How to Become a Software Engineer in 2023

How to Become a Software Engineer

If you are a person who loves to solve problems, have an urge to learn in-depth about the software, develop ways that can enhance technology, get into contact with machines, knows how to solve puzzles uniquely and quickly, is a strategic thinker, and loves challenges, then you must think about opting for software development as one of your career paths. Every software you use, right from major productivity tools to web browsers, everything includes software. Software Engineering revolves around the development and maintenance of software. 

What is Software Engineering or Software Development?

Software Engineering or Software Development is a process of designing, deploying, and maintaining computer software. It is a set of instructions that are given to the machine to execute the actions upon prompting.

Who is a Software Engineer? What does he(she) do?

Software Engineers are the ones who know and are knowledgeable about programming languages, software development, and computer organizations(the structure and behaviour of the system towards the user) and system. By applying these pieces of knowledge, they build software for the users. Software Engineers develop various types of software ranging from operating systems, computer games, business applications, control systems, etc. The rapid improvements in technology have ensured that software development is a hot role for the generation. Software engineers must also possess interpersonal skills and excellent communication skills as they require to build the applications based on the users’ demands and requirements.  

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A software engineer can be classified into different categories:

  • Application Engineers: They design, build, and maintain applications that are required by businesses and organizations. They also undertake custom applications development. 
  • Systems Engineers: They carry out different tasks. Their primary task is to implement and maintain software that is necessary for the smooth functioning of computers and adheres to the standard operating procedure of the business. 
  • Security Engineers: They ensure that the client end is secured by ethically hacking into them. Their primary job is to ensure that there is no information being stolen and protect the client from malicious cyber attacks.  
  • Quality Assurance Engineers: They set the standard and policies under which all other engineers write their programs to ensure efficient software development. 

What is the Demand for this Role?

The demand for the role is at its peak. Over the past few years, there has been a tremendous need for software engineers in the world. There are multiple reasons for its high demand

  • Requirement of Innovative Software: There is a surplus need for engineers to build websites depending on the type of users. Most of the electronic gadgets are coming with programs for automation. 
  • Rapidly Developing Technology: As technology is moving at its top gear, users require new software regularly.
  • Neck to Neck Competition: Most companies like to develop similar applications with slightly different features. For instance, we have a lot of companies owning a messaging app or e-wallets, etc. 
  • Less number of skilled Engineers: The need for highly skilled developers is increasing every day. Data structures and algorithms are the foremost skills that are required. 

Software Engineer Salary

Over the years, there have been many knowledgeable and skilled programmers being recruited by top companies all around the world. Every time we use our electronic media, we witness the work of a software engineer. The salary of these engineers is quite impressive. The factors that influence the salary depends on multiple elements:

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Experience: The pay of a software engineer is dependent on experience and expertise. It increases moderately as the person gains enough knowledge about the field. Here is a small table of information that depicts the average salary of a software engineer based on experience. 

ExperienceAverage Salary(per annum)
Entry-level345000 INR
Mid-level 795000 INR
Experienced1000000 INR

Location: The average salary of a software engineer in India is 510000 INR. The pay also depends on the location. While a few cities pay more than the national average, the others pay less than the national average. This depends on the cost of living in the city. The more cost of living is, the better is the pay. It also depends on the strength of the IT sector in the city. Few cities are dedicated IT hubs and such cities pay more than the national average. 

CityAverage Salary(Comparison to National Average,)
Bangalore 18% higher
Pune 3% lower
Chennai9% lower
Hyderabad5% higher
Mumbai 8% lower
Noida9% lower
New Delhi10% higher

Pay by Company: In the years, there have been many companies that recruit software engineers regularly. Top recruiters in the country are HCL, Tech Mahindra, Tata Consultancy, and Accenture. Other top companies that hire software engineers include Google, SAP, Microsoft, Robert Bosch, etc. 

CompanyAverage Salary(per annum)
Tata Consultancy430000 INR
HCL Technologies388000 INR
Accenture Technology455000 INR
Tech Mahindra382000 INR
Capgemini328000 INR
Cisco Systems 1000000 INR
Infosys412000 INR

Skills: Companies need developers to have sound technological skills. While one might be a master at a particular language, the one who masters multiple languages gets higher pay. Some skills like Java, SQL, and Python are in high demand and also attract with better pay. 

