Top Applications of Artificial Intelligence

Applications of Artificial Intelligence


Ever think about how self-driving cars work or how robots work? Which technology do they use? In this article, we are going to learn about Artificial Intelligence and its Applications.

We will walk you through the following topics: What is Artificial Intelligence, What are the uses of Artificial Intelligence, top applications of artificial intelligence, and many more frequently asked AI Interview Questions such as which are common applications of deep learning in artificial intelligence, How is artificial intelligence used in real life, What can AI be used for in future, What are benefits of artificial intelligence. At the end of this article, you will have a good understanding of the Applications of artificial intelligence.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a method of programming a computer, robot, or other object to think like a smart human. AI is the study of how the human brain thinks, learns, makes decisions, and works to solve problems. Finally, this research generates intelligent software systems. The goal of artificial intelligence is to improve computer functions that are linked to human understanding, such as reasoning, learning, and problem-solving.

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In simple words  Artificial Intelligence is made up of the phrases Artificial and Intelligence, with Artificial referring to “man-made” and Intelligence referring to “thinking power,” so AI refers to “a man-made thinking power.”

Types of Artificial Intelligence

There are 3 types of Artificial Intelligence that are following:-

  • Artificial Narrow Intelligence(ANI): The only sort of artificial intelligence we have effectively generated yet is artificial narrow intelligence (ANI), often known as weak AI or narrow AI. Narrow AI is goal-oriented, designed to accomplish a single task – such as facial recognition, speech recognition/voice assistants, driving a car, or surfing the internet – and is extremely competent at fulfilling the objective.
  • Artificial General Intelligence(AGI): Artificial general intelligence (AGI), also known as strong AI or deep AI, is the idea of a machine with general intelligence that can learn and apply its intelligence to solve any problem. In every given context, AGI can think, understand, and act in a manner that is indistinguishable from that of a human.
  • Artificial Super Intelligence(ASI): Artificial superintelligence (ASI) is a hypothetical AI that does more than mimic or understand human intelligence and behaviour; ASI is when computers become self-aware and exceed human intelligence and ability.

What are the Common Uses of Artificial Intelligence?

AI is being applied in a variety of fields to get insights into user behaviour and make data-driven suggestions. Google’s predictive search algorithm, for example, analyzed user data from the past to forecast what a user would put text in the search field. Netflix leverages previous user data to suggest what movie a user should watch next, keeping them hooked on the platform and increasing their viewing duration. Facebook uses historical user data to automatically propose tags for your friends based on the facial traits in their photos. Large corporations employ AI to make the lives of their customers easier.

The uses of Artificial Intelligence would broadly fall under the data processing category, which would include the following:

  • Self-driving cars
  • Smart Assistants
  • Disease mapping
  • Manufacturing robots
  • Virtual Travel booking agent

Application of AI

Artificial intelligence is used in a variety of ways in today’s society. It is becoming increasingly important in today’s world because it can efficiently handle complicated problems in a variety of areas, including healthcare, entertainment, banking, and education. Our daily lives are becoming more comfortable and efficient as a result of artificial intelligence.

Here are some of the common AI Applications that we are going to understand in depth.

1. AI in Healthcare:

Many businesses and medical care institutions are turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to save our lives. There are numerous examples of how artificial intelligence in healthcare has benefited patients around the world. Let’s understand some of the uses of AI in subdomains of Healthcare.

  • Administration: To reduce human errors and increase productivity, AI systems are assisting with normal, day-to-day administrative activities like scheduling meetings, and maintaining organized file systems. NLP(Natural Language Processing) is used to transcribe medical notes and to help organize patient information so that clinicians can read it more easily.
  • Assisted Diagnosis: AI can now interpret MRI scans to check for tumours and other harmful growths at a tenfold faster rate than radiologists can, with a much narrower margin of error, thanks to computer vision and convolutional neural networks.
  • Robotic Surgery: Robotic operations have a very small margin of error and can operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week without becoming weary. They are less intrusive than previous procedures because they work with such precision, potentially reducing the amount of time patients spend in the hospital recovering.
  • Health Monitoring: The status of a person’s health is a continuous process that is determined by the various levels of their vital statistics. With wearable devices becoming more mainstream, this data is no longer on tap, waiting to be analyzed and turned into meaningful insights. There are numerous life-saving uses here since vital indicators have the ability to forecast health variations even before the patient is aware.

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2. AI in E-Commerce: 

AI is giving the e-commerce industry a competitive advantage, and it is becoming increasingly demanded in the market. Shoppers can use AI to find related products in their preferred size, colour, or brand. Let’s understand some applications of AI in E-commerce.

  • Personalized Shopping: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is used to construct recommendation engines that help you engage with end customers more effectively. These suggestions are based on their previous browsing behaviour, preferences, and interests. It aids in the improvement of your consumer interaction as well as brand loyalty.
  • AI-powered assistants: Virtual shopping assistants and chatbots aid in the enhancement of the online buying experience. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is used to make the dialogue sound more human and personal. Furthermore, these assistants can interact with your consumers in real time.
  • Fraud Detection and Prevention: Two of the most serious difficulties that E-Commerce businesses face are credit card fraud and fraudulent reviews. By taking into account usage trends, AI can help to lower the risk of credit card fraud. Many buyers choose to acquire a product or service based on what other people have said about it. Artificial intelligence can assist in detecting and dealing with fraudulent reviews.

