15 Exciting SQL Projects With Source Code

SQL Projects


SQL makes it more effortless to interface with databases and structure a management information system. SQL Server Integration Services is very useful for huge companies having a huge amount of data to store and manage. It is difficult to store and collect data from various departments, but SQL’s visual studio can simplify these services. If you wish to become a pro in this programming language and analyze analysis services, you might require to work with basic SQL projects. Practicing more on a software analysis SQL project can be very useful to boost your career and let you garner relevant skills. This article will throw some light on a few SQL projects for beginners, intermediate, and advanced programmers.

You must acquire many skills to be adept in SQL, like manipulating SQL tables, indexes, databases, and the visual studio. Practicing more SQL projects can assist you to acquire multiple skills required to use this programming language professionally. Let us take a look at a few of the features of SQL that employers look for:

  • OLAP is a class of database apps that permits analysts to investigate data quickly with the help of a two-dimensional spreadsheet. This skill is essential if you wish to utilize SQL professionally. It allows you to gather numbers to comprehend the requirements of a business.  
  • PHP is another skill for any SQL developer. The proficiency of this tool will drive towards a more effortless way to interact with SQL database programs like MySQL. It is used when you need to create websites. 
  • Database Indexing Skills. Technical professionals can run queries a lot quicker with the help of database indexes. Also, these indexes make it more effortless for a query to target the preferred information. Comprehensive knowledge of indexes allows you to utilize them efficiently in SQL and lets you become a better software developer.
  • Joins skills make it effortless for you to collate data from various tables into one. Also, it becomes a lot effortless to investigate datasets from various sources. Generally, there are four types of joins including left, right, inner, and outer joins. Understanding when to utilize each will assist you to grow your SQL skills.
  • Subqueries are placed within queries or queries that lives within another statement. They are primarily used to connect data in various tables. This skill makes it faster to pull data and is very crucial for SQL professionals.

Significance of SQL

SQL allows clients to understand the knowledge bases, which comprise the information fields in the relational databases. We should take any huge company owning loads of information, for example. Information bases combine and accumulate every piece of information, yet the data must be critical and available. SQL comes to your aid here, it turns into a stage linked to both back-end and front-end information bases (PCs and information bases hung on workers).

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SQL is one of the PC programming columns. The usage of SQL applies to every information base. If one asks why SQL is important, the explanation is very simple: it is the default method to manage information in the data sets, and it doesn’t create any difference as to which stage you use. Comprehending SQL has always been popular for information base trained professionals. Because of the above-mentioned reasons and many other critical specialties about SQL, beginners to experts are always on the lookout for project ideas for SQL. Thus, we have brought together some easy-to-advanced SQL project ideas. The SQL project ideas mentioned in this article are essential as they will assist you to refine your conceptual knowledge of SQL. Furthermore, these SQL projects will push your problem-solving skills.

Top SQL Projects

SQL Projects for Beginners

Below is the list of SQL project ideas for beginners.

Library Management System

The concept behind this project is to create a library management system that is capable to issue books and let consumers check different books and their titles categorically. It keeps track of all the details about the books in the library, their price, status, and the total number of books available in the Library. The user will find this automated system easy instead of using the manual writing system.

Source CodeLibrary Management System

Features needed –

  • It has to be user-friendly
  • You can effortlessly create it in Asp.Net with the help of C# but with SQL queries become handy in extracting the required information
  • The Library Management System should have an entry for each book along with the details.

Student Database Management

Student Database Management
Student Database Management

SQL can also be utilized to accomplish this project. The idea here is to create a project that will be accountable for accumulating students’ records. Most of these track records need to keep details about the students. This information could be the generic details like student’s name, address, performance, attendance, etc, or specific information related to departments like a collection of data.

Source Code – Student DB Management

Features needed –

  • The project’s database should contain general details about the students. For instance their address, name, contact information, year of admission, courses, etc.
  • Additionally, essential details such as files of attendance, results, fees, scholarships, and others should also be incorporated.

Online Retail Application Database

This project is very popular as e-commerce is heavily expanding with every passing day. Additionally, anyone opting for this project should keep in mind that it is all about building an internet-based application that permits customers to sign up and buy items online.

Source Code – Online Retail App

Features needed –

  • A unique user ID and password will be required during the registration process of this application
  • A bill will always be rendered at any time a user purchases a commodity. Additionally, the bill relies on the quantity purchased price, and discount.

