Top 20 IoT Projects With Source Code [2023]

IoT Projects

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the revolutionary technology in this innovative world. In this digital decade, radical changes have surrounded us and changed our lifestyle to a great extent. Now, the question arrives, what exactly is the Internet of Things and how it is making a lot of buzz in our life?

What is IoT?

IoT is described as a network of connected physical objects with the help of the internet. The physical objects list includes software, embedded electronics, sensors, and many more. In simple terms, IoT is collecting and exchanging data among the network of connected devices to make better decisions. This advanced technology is developing and growing day by day. According to predictors, in the coming 3 years, the usage of IoT-connected devices will increase by 13.7% i.e. if 5.8 billion devices are being used, it is expected to rise to comfort-enhancing 41.6 million IoT-enabled devices.


IoT Projects

In terms of home comfort-enhancing systems, traffic control systems, or environment systems, IoT is gaining momentum by streamlining our day-to-day life. A fan is a simple device, but when it relates to a smartphone turning on and off, it becomes a smart device which is an IoT device. To simplify our lifestyle, we have several IoT devices, but for beginners who have an interest in this stream and want to contribute, we have a list of IoT projects. This particular area of technology can be taken to another level by working on the following list.

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1. Air pollution monitoring system using IoT

Nowadays, the air quality is inferior in almost all metropolitan cities due to air pollution. Due to this human health is getting deteriorated and a lot of diseases have broken out.
Air pollution monitoring systems using IoT can help in measuring air quality by leveraging the internet. In this project, LCD will display air quality in PPM constantly to monitor it regularly while saving essential logs for future usage. Whenever air quality degrades from a benchmark, the system triggers an alarm with the help of MQ135 and MQ6 sensors. These sensors can detect harmful gases in the air and measure the exact amount in real time.

Source Code – Air Pollution System

2. Weather Reporting System using IoT

One of the best IoT-based projects is the Weather Report system which gives weather forecasts in the surrounding area. This project reduces dependency on weather forecasting agencies. The system collects information from the temperature, humidity, and rain sensors and reports statistics online with the help of the Internet. Red, yellow, and green alerts can be set to identify extreme calamities such as volcanoes, tsunamis, heavy rainfall, and many more.

Source Code – Weather Reporting

3. Flood Detection System using IoT

Flood Detection

Natural calamities like floods cause a lot of damage in many countries almost every year. The flood detection system that predicts floods well in advance is a great project that can also help in preventing huge loss of property life and other valuable assets. The system monitors and detects different environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, or water level for prediction and alert generation to minimize the loss.

4. Smart Gas Leakage Detector Bot using IoT

Smart Gas Leakage

A gas pipeline is almost like a lifeline of every household and industry sector. Any leakage in it may cause fire, disaster in the factory, or spread toxicity in the air. Chemical students can use their explicit knowledge of chemicals and insert a bot in the pipe to monitor any leak. In case the bot detects any leakage, the location is shared via a GPS sensor over the IoT network.

5. Home Automation System using IoT

Smart Home IoT Applications

A human touch-based automation system is the most popular IoT project. The system automates all the functions of the appliances in the house such as fans, lights, TV, geyser, and many more which are connected through the IoT network. This project gives you the power to control and manage all the appliances of the house with a single click on the smartphone from any location in the world. An AVR family microcontroller, inbuilt touch-sensing input pins, and a Wi-Fi connection combine the house automation system.

6. Liquid Level Monitoring System using IoT

This Liquid Level Monitoring System monitors multiple liquid levels and prevents them from flooding. Fluids which are used in large volumes in industrial sectors, this system can be of great help in handling them. Not only tracking but also detecting leaks in pipelines can be done with the help of the system. A few sensors that can be used in the monitoring system are Ultrasonic, Conductive, and float sensors.

7. Smart Garage Door using IoT

Smart Garage Door using IoT
Smart Garage Door using IoT

When you are in an extreme hurry and you must waste almost 4-5 minutes to open your garage door manually, drive out of the car and then close the door, how annoying it would be. Smart garage doors using IoT can operate your garage door using the power of the smartphone by integrating with an IoT network. It also eliminates the hassle of locking the door manually. The amazing features of the system can be laser and voice commands along with smart notifications for a better monitoring experience.

Source Code – Smart Garage

8. Facial Recognition Bot

Face Detection

The Facial Recognition Bot project is the coolest project which involves creating an AI bot geared with facial recognition capabilities. This system can recognize different faces of people and voices to identify unique voices. Also, other features of the system can be personal identification, face detection, and emotion recognition. A camera, advanced security systems, and a strong Wi-Fi connection would be essential elements of the system.

9. Smart Cradle System using IoT

In this generation, most people prefer working thus, most of the couples (both husband and wife) move out from the house for work. For all the ladies who are leaving their children for work, leverage the new concept of the Smart Cradle System to make their life more relaxed. With its help, parents can keep a check on the infant from afar. The cradle enables a cry-detecting mechanism, live video feed, and user-friendly interface when a baby is put in the cradle. Also, it monitors the humidity and temperature of the bed to ensure the population comfort of IoT-based babies.

Source Code – Smart Cradle System

10. Smart Agriculture System using IoT

The population is growing rapidly, so our demands and which agriculture is leveraging IoT to enhance productivity. The Smart Agriculture system helps in performing and monitoring lots of farming tasks. With the help of sensors, you can automatically irrigate a chunk of land on a scheduled basis or spray fertilizers on the farms. Using this system, farmers can monitor their crops from anywhere and focus on other manual-intensive agricultural tasks for better results.

11. Smart Alarm Clock using IoT

One of the most interesting IoT project ideas is Smart Alarm Clock. It will not only help you in wakening but also works as a functional device loaded with various features. Initiating a chat, voice commands, audio amplifier control, text-to-speech synthesizer, and others are a few of many features.

Source Code – Smart Alarm

12. Smart Parking System using IoT

Smart Parking System using IoT
Smart Parking System using IoT

Due to extreme traffic on roads, it is almost impossible to find a vacant parking spot without any hitch. The IoT-based smart Parking System is the solution to tackle all the parking issues. It is designed to avoid parking space hunting for appropriate parking. The system shares the whole picture of the area and gives an image of vacant parking areas so that drivers can ride the car to exact free space.

13. Smart Traffic Management System using IoT

As the population is increasing, so is the traffic on roads, IoT based smart traffic management system is the perfect answer to tackle present needs. The system can easily manage all the traffic on roads and offer special pathways in case of emergencies such as fire brigade or ambulances. Also, it is of great help to identify and monitor traffic violators throughout the day and night. Whenever traffic flow needs to be controlled dynamically, this system comes into the picture for emergency vehicles.

Source Code – Smart Traffic management

14. Health Monitoring System using IoT

Due to the hustle-bustle of life, sometimes people neglect their routine checkups and end up paying a huge price in tackling chronic diseases. A health monitoring system allows the user to track all the vitals of the body. The system monitors all the values and shares them with the doctor connected online. In case vitals are not up to the mark, an alert is created for immediate support. Thus, people need not worry about their health as it can be done right from their home and doctors are just a call away.

15. Streetlight Monitoring System using IoT

Electricity Bill Calculator

Around 19% of the world’s energy produced these days is consumed by streetlights. Most of the time, streetlights remain switched on during the daytimerobotsA robot, which is completely futile, thus the streetlight monitoring system can perfectly monitor and optimize streetlights usage. Using LDR sensors, the movement of vehicles and humans is monitored, and lights are switched on and off. It is one of the best ways to save energy as sensors send signals to the microcontroller in case of any activity on the road resultantly turning on the streetlight. Likewise, the light is switched off by the microcontroller when there is no movement.

16. Wheelchair Fall Detection System using IoT

Sometimes, due to various health ailments or old age, people tend to use a wheelchair, but many people fall from it because of various reasons. Wheelchair Fall Detection System generates an alarm in case of a jerk and may result in a fall to prevent any mishappening. The alarm can be stopped within seconds if a false alarm is triggered.

17. Night Patrol Robot

There is no denying the fact that the crime ratio is maximum at night and night patrol robots is the perfect solution to it. A robot is equipped with a night vision camera and performs a 360-degree scan, identifies, and analyzes in case of some wrong activity, and generates alarming sounds. The robot can capture the image of the intruder and generate an alarm while sending the data to the user. Night patrol robots act like smart artificial security guards to protect your home, office, or other property.

Source Code – Night Patrol Robot

18. Smart Energy Grid

The entire area is engulfed in the dark, the moment the electricity grid of a region falls. Smart Energy Grid IoT project rectifies this issue. With the help of the ATmega family controller, the Grid can be monitored and controlled and in case of any activity, then an alarm is created and communicated over the Internet. The primary task of the project is to re-establish the transmission line in case the grid falls and turn it into an active grid.

19. Mining worker Safety helmet

The most dangerous place to work nowadays is mines, as working there is extremely unsafe due to hazardous conditions. A microcontroller-based circuit is fitted in the mining worker safety helmet which tracks the environment of the mining site and evaluates the safety parameters. Also, the RF-based tracking system in the helmet helps in transferring data through the IoT network. The worker’s current location is detected in real-time while they are working at the mining site. In case of emergency, the helmet can be equipped with a panic button to create an alert to the management, and rescue operations can begin immediately shared over IoT’s web interface.

Source Code – Mining Safety Helmet

20. Smart Baggage Tracker using IoT

Smart Baggage Tracker
Smart Baggage Tracker

Travelling has become an indispensable part of life and carrying luggage is a requirement. Whether you carry a school bag, laptop bag, or normal luggage bag, bags are an integral part. Bags loss cases are quite normal these days and to ease this problem, smart baggage trackers can easily detect the location of the bag in case of theft and send the coordinates immediately to the user’s phone. It has innovatively helped the tourism sector and the hassles of bag loss have been minimized to a great level.

Source Code – Smart Baggage Tracker

In a nutshell, IoT projects are innumerable, and it has simplified our lifestyle to a great extent. In this innovative world, whether it comes to home improvement, smart alarm clocks, cradles, garage doors, gas leakage, IoT project ideas are amazing. Also, in the case of traffic control, there is effective Internet Of Things projects to simplify the parking or traffic management issues. Lastly, with the help of sensors and the ability to think out of the box, IoT projects can bring ease and save lots of lives and property in case of emergencies may it be natural (floods) or man-made. In the dynamic world, IoT is spreading everywhere, and you can take up any of the above ideas and come up with something that will serve mankind’s lifetime.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1: What is IoT?

Ans. IoT (Internet Of Things) refers to the devices which are connected through the Internet and exchange data.

Q.2: What are the 5 IoT devices?

Ans. Google Home, Amazon Echo, Smartwatches, Tesla cars, or Fitbits are some of the best examples of IoT devices.

Q.3: Is Arduino an IoT?

Ans. Arduino is an IoT cloud application that helps in building connected objects securely and easily. It can connect multiple devices and exchange data in real time. This application can be monitored easily with the help of a simple user interface.

Q.4: What skills are needed for IoT?

Ans: An array of skillset is required for IoT

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Mobile app development
  • UI/UX design
  • Cloud computing
  • Information security
  • Node.js development

Q.5: Is a smartphone an IoT device?

Ans. A smartphone is not an IoT device, and its target audience is human users. It helps in controlling IoT devices such as AC, garage doors, fans, lights, and much more.


IoT projects are innumerable, and you can pick any IoT project ideas to hone up your skills in the IoT sector by developing gadgets that communicate with each other and expand efficiency and improve safety to a great extent.

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