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Hashing Problems

Hash search
Problem Score Companies Time Status
Colorful Number 150 44:55
Largest Continuous Sequence Zero Sum 200
Longest Subarray Length 200 57:00
First Repeating element 200 21:47
2 Sum 300 49:18
4 Sum 325 72:24
Valid Sudoku 325 50:36
Diffk II 375
Key formation
Problem Score Companies Time Status
Pairs With Given Xor 200 27:13
Anagrams 350 46:36
Equal 350
Copy List 450 56:15
Maths and hashing
Problem Score Companies Time Status
Check Palindrome! 200 18:44
Fraction 450 81:47
Points on the Straight Line 450 78:45
Incremental hash
Hashing two pointer
Topic Bonus
Bonus will be unlocked after solving min. 1 problem from each bucket