Inventory Control Management

Inventory Control Management
Inventory Control Management

In a nutshell, this project idea aims to handle understocking and overstocking as both scenarios are unhealthy concerning businesses. In other words, Inventory Control Management has a huge role to play in retaining inventory at an optimum level.

Source Code – Inventory Management

Features needed – You must keep a note of essential components such as rising inventory turnover, controlling safety stock levels, lowering insurance costs, etc. while designing this project.

Hospital Management System

Have you ever considered constructing a web-based software that will manage each functioning activity of a bank before? If not, this is a unique project idea for you as a novice. Furthermore, it helps in the standardization of records of patients, doctors, and hospital rooms.

Source Code – Hospital Management

Features needed –

  • It will be created in such a way that just the administrators will be authorized to manage it
  • Everything concerning the activities in the hospital will be based on modules

Railway System Database

Novices making use of the SQL language to create this project will have to place every activity related to traveling by train into consideration. For example, some of these activities are booking information of passengers, train schedules, rail routes, and many more.

Source Code – Railway System

Features needed – You can deem that each train runs every week excluding one day and each of the trains just requires 24hours to get to their destination, making the project very simple to handle

Payroll Management System

Payroll Management System
Payroll Management System

This particular SQL database project is utilized for handling the salary system of companies. Additionally, it is needed to calculate the monthly pay, taxes, and social security of the company’s workers. This unique project idea is the most preferred one among others owing to its usefulness.

Source Code – Payroll Management System

Feature needed –

  • Salaries are added in this project with the help of workers data, attendance records, and leave taken
  • Employee code, full name, time record including time in and out, should be inserted
  • Add new payroll, ref from, view edit, delete, show entries, and search.

Intermediate Projects

Carbon Emission Calculator

Carbon Emission Calculator
Carbon Emission Calculator

The project idea is about creating a web-based application that backs environmental conservation. Additionally, the result this software delivers in helping this is by calculating the carbon footprint of each building.

Source code – Carbon Emission Calculator

Features needed – A few of the crucial data taken into consideration by this calculator are floor area, workdays per annual, building type’s custom values, climate zone, etc.

Database Interfacing for LabVIEW Robotic Control

LabVIEW Robotic Control
LabVIEW Robotic Control

The notion is to design a dynamic application named LabView for adjusting each operating parameter of robots, which is dependent on conditions that are dissimilar. Also, data should be accumulated in a way to enable the easy accessibility of the program for efficient communication.

Features needed – SQL queries have a huge e part to play in one way or the other in enhancing the functionality of robots

Cooking Recipe Database

Cooking Recipe Database
Cooking Recipe Database

The SQL skill needed for this project is Database indexing. The cooking recipe database project idea is an intermediate-level SQL project that you can opt for. You can choose to design the web portal to portray your recipes under different categories. You can input details like the last viewed recipe, a recipe of the day, and a recipe blog with the help of HTML or RichText. Furthermore, you can incorporate a rating functionality that lets users rate recipes and leave comments.

Features needed – You can enhance things by introducing functionality for rating and leaving comments on each recipe by users.

Restaurant Management Database Project

Restaurant Management Database Project
Restaurant Management Database Project

Restaurants with the help of their website pages initiate their delivery services online, extending the food facility they offer in their physical places. Also, these restaurants also welcome orders via phone calls and use delivery boys to deliver all the orders. The delivery boys will just deliver orders to a certain area code provided to them and they cannot deliver beyond that area. The notion is not to dump the records of the last customers as premium customers are maintained via discounts.

Source Code – Restaurant Management Database Projects

Feature needed – Restaurants make use of this to keep the catalog for the list of food and beverage items they offer to the customer.

Wholesale Management System Database Project

Sales Prediction Project

The concept in this project revolves around retaining the details about stock and each detail of buyers from which managers have to buy stock. Additionally, the information of the customer is also not left out here. All payment records be it paid or pending and monthly profit calculations are also taken into consideration when constructing this particular project.

Source Code – Wholesale Management System

Features needed –

  • Details of stock include ID, name, quantity, etc.
  • Information about a buyer including buyer ID, name, address, the ID of the stock to be bought


The concept of this project encompasses modeling, building, and handling network-based smart light switches over Wifi with the help of a mobile application. It is user-friendly and enables users to regulate their house’s lights even if they are sitting on their couches and using phones. With the help of LyFi, you can switch lights on/off, and also dim the household lights.

