Top Java Applications

Java Applications


The queen of programming languages, Java holds the pride of being the most preferred programming language by several software programmers. Java has lately marked its 25th anniversary and is constantly revamping to cope with the latest technological advancements. It is astonishing to note that currently, approximately three billion devices make use of Java for development. Java has an impressive design that integrates the flexibility to operate on any machine. It has been a significant component in the evolution of a number of applications and the advancement of prominent technologies.


The story of Java commenced in the year 1991, during the time when Sun Microsystems aimed to expand its presence in the market of computer workstations into the burgeoning personal electronics market. No one had the slightest idea that the programming language Sun was about to build would democratize computing, encourage a worldwide community, and evolve as the forum for an enduring software development ecosystem of languages, open-source projects, SDKs, runtime platforms, and tons of tools. A secret development was led by James Gosling, post which Sun released the milestone “write once, run anywhere” Java platform in the year 1995, refocusing it beyond its actual configuration for interactive television to applications for the flourishing World Wide Web. Java was animating all things from space vehicles to smartcards by the turn of the century. Now, thousands of programmers program in Java and are commonly employed for enterprise applications and creating dynamic digital products. Java is also a valuable technology for Virtual and Augmented Reality, Continuous Integration, and Big Data. The Java ecosystem is the best choice for developers who are functioning with state-of-the-art technologies along with enterprise solutions.

For the last 20 years, Java has been positioned among the top three programming languages and is presently ranked in the third position with a market share of 10.46 per cent. As Java is scalable, strong, and dynamic, a Java app development company can utilize it to create applications that can manage thousands of requests at once. Java engineers making use of the latest version of Java are accomplishing much better outcomes in terms of handling requests and managing traffic. This article will emphasize the top 10 Java applications in the real world. It will preach how companies around the globe are using Java programming to create solutions that are ruling the industry. Some of the leading companies that employ Java software development services are Instagram, Netflix, Pinterest, Amazon, Uber, Google, and more.

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Top 10 Java Applications

Let us take a look at the top 10 applications of Java programming in the real world.

Applications of Java

1. Android Development

Java is the technology of choice for creating applications with the help of managed code that can run on mobile devices. The Android platform lets programmers write managed code with the help of Java to handle and control the Android device. Android applications can be built by utilizing the Java programming language and the Android SDK. Thus, understanding the fundamentals of the Java programming language is a requirement for programming on the Android platform. Java Micro Edition (JME) is a prevalent cross-platform framework for creating Android applications. The Java compiler assembles the Java classes into bytecode, which uses the Dalvik Virtual Machine. This virtual machine is especially for Android applications, Java works well with Android Studio and Kotlin, the two technologies programmers are highly familiar with.

Some of the leading companies employing Java for their mobile applications are Opera Mini, NASA, Spotify, Uber, Netflix, Google Earth, Wikipedia Search, ThinkFree Office, and several others.

2. Server Apps in Finance

Java has been broadly used by financial institutions and banks for software development for over 20 years now. From revolutionizing the way data ought to be accumulated to structuring methods, Java delivers a safe and secure platform to create web applications for the FinTech industry. This object-oriented programming language plays a significant role in the Big Data ecosystem. Since finance companies handle a large amount of data every day, Java can manage this enormous data with complete security. Enterprises and organizations in the finance sector make use of this programming language to create settlement and confirmation systems, digital solutions, trading platforms, data processing systems, and many more. Java web-based applications are favoured for digital finance solutions since it is safe and scalable technology for development. In finance, Java is very popular for drafting server-side applications, which allows the quick and seamless exchange of data between the client and the server.

3. Distributed Applications

Applications that operate on numerous networks and computers at one time are regarded as distributed applications. Distributed applications have numerous common prerequisites that emerge especially owing to their distributed nature and the dynamic nature of the system and platforms they operate on. Java presents a vast variety of capabilities to create distributed systems. The distributed and huge nature of the platform they work upon needs the dynamic potential of Java for implementation.

As Java-based applications are devised to work together, the enterprise-wide implementation of Java makes it simpler to build seamless computing environments. This lowers the costs for companies already integrating their distributed systems and processes and allows more companies to attain the usefulness of business integration. The Jini (Java Intelligent Networking Infrastructure) depicts an infrastructure to offer, register, and discover distributed services on the basis of its specifications. One important part of Jini is JavaSpaces, a mechanism that backs the persistence, distribution, and migration of objects in a network.

4. GUI Applications

Java GUI Application

Other than Java web application development, the programming language also presents excellent abilities for Graphical User Interface (GUI) app development. For creating Desktop GUI programs, there’s AWT, the latest JavaFX, and Swing API. Swing allows the development of a Java program with an interface that embraces the style of the native operating system, like Linux, or Windows, or a style that is unique to Java. Each of these styles is anointed as a look and feel as it defines both the appearance of the interface and how its parts function when they are operated. Java presents a unique look and feel named Nimbus that’s unique to the language. Swing components belong to the javax.swing package, a typical part of the Java Class Library.

Java developers can create tree-based apps or even apps that utilize the 3-D graphical interface. These mechanisms present the ability to create modern desktop GUI apps utilizing Java. AcrobatReader, Mediaplayer, and ThinkFree are the most prevalent GUI applications that employ the Java programming language.

5. Embedded Systems

Many people are aware of this, but Java was initially designed to build embedded systems. They are a combination of multiple small systems that jointly execute a specific function. Java is very efficient and offers a lot of robustness to managing exceptions easily. The Internet of Things (IoT) with several interconnected products assures us to transform our world by creating new usages and proposing new business model opportunities. Java has now proved itself as one of the solutions to talk about the growing software complexity. Now, millions of programmers in the world make use of Java in embedded systems. Another significant advantage of Java is code porting. Traditional embedded development implies that the release of a product can cause expensive additional developments to adapt the application to a new architecture. With the help of Java technology, there you don’t need to proceed to any code rewriting. Hardware and native code can vary but the software doesn’t change. One Java code will act the very same way on a 32-bit ARM cortex-M microcontroller having no OS than on a more complicated ARM Cortex-A operating on Linux, or on an Android or iOS smartphone. No code adjustment will be needed. This certainly leads to less development time and evades unexpected errors.

6. Enterprise Solutions

Although Java has been present for years, its use is constantly evolving. From desktops to smartphones, Java solutions are dominant on almost every platform. Being a platform-independent programming language, Java simplifies application scaling. It is also one of the most robust and scalable programming languages for devising enterprise solutions.

This is one of the reasons for enterprise Java development. Enterprises that require scalable solutions believe in Java enterprise application development to manage the operational requirements. The programming language is beneficial to enterprises for a broad array of applications like creating an Android app for the mobile user. As enterprise-grade applications require heavy performance, they require a technology stack that can manage the activities. Enterprise apps also need security owing to the confidentiality of data, which is where Java development services turn out to be valuable. Some top companies like Infosys, Google, HCL, and Wipro utilize Java for enterprise application development.

Java experts look up to the huge number of libraries that the technology offers. It allows programmers to solve some of the most mundane problems easily. Most libraries are open-source, free, and present an enterprise-friendly license. There’s no requirement to pen everything from scratch, there’s a library for that. The Java enterprise application architecture relies heavily on the utilization of libraries. Technically, there are several libraries and code support for programmers, which actually streamlines the application development process. Thus, incorporating features into a Java enterprise application is much more effortless than others.

7. Scientific Computing

One of the many several kinds types of Java applications includes applications based on scientific computing. Being an object-oriented programming language Java has garnered some interest in the software community owing to its platform independence, robustness, syntactic simplicity, and comparative ease of programming. Java is a mighty programming language for numerical and scientific computation, research, and more. It has a safe and highly portable environment to create applications that make use of scientific computing. With the benefit of strong mathematical calculations, Java can accomplish the exact results on various platforms. Mathematical Laboratory or MATLAB is one of the most favoured scientific applications that utilize Java for both frontend and backend development.

8. Gaming Applications

There is a myriad of open-source frameworks for creating games utilizing Java. Be it a 2-D game or a 3-D game, there’s a framework for developing the game. Some of the most well-known games like Mission Impossible III, and Minecraft are designed with the help of Java software development services. Dalvik Virtual Machine and the jMonkeyEngine present top-notch abilities to design dynamic games. Java is also beneficial for developing Android games as well. Java is utilized in game development primarily based on the following grounds:

  • It Supports Multithreading

Multithreading allows you to acquire the best performance out of your CPU while utilizing less memory. It lets two or more parts of a program execute simultaneously without any interference. This also guarantees that idle time is kept to a minimum. 

