Top Angular JS Projects With Source Code

Angular JS Projects

A JavaScript framework, AngularJs is becoming powerful these days. You can design exquisite and effective single-screen pages with the help of AngularJs.Initially, when Angular was launched, it was called Angular JS as it was written in Js, till version 1.x it was called Angular Js.  From versions 2.x and onwards, it is called Angular ( not Angular Js ) as it is written in TypeScript.  In the very first place, technology was born to assist people in leading a much simpler life. Technology has impacted the world at a greater pace. It has offered people the requisite machinery and tools to hasten the processes and make those processes practical and highly profitable. One of the significant aspects of technology is that it does not segregate on any basis. People from the inaccessible corners of the world can utilise it with the same intentions and have equal results. Making use of technology is a matter of application. The results depend on the application and not on methods. Modern-day technology enthusiasts are very intrigued by Angular project ideas, as it is the next big thing. It is something that can transform the way people deal with businesses and gain services.


The passion for simplified things among people has reached greater heights. The user experience is nothing but the analysis of how easy an interface is. Web applications and websites should be smoother since not only an engineer will use them but there are going to be experts and there are going to be beginners trying to get work accomplished. The technology aims at empowering people with time and money. It is the primary motive of technology to encourage people to cut down on expenses and save time. With Angular project ideas, a lot of programmers can design services and products that serve a broader audience and make their lives easier. The modern world is at the edge of the traditional and newer world and technology steering us into the modern era. It is the technological growth that has pushed us to develop big industries and transform the way people work and manage their lives. All the sectors, namely the finance sector, the telecom sector, and retail, all are adopting technology with equal zeal. Each sector in the world resorts to technological advancements to make their businesses much more significant and empowering. With Angular project ideas, programmers can really assist a lot of sectors to gain the much-desired transformation and evolution. The significant transformation one can note is the increasing love for web-based applications; Angular can incorporate a lot of change into it and make it much more effective.

What is Angular?

What is Angular

A framework for developing single-page applications, Angular offers a series of functionality to cut down the number of code composed and the effort required in making an application up and running. It specifies certain features of your application design as a trade-off for the features it offers. Angular is also defined as a Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework or architecture as it opts to be for a modular approach to setting up your applications. Every view is described in HTML which includes a JavaScript controller module and model that prompts the interaction. Even better, Angular has been in the market for quite some time now has been tested in large applications and has undergone several modifications. Angular comprises one or more JavaScript files, which depends on the performance your application will leverage. Instead of one bloated JavaScript file incorporated into all of your applications, there is one core file that comprises the major framework features and other files or modules you can include layering other functionality onto the core framework. For instance, there’s a Resource module that offers a wrapper around a core HTTP service for connecting with RESTful APIs. If you are not utilising it, you do not incorporate the JavaScript file for the resource module into your application. Angular, and the numerous modules, can be included in an application by utilising a package manager like NuGet, NPM, or Bower to name a few. Individual packages for the core and additional modules are offered by all package managers. All applications need the installation of the core module with optional modules, like Resource or Route added as required

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Difference Between Angular and Angular JS

A typescript-based alternative to AngularJS, Angular is utilised to make dynamic web applications. It is the enhanced version that is commonly used today. A few of its important features are that it is simple to design, has an improved modular design and is considerably faster in comparison with AngularJS.

AngularxJS is documented on JavaScript and can be utilised as the term for all v1.x versions of Angular. In 2009, it was created and is also commonly referred to as Angular 1. The open-source, single-page applications development framework also has unique features, including the capability to modify static HTML to dynamic HTML. It has several filters and directives packed with it. 

Let’s look at the differences between Angular and Angular JS:

CategoryAngular JSAngular
ArchitectureSupports the Model-View-Controller design. The information is processed by the view and is available in the model to generate the output.It makes use of components and directives. Components are the directives with a template.
Written LanguageIt is written in JavaScript.It is written in Microsoft’s TypeScript language, which is a superset of ECMAScript 6 (ES6).
Mobile supportIt does not support mobile browsers.Angular is supported by all the popular mobile browsers.
Expression Syntaxng-bind is utilized to bind data from view to model and vice versa.Properties within “()” and “[]” are used to bind data between view and model.
Dependency InjectionIt does not utilise Dependency Injection.Angular is backed by all the popular mobile browsers.