Feature needed –

  • LyFi conducts self-discovery and configuration
  • It can also be utilized in controlling other appliances and just not limited to just dimming light

Billing System for a Departmental Store

Billing System for a Departmental Store
Billing System for a Departmental Store

The project “Billing system” is an app that makes the procedure of ordering and billing of a “Departmental store” automatic. This web-based application is developed considering the chain of departmental stores which is located in different cities. This app also administrates its users and customers.

Source Code – Billing System

Feature needed –

  • This app performs the inclusion and maintenance of consumers’ information and keeps a track of the products available
  • It also immerses itself in incorporating and maintaining the description of new products
  • This project can be utilized in delivering an effortless way of handling billing matters

Advanced SQL Projects

You can design an E-R Diagram for an Art Gallery. Gallery maintains the details related to the artist, their name, birthplace, age, and style of art. Also, the details of the artwork, the year it was created, unique title, kind of art, and prices can also be stored.

Source Code – Art Gallery

Features needed –

  • The piece of artwork can be further categorized into different kinds such as the poetess, work of the 19th century still life, etc.
  • Gallery stores the details related to the customers, like their unique name, address, amount of money spent on the gallery, and the preference of every customer.

Token Booking Management System

Token Booking Management System
Token Booking Management System

Companies these days now have the option to control their users very well owing to the introduction of token management systems that possess a well-developed database.

Features needed –

  • This definitely assists in handling tokens in a more simple way
  • Novices should get acquainted with this as it is one of the best SQL project ideas they can begin with

Electric Bill System Database

Electric Bill System Database
Electric Bill System Database

When private electric businesses are in frantic need of a unique database, this project idea comes in handy at the right time. In other words, this project idea for SQL is of great significance owing to its high demand in electrical industries. This project contains two sections, one being the client section and the other admin section. The admin has a vital role to play in all of the management of the Electricity Billing System.

Source Code – Electric Bill System Database

Features needed –

  • Go to the website, register to the client’s account then they can have access to the system. Now they will have the ability to check their bill of the month
  • Users can also send a complaint regarding their bill.
  • In the admin section, they can publish a billing statement to the client and respond to the complaints registered.

Bank Accounts Management System

This project was created based on the requirements of the bank. The system has the ability to encode customer information. Banking admin can have the access to the users’ status and information for the important transaction. They can manage the data required in managing user and employee files along with the transactions made by the user and staff.

Source Code – Bank Accounts Management System

Features needed –

  • Security and monitoring of the user records, transactions, and status. These features were also listed and documented in reports that displayed the history of transactions accomplished in the system.

Voice-Based Transport Enquiry System

While traveling, you may have come across a long queue of commuters waiting for the answers to their queries made by the staff of public transport. Creating this automated inquiry answering system will help you cut down a lot of time for the staff and commuters.

Source Code Voice-Based Transport Enquiry System

Features needed – You can create such an automated inquiry system for various transport systems so that commuters’ queries will be addressed in a voice-based format.

SMS-based Remote Server Monitoring System

Remote Server Monitoring System
Remote Server Monitoring System

This type of system is available in huge organizations functioning at a huge scale to deal with several customers. Such large organizations own call centers that deal with different applications, it becomes challenging to manage their functionality. During the time of the crash, to evade the uncertainty in attending customers and improve their experience, you can incorporate a web-based solution that can monitor such failures.

Feature needed – This system sends a predetermined message automatically to the list of users, notifying them about the issue of crash or down-server.

Blood Donation System Database Project

This is a system where the particulars of the patient, blood bank, data of the donor will be saved and will be interrelated with each other.

Source Code – Download

Feature needed –

  • Data of Patient – Name of the patient, ID, Blood group, patent disease.
  • Data of Donor – Name and ID of Donor, Donor blood group, medical reports, contact number.
  • Data of Blood Bank –Name of the blood bank, address,
  • Name of blood bank donors, blood bank’s contact number, and address.
  • Try to incorporate such a scenario in the database, build a schema for it, an ER diagram for it.


There is no doubt that projects definitely assist in developing an active learning environment for every mind. It pushes you to think deeply about utilizing inquiry-based methods in discovering solutions. Thus, we truly feel that the above-mentioned project ideas for SQL can come in handy to make you proficient in the realm of SQL language. You should take your time to understand and explore it.

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