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3. AI in Robotics:


Even before AI became a reality, the field of robots was progressing. Artificial intelligence is currently assisting robotics in developing more efficient robots. AI-enabled robots have found use in a variety of verticals and industries, particularly in the manufacturing and packaging industries. Artificial Intelligence, or AI, provides robots with a computer vision that allows them to navigate, sense, and react appropriately. Machine learning, which is a part of computer programming and AI, is how robots learn to do tasks from humans. Humanoid Robots are the best examples of AI in robotics, recently the intelligent Humanoid robot named Erica and Sophia has been developed which can talk and behave like humans. Here are a few examples of AI robot applications:

  • Manufacturing
  • Transport
  • Surgery
  • Space Exploration

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4. AI in Finance:


Artificial intelligence is changing the way we deal with money in finance. From credit decisions to quantitative trading and financial risk management, AI is assisting the financial industry in streamlining and optimizing procedures. Artificial Intelligence provides features like risk assessment, fraud detection, and management, financial advisory services, and Automated trading in Finance. 

Here are a few Finance AI Examples:

  • AI in Personal Finance
  • AI in Consumer Finance
  • AI in Corporate Finance

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5. AI in Facial Recognition:

Face recognition, for example, is an application of AI that focuses on learning and recognizing patterns that lead to quick and efficient outputs.

Facial Recognition is a type of technology that maps and stores an individual’s facial traits as a face print. To validate one’s identification, the software compares a live image to a stored facial print using deep learning techniques. The backbones of this technology are image processing and machine learning. Face recognition has gotten a lot of interest from researchers because of the human actions that can be found in numerous security applications including airports, criminal detection, face tracking, forensics, and so on. Face biometrics can be less intrusive than other biometric qualities such as palm print, iris, fingerprint, and so on.

So, when you take a selfie and register it for facial recognition, your phone learns a face recognition algorithm, and the next time you log in without typing a password, your phone unlocks itself using only your imagination. Other than smartphones, facial recognition is utilized for security and privacy purposes in airports, offices, and other public places.

6. AI in Marketing: 

Artificial intelligence (AI) applications are also widely used in E-commerce marketing. Artificial intelligence (AI) marketing makes automated decisions based on data collection, analysis, and further observations of audience or economic patterns that may influence marketing efforts. AI is frequently utilized in marketing campaigns where speed is critical. AI systems learn how to effectively engage with customers based on data and customer profiles, then give them personalized messages at the perfect time without the need for marketing team intervention, ensuring optimal productivity.. Here are some points explaining how AI used in marketing:- 

  • With the use of behavioural analysis, pattern recognition, and other AI tools, marketers can deliver highly targeted and personalized ads. It also aids in retargeting viewers at the appropriate time, ensuring greater outcomes and a reduction in emotions of distrust and frustration.
  • Gmail and Google Docs employ AI in Smart Compose to read what you’re typing, comprehend it, and suggest what to type next, as an example of applying AI in marketing.
  • AI can collect and track real-time tactical data, allowing marketers to make decisions right now rather than waiting until the campaign is over. They may decide what to do next based on data-driven reports, resulting in better and more objective decisions.

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7. AI in Social Media:

Social Media

Social networking firms use artificial intelligence to analyze large amounts of data to determine what’s trending, different hashtags, and patterns. This research aids in the comprehension of user behaviour.

Artificial intelligence can monitor unstructured user comments using a variety of techniques to provide a tailored experience and detect crises. The technology can also help with content creation by evaluating various activities as well as demographics.

. Let’s see how some popular social media websites or apps use Artificial Intelligence:-

  • Instagram: On Instagram, AI takes into account your interests and the accounts you follow to select which posts appear in your Explore tab.
  • Facebook(meta): Artificial Intelligence is being employed, as well as a technique known as DeepText. Facebook can better interpret discussions using this technology. It may be used to automatically translate posts between languages.
  • Twitter: Twitter uses AI for fraud detection, propaganda removal, and hateful content removal. Twitter also uses AI to suggest tweets to users depending on the types of tweets they engage with.

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By now, we have a good understanding of what Artificial Intelligence and its applications are. In simple terms,  Artificial Intelligence is made up of the phrases Artificial and Intelligence, with Artificial referring to “man-made” and Intelligence referring to “thinking power,” so AI refers to “a man-made thinking power.”. Then we understand the types of artificial intelligence, uses of artificial intelligence, and Applications of Artificial Intelligence in detail such as  Healthcare, finance, E-Commerce, Robotics, Marketing, etc. in detail. To sum up, Artificial Intelligence is prominent in people’s life. Artificial intelligence was developed during the turn of the twenty-first century, significantly expanding the application of technology in a variety of fields. If you want to learn more about AI, you can check out Scaler Topics’ free Deep Learning course.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1: What are the common Applications of Deep Learning in Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Ans: These are some of the deep learning applications in artificial Intelligence 

  • Fraud Detection
  • CRMS( Customer Relationship Management System) 
  • Computer Vision
  • Supercomputers
  • Natural Language Processing 
  • Advertising

Q.2: How is AI used in daily life?

Ans: Whether we’re attempting to read our emails, get driving directions, or find music or movie recommendations, AI can help us in every aspect of our life. Here are some uses of artificial intelligence in daily life:-

  • Social Media
  • Digital Assistants
  • Self Driving and parking cars
  • E-mail Communication
  • Movie Recommendation on Netflix

Q.3: What can AI be used for in the future?

Ans: Artificial intelligence (AI) can be utilized to solve a variety of problems in the future like environmental issues, including climate change and natural disaster prediction. Many dangerous jobs like collecting radioactive waste will be taken over by AI in the future.

Q.4: What are the Advantages of Artificial Intelligence?

Ans: The following are some of the advantages of AI:-

  • Automation of machines
  • Smart Decision Making
  • Medical Advances
  • Solving Complex Problems
  • Efficient
  • Minimizing Errors

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