Angular Projects Ideas

Angular Projects Ideas

The best approach to understanding Angular is to practise Angular by designing as many projects as possible. There are three factors you should take into consideration while selecting the appropriate Angular project: your skill level, objectives, and interest. You should have a good understanding of your skill level and pick Angular practice projects that are not too simple or too difficult for you. If you select Angular projects that are too simple, you won’t continue to grow your coding abilities. Nonetheless, if you pick projects that are too complex, you may get stuck midway, never complete the project, and feel troubled. Thus, it is very important for you to choose Angular projects that fit your current skill level. Also, you should design Angular projects that not only let you practice Angular but also allow you to show off your expertise and portfolio. 

You should have an idea about the Angular projects that would impact your portfolio and help you nail the desired job as a developer. Consider your long-term goals and select Angular projects that align with them. Knowing more by designing Angular projects you’re interested in will keep you motivated and you’ll also be more eager to above and beyond to make your Angular project stand out.

Best Angular Projects for Beginners

1. Soundnode

One of the best angular projects for beginners, Soundnode helps you to hone your skills. Young developers can design Soundcloud projects for desktop applications with electron, angular and Nodejs. You will get the documentation on the GitHub repository. This is an open-source project that depends on Soundcloud API to back music streaming for Linux, Windows, and Mac. Other than the stream and display functionalities, you can readily handle your search for the latest music-like tracks, follow/ unfollow users and create playlists. Though Soundcloud allows 3rd party apps to play more than 15000 tracks per day, you can keep listening to the same number of audio pieces the day after. This is an amazing project idea to boost your skill and have fun.


  • No installation required
  • Native media keyboard shortcuts
  • Look for new songs
  • Simple navigation
  • Listen to songs from your likes, tracks, stream, following or playlists
  • Full playlist feature
  • Follow or Unfollow users

You can download the source code here.

2. Weather App

This straightforward project is one of the simplest Angular project ideas for novices. You can code this project in just a few hours. In this project, design a weather app that can showcase a weather forecast. To design this app, you can take advantage of fake, hard-coded data until all the features accomplished are right. A weather app is a great start for any novices as it not only handles data but also puts enough stress on design as well. You can start with fundamental features like sunrise/sunset time, temperature, climate map, and so on. Also, you can experiment with new features once you have accomplished the basics. For instance, you can display data visualisation with animation, wind prediction, rain prediction, etc.

You can download the source code here.

3. Content Management and Planning Software

This software implements content management and planning better and effectively than content strategists and bloggers. You should give this project a shot since it only fixes an issue but it’s a very common Angular project idea.


  • Business owners will purchase these software packages and utilise them in their ERPs
  • You can earn a lot of money from this project after designing it

You can download the source code here.

4. Notepad Application

A classic instance of angular projects for novices is a notepad application, where you can design it with Angular CLI, NodeJs, and bootstrap utilising Node Package Manager. A note-taking app is similar to a digital notebook where you can write and save notes. You can note down text in the app and upon returning to the window, you can view, edit, or delete the records if needed. The notes are organised as per the dates when users have last opened them.

You can download the source code here.

Intermediate Angular Projects with Source Code

Intermediate Angular Projects

5. Angular Bare Bone

Angular Bare Bones project showcases Angular routing. Such routing manages several routing components, such as RouterModule, RouterLink, RouterOutlet, and other imported routes. Additionally, the easy-to-serve, comprehensible code has made this project a chosen option for Angular beginners. In this project, you may require a single feature component, which is Barebones injected with flexible routing and data dependency between the feature component and the homepage. For executing this project, you will first have to install Node.js (a platform for designing scalable network applications effectively). Followed by installing the Angular CLI (via npm install -g @angular/cli). Last, what you will do is execute npm install (for successfully installing app dependencies) and then run ng serve -o to launch the Bare Bones application based on the event-driven Angular model.

You can download the code here.

6. URL Shortener

The URL shortener is an intriguing and trending Angular project for mid-level programmers. To begin, you can make use of Polr as a host for your URL shortener. An open-source application, Polr utilises MySQL as the main database and offers a huge interface to manage your links. The tool also assists you to incorporate themes to brand your URL. You can also use the backing from Express, MongoDB and TypeScript to design your own URL shortener. Also, you can host it in your domain to minimise URLs, brand them, and offer an overall modern theme. You can download and browse through the Polr repository to familiarise yourself with the tool and also devise your own URL shortener along the same lines making use of TypeScript, Express, and MongoDB. 

You can download the code here.

7. Event Organization Platform

This web-based application is best suited for companies that have several stores and outlets and it’s for them since it’ll help them together for to organise the event better. Additionally, brands and societies can also adequately use this web application.


  • Businesses can rely on this project for easy business management
  • Users can also utilise it to invite to all stores and people living in a populous community
  • Lastly, it can also find out community hall availability and how to carry out bookings

You can download the code here.

8. Simple Currency Converter

With this straightforward application, anyone around the world could learn about different currency rates and values. These currencies can be pounds, Dollars, Rupees, and so on. The aim of this app is to project travel expenses, determine education expenses or calculate financial markets. Furthermore, you can make this intriguing by adding features like incorporating several countries, and then, you can review the historical data and the futuristic fluctuations in floating exchange, pegged float, and fixed rates. You can also implement a feature like auto-select. Here, based on your present location, the currency converter will choose the currency by obtaining your current location. You can also give this app some eye-catching look facilitated by beautiful designs and price configurations.

You can download the code here.

Advanced Angular Projects with Source Code

9. Storybook

An open-source tool Storybook is specially designed for creating UI components in isolation for Vue, Angular, and React. Storybook is unique since it can run outside of an application, making it plausible to build UI components in isolation. In this way, when you design UI components, it enhances the testability and reusability factors of an app and also facilitates development speed. Storybook exhibits an easy-to-use API that can be configured in minutes and can also be extended to cater to your dynamic needs. It includes many add-on features for component design, testing, documentation, etc. With Storybook, you don’t have to worry about application-specific dependencies.

You can download the code here.

10. Angular Jumpstart

The Angular JumpStart project offers a complete application that shows many key features presented by the Angular framework.

A few of the project features consist of:

  • TypeScript modules and classes
  • Modules are loaded with System.js
  • Determining routes, comprising child routes and lazy loaded routes
  • Utilising Custom Components, including output properties and custom input
  • Utilising Custom Directives
  • Utilising Custom Pipes
  • Distinguishing properties and utilising events in directives/components
  • Adopting the Http object for the purpose of Ajax calls with RxJS observables
  • Functioning with utility and service classes (for sorting and Ajax calls)
  • Adopting Angular data binding Syntax [], () and [()]
  • Adopting template-driven and reactive forms’ functionality for data capturing and validation
  • Optional: The functionality of Webpack is available for module loading and more
  • Optional: Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) support is available

You can download the code here.

11. Compodoc

Compodoc is just the right tool you need if you are eyeing an effective documentation tool for Angular apps. For all Angular applications, Compodoc can design static documentation. It can render documentation for the standard Angular APIs, including common classes, components, injectables, routes, modules, directives, and pipes. Compodoc includes 8 themes derived from some of the most common documentation tools, such as Stripe, Postmark, Gitbook, Read the Docs, Laravel, Vagrant, and Material design. Furthermore, Compodoc has a huge search engine, namely lunr.js, that can readily search and display the information you want to access. The best part is Compodoc offers unique support for Angular-CLI projects. The content rests on the right side, in Compodoc documentations, on the other hand, the primary endpoints are on the left side. It utilises the elements identified during parsing to construct the table of contents in the documentation.

You can download the code here.

12. Game Analyser

Before the release of games for common people, it is goes through different tests that determine its entertainment quotient and other critical elements such as clarity level. Game testing algorithms have been quite difficult and incoherent, this new game analyser designed on Angular can change the way people handle modern art. Designers and programmers are going to have an effortless experience building games. You can speak with potential users and make the best of modifications in their game. This game analyzer will get you a lot of buyers and a lot of regular customers. Also, it is one of the most popular project ideas, as it offers customers with many chances to go out and make a mark on their faculties and clients. Experienced professionals should aim to pursue this only if they are positive about their knowledge of game designing and development. One must cultivate a gamer’s attitude while designing this project, else it will cannot excite gamers and not yield potential clients.

You can download the code here.

Benefits of Angular

Benefits of Angular

Nowadays, most frameworks are just bundling of prevailing tools. They are a consolidated toolset, but not very simple. In the next-generation framework, in Angular, every tool functions with every other tool in an interconnected manner.

Easy to Learn:

People who understand CSS, HTML, and JavaScript can quickly grasp Angular. Learning Angular offers more opportunities for programmers in the industry of Web Development. There are several free courses and tutorials about Angular available online. You can understand how to design and test your web application with the help of Angular via these online tutorials. Once you are thoroughly versed in Angular, you need less time while developing web applications.