  • It supports Socket Programming 

Sockets serve as a link of communication between two distinct processes. This is beneficial in developing multiplayer games.

  • It operates on a Virtual Machine

Java operates on a virtual machine. This assures that the game can function on various hardware platforms. Lately, Java has been utilized to develop the popular game Angry Birds Chrome. Additional games that have been designed in Java are Asphalt 6 and Minecraft, among others.

9. Trading Software 

One of the rising applications of Java programming is Stock trading platforms. These platforms offer an uncomplicated way for stock traders to buy and sell commodities on several exchanges. Trading software requires to be extremely safe and scalable, as any lag could cause huge losses. It is assessed that more than 80 per cent of electronic trading applications are written in Java. The reason that this phenomenon has emerged is that the Java platform delivers the finest balance between execution, swiftness of application development, and ease of deployment and flexibility. Amongst the most noteworthy examples is the fact that almost all of the FIX engines are written in Java. The two most popular trading platforms ZenTrader and CQG are developed using Java for delivering traders a streamlined way to place orders and handle their trades.

10. Big Data Solutions

There are different Java cloud development libraries, tools, and frameworks for operating with big data. The technology offers abilities to process enormous amounts of data and help with deriving valuable insights from it. Hadoop, the popular big data platform, is composed using Java. Features like powerful memory management and automatic garbage collection make Java one of the favored technologies for big data solutions. Apache’s Java-based Elastisearch and Hbase use Java in one way or the other, allowing companies to take benefit of data-based solution development. 

The main benefits of Java for big data are as mentioned: 

  • Reusable code
  • Speed – JVM is utilized for timely complication
  • Object-oriented approach
  • Platform independence – one-time recording, launch in any place with the help of Java virtual machine 
  • Flexibility – The ability to combine data science methods with the current code database is a big plus
  • Security – Java looks after code typing security, which is crucial for creating big data solutions.  

Java is a very efficient compiled language that is used broadly for machine learning algorithms and high-performance coding (ETL). That’s the reason big data and Java are great friends.

Why do we use Java?

Compared to other programming languages, Java tops the chart for its functionality and security. Java isolates itself from other programming languages owing to its functionality and security and it is appropriate too. There are some additional reasons to utilize Java are as follows:

  • Scalability: Scalability incorporates the capacity to our system. It enhances the ability of the system by incorporating the system resources without impacting the deployment architecture. We can attain scalability by improving the resources like RAM and CPU in a single system. It is significant as it manages the workload, improves the system performance, and maximizes productivity.
  • Cross-Platform: Cross-platform implies, a compiled Java program can be executed on all the platforms. Keep in mind that the system should have JVM. Post the compilation of a Java program, the Java code is transformed into the platform-independent bytecode. This bytecode is comprehended by the JVM. One can execute this bytecode on any platform.
  • Memory-Management: Java offers its own mechanism for handling the memory and it is known as garbage collection. We don’t have to worry about memory and do not need to implement it to control the memory. It deletes the objects when they no longer utilized by the application automatically. It enhances the swiftness of the application.
  • Multi-threading: The lightweight subprocess is a thread. Multi-threading in Java lets the concurrent execution of two or more threads at the same time. It enhances the usage of the CPU.


Java is a universal programming language. It has applications in most industries and with every real-world use case. As technology for creating digital products that literally affect the world, Java is the first choice for companies that wish to get scalable and robust enterprise applications and solutions. 


Q.1: Where is Java mostly used?

Ans: Java is one of the most widely used programming languages, used as the server-side language for most of the back-end development projects, like those involving Android development and big data. Java is also commonly utilized for desktop and mobile computing, games, and numerical computing.

Q.2: What is the main purpose of Java?

Ans: Though it is primarily utilized for Internet-based applications, Java is a simple, effective, general-purpose language. Java was originally designed for embedded network applications functioning on several platforms.

Q.3: How is Java useful in our daily life?

Ans: Java is used to create applications and platforms for several devices, like laptops, computers, gaming consoles, medical monitoring devices, car navigation systems, Blu-ray players, parking meters, lottery terminals, and smartphones.

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