Linked Lists

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Linked List Implementation

Each node in a list consists of at least two parts:

    1. Data
    2. Pointer to the next node

In C/C++, we can represent a node of Linked List using structures or classes.
In Java and Python, Linked List can be represented as a class and a Node as a separate class. The LinkedList class contains a reference of Node class type. 


An example of a linked list node with an integer data.
// A linked list node
struct ListNode
  int val;
  struct ListNode *next;
// Linked list class
class ListNode
    // head of list
    Node head;
    // Node class
    class Node
        int val;
        Node next;
        // Constructor to create a new node
        Node(int v) {
           val = v;
# Node class
class Node:
    # Function to initialize the node object
    def __init__(self, v):
        self.val = v  # Assign value = None  # Initialize next as null
# Linked List class
class ListNode:
    # Function to initialize the Linked List
    def __init__(self): 
        self.head = None

Walkthrough Example :


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Linked Lists Problems

List sort
Problem Score Companies Time Status
Sort Binary Linked List 200 33:21
Partition List 275
Insertion Sort List 300
Sort List 350 59:53
Pointer move
Problem Score Companies Time Status
K reverse linked list 200 60:30
Even Reverse 200 45:38
Swap List Nodes in pairs 350 33:34
Rotate List 350 33:58
List trick
Problem Score Companies Time Status
Kth Node From Middle 200 30:11
Reverse Alternate K Nodes 300 53:48
Reverse Link List II 450 57:24
Reorder List 600 57:10
List math
Problem Score Companies Time Status
Add Two Numbers as Lists 250 43:07
List Cycle 600 39:15
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