Two-Way Binding Feature:

Angular provides an immediate synchronisation between the model and the view. If you alter any data in the model, it shows in the view. When changes are implemented in the viewdata, the model has modified accordingly. Utilising this two-way data binding, the application will considerably streamline its presentation layer. This provides an easier, less intrusive approach to DOM display to build up the UI.

A declarative UI.

Angular makes use of HTML to describe the app’s UI. Being an interpretive language, HTML is less convoluted and more intuitive than describing the UI procedurally in JavaScript. As compared to an interface written in JavaScript, HTML is less brittle to reorganise, meaning things are fewer chances to break. When the view is written in HTML, you can bring in many more UI developers. HTML is also utilised to exert influence on the execution of the app. Special attributes in the HTML decide which controllers to utilise for each element. These attributes figure out “what” gets loaded, but not “how”. This declarative approach streamlines app development in a sort of WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) manner. Instead of wasting time on the way the program flows and what should get loaded first, you simply describe what you want and Angular will look after the dependencies.

Real-Time Testing:

Efficiently test your web app utilising the Angular framework. Angular supports both unit and end-to-end testing. Testing features provided by Angular, like dependency injection, inspect how the components of your web application are rendered. Testing features determine how to deal with their dependencies, making it simpler for programmers to test their applications and look for flaws. Angular is an amazing framework for building up high-quality effective web applications since it is feature-rich and programmers do not require to depend on any third-party software to back their applications. Programmers can cut down a lot of time and save resources while working on their projects using Angular.

Write less code

You don’t need to compose your own MVC pipeline. Using HTML, the view is defined, which is more succinct. Data models are easier to compose without getters/setters. Data-binding implies you don’t need to manually put data into the view. As the directives are distinct from app code, another team can write them in parallel with nominal integration issues. Filters let you to handle data on the view level without the need to change your controllers.

Flexibility with filters

Filters refine the data before they reach the view and can contain something as basic as reversing the order of an array, filtering an array based on a parameter, formatting decimal places on a number, or incorporating pagination. Filters are standalone functions that differ from your app, similar to directives, but are only interested in data transformations. It is plausible to create a sortable HTML table utilising only filters.

Cons  of Angular

JavaScript support mandatory

Think about laptops and computers that have the access to your server, but their support for JavaScript is disabled. The associated users cannot access your web apps or website. If there are several such users, your Angular based web properties to be less beneficial. Nonetheless, this is not the scenario with plain HTML-based web.

Inexperience with MVC

If you are a programmer who adheres to the conventional approach and are totally unaware of the Model-View-Controller architectural patterns, utilising Angular can be very time-consuming. In case you have rigid deadlines to meet, this might not be the correct path to go. However, you can hire some expert if you want to unlock the framework’s benefits.

The scopes

Arranged hierarchically and quite layered, scopes can be complicated entities to manage if it is your first experience with Angular. One of the most arduous tasks could be to debug the scopes.

Other difficult features

Directives are complicated to utilise too. Several Angular features, such as factories, and dependency injections can be troublesome for the more conventional programmers. Either you spend a lot of time learning them or hire a professional Angular development team.

Probable time consumption

The browser consumes time to render pages of websites and applications devised utilising the framework. It may happen because it would overload the browsers to accomplish extra tasks such as DOM manipulation. Nonetheless, this flaw is restricted to the old computers and devices. The contemporary ones, specifically the mobile devices, don’t find it difficult at all.


Now that we have taken a glimpse on the best kick-start Angular projects for beginners, intermediate-level and professionals, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and act on it. You should keep learning on the move since a lot of recent developments and modifications keep happening in the Angular world. Practice these angular projects to hone your coding skills and develop extraordinary applications with confidence. If you wish to enhance your angular skills, you should get your hands on these Angular projects. It is time to put to test all the understanding that you’ve garnered through these angular project ideas.


Q: What Angular can do?

Answer: A structural framework for dynamic web applications, Angular allows you to utilise HTML as your template language and allows you to expand HTML’s syntax to indicate your application components precisely and succinctly. Its data binding and dependency injection dispose of much of the code you presently have to document.

Q: How do I create a project in Angular?

  • On your Desktop, make a folder and name it “First-Angular-Project”.
  • Open this “First-Angular-Project” folder and from the clipboard copy the folder path.
  • Open Visual Studio Code.
  • Go to “File” > “Open Folder” and choose “First-Angular-Project” from the “Desktop”.

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