaDB, MS SQL, and PostgreSQL databases. It supports database management with a complete data synchronization option and a query generating function. HeidiSQL is a valuable and dependable tool for web developers. It allows you to browse and update data, as well as build and edit tables, views, and databases, making it simple to manage your database. Structure and data can also be readily exported and downloaded to a backup, SQL file, or other servers. The sole disadvantage of HeidiSQL is that it is only available for Windows. Following are the features of HeidiSQL :

  • Single Window IDE – Everything is contained within one window. You can even connect to numerous servers in a single window.
  • Synchronization of data – Tables, views, stored procedures, and scheduled events can all be created and modified.
  • A light and portable system – Because the interface does not require a lot of processing power to function, it may be used on nearly any device. There is also a portable version.

Oracle SQL Developer

Oracle SQL Developer

Oracle SQL Developer is a comprehensive application that allows database users and administrators to execute tasks in less time and with less effort.

The major goal of Oracle’s SQL Developer, which is primarily a productivity tool, is to make everything about the database easy for the end-user. It’s also helpful for reducing time and maximizing your database technology stack’s return on investment.

It’s also one of the many free IDEs that can help you construct SQL apps from beginning to end. It’s also a great worksheet for running scripts and queries, and if you’re a database administrator, it’s a great terminal for administering the database with a friendly reporting interface. Following are the features of Oracle SQL Developer :

  • Worksheet that is easy to use. SQL formatting is supported, as well as script execution recall and a visual query builder. You’ll also find an integrated file history and change logging tool here, which lets you keep track of what’s going on in your database.
  • Editor for procedures. Stored procedures, functions, and triggers can be executed, compiled, and refactored.
  • The ability to generate reports. Create bespoke reports or use over 50 different charting options and report formats to generate prepared reports. It aids in the comprehension of your database’s performance.

Valentina Studio

Valentina Studio

Valentina Studio is similarly a free IDE, albeit there is a commercial edition with more functionality. It’s a database administration tool that’s designed for MySQL, but it also works with SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, and other Valentina DB databases. On top of the appealing forward engineering diagramming, the PRO version of Valentina includes Data Transfer, Visual Query Builder, SQL DIFF, and Report Designer.
Following are the features of Valentina Studio :

  • Editing options are available – Autocomplete and syntax highlighting are provided by the system. It also allows you to save and access your favorite searches so you don’t have to type them in manually. The consoles make it simple to examine the syntax for mistakes.
  • Editor for diagrams – Backward and forward engineering tools are included. You can quickly develop scripts and visually traverse your database. This feature facilitates the creation and organization of new databases.
  • Editor for reports – You can create compelling reports using Valentina. To visually design the style of your reports, check out the feature set of controls, charts, and graphs.

Toad For SQL Server

Toad For SQL Server

Another SQL Server DBMS tool is Toad. It is one of the greatest SQL IDEs, with substantial automation, straightforward processes, and built-in expertise that enhances productivity. This SQL management tool assists in the resolution of issues, the management of change, and the promotion of the highest levels of code quality.

The following are the features of Toad :

  • Time-saving – It saves time for users by allowing them to automate and schedule repetitive tasks, such as data and schema comparisons.
  • Database Administration – Toad allows you to undo or redo transactions saved in log files, detach transaction log files, find script differences, and build synchronization scripts. In addition, you can see all of your databases in one place.
  • Enhanced productivity – With features like sophisticated code completion, SQL formatting, and the structured presentation of SQL scripts in Script Map, you can work more efficiently. Scripts can be run on different servers and instances, and debugging is simple.


Because there are so many SQL management solutions on the market, choosing the ideal one for your SQL project management might be difficult. In this article, we have covered the top 10 best SQL IDEs that you may use.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q.1: Which IDE is best for SQL beginners?

Ans. We have enlisted the top 10 best SQL IDEs that you may use above. All of them are good enough depending on user requirements and you may choose any of them based on your requirements and get started.

Q.2: What IDE do professional SQL programmers use?

Ans. As such, there is no difference between the IDEs used by professional SQL programmers and that of a beginner. Professional SQL programmers generally use any one of the top 10 best SQL IDEs listed above.

Q.3: Which IDE is best for SQL and why?

Ans. The above-listed top 10 best SQL IDEs are equally good. You can choose any one of them according to your requirements. Adminer and DBeaver are some of the most popular SQL IDEs because of the functionalities they provide. You can get started with any of them.

Q.4: What are the main features of a SQL IDE?

Ans. The main features of a SQL IDE include enabling you to connect to a database in a secure manner, allowing you to access the data in the database in an efficient manner, and some added functionalities which can include the generation of reports based on the data from the database and so on.

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