SkillAverage Salary(per annum)
Java516697 INR
JavaScript482951 INR
SQL462414 INR
C#436393 INR
.NET432204 INR
Python 427293 INR

For more information on Software Engineers salaries, click here

How to Become a Software Engineer?

Software Engineer

As mentioned already, being a software engineer requires rigorous problem-solving skills, knowledge of computer fundamentals, data structures, and algorithms, and extraordinary thinking capacity. Software Engineering is an ever-evolving career. Adapting to the changes makes things comfortable. The journey of becoming a software engineer isn’t easy. Having the 3 D’s: Dedication, Determination, and Discipline in the backpack makes it a comfortable one. Here are some steps that if followed, will help in making software engineering a career: 

  • Set your goals: Starting up randomly with something as a career will make the process clumsy. One needs to think about long-term goals and short-term goals. This ensures that one is going on the right path. 
  • Select your weapon/language: There are a lot of programming languages and each come with their advantage. There are different types of programming languages such as Object-Oriented languages(Java, C++, C#), Scripting languages(Javascript Python, Ruby, PHP), Logical languages, Functional languages, etc. It is good to know more than one, but always make sure to learn the one opted completely and only then pick another one. 
  • Supplement your studies: Most of the theory that comes in the study curriculum is outdated. Although they provide a basic understanding of the subject, one has to study from multiple sources to make sure that they have every bit of knowledge about the subject or concept. 
  • Join into a Programming Community: Track the work of some good developers. Ask them for guidance and help you out when you are stuck. Look out for some new developments in the area of software and keep yourself updated. 
  • Build Projects: The best way to practice what you have learned is to apply it in real-time. Building the projects based on the language of comfort enhances the learning process. Building projects with well-versed programmers would be an added advantage. 
  • Robust pre-interview preparation: Focus on the resume and update it on a regular basis. Fill it up with the best of the qualities, achievements, and skills. Make sure to align it with the role of your interest. Be prepared for all types of interviews and selection rounds. 

Educational Qualifications:

Software Engineering or Software development requires a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or a related field. It includes the sound knowledge of Mathematics comprising Linear Algebra, Calculus, Differential equations, etc. They are also required to know the construction, analysis, data structures and algorithms, and maintenance of software. They must also know the operating system, networks, and computer programming. 

Software Engineer Skills:

Software Engineer Skills

The amount of software that we come across in the modern world is innumerable. To comprehend all these mind-blowing functionalities, one must have a great skill set. 

Computer Program Developing: It is the process of writing instructions that can be understood by the computer or the machine. It is a fundamental skill that one must develop. A computer programmer must be skilful in at least one of the following languages:

  • C++
  • C#
  • HTML
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Perl
  • PHP
  • Python

Problem Solving: It is the process or ability to be able to develop an efficient solution to the problem posed. Testing and debugging are the two places that have the application. Patience, creativity, and critical thinking are the key to the lock of problem-solving. 

Multi-tasking: Performing more than one task at a time is a usual work of a software developer. Time management is a crucial aspect as one has to usually work under tight deadlines. 

Data Structures and Algorithms: This is the topmost skill that most companies look for in a software developer. Understanding how the data are structured and its manipulation are essential. 

Source Control: This helps developers in managing and storing every part of their work. It also helps in keeping track and healthily organising the work

Basics of testing: Testing is an important step before releasing the product into the market. A developer needs to standardize testing cases and make sure that there are no bugs in them.  

Microsoft Excel: Despite Microsoft Excel has got nothing to do with coding, it is essential when it comes to data handling. Mastering Excel is an added advantage for every software developer.

Communication: This is a soft skill that opens one up to co-workers. The ability to be able to convey things without ambiguity is important. At the same time, one must also be able to understand the information being passed by the others. 

Teamwork: Almost all the work happens in teams. One must be ready to gel up with teams as quickly as possible and be a good team player. One must respect all the team members, give feedback and take feedback with an open mind. 

Attention to detail: One must be very keen on knowing the tiniest of details. From backing up the data to knowing version control systems, to coming up with a strategic methodology, everything matters. 

Read More About – Software Engineer Skills

Software Engineer Job Description

The business environment needs software at every step. Software engineers are pivotal in every manner of our lives. A software engineer has to address the entire development cycle. Development, analysis, debugging, etc., are all the tasks that a software engineer has to fulfil. Software engineers have multiple duties and responsibilities. 

  • Development of information system by designing, developing, installing new software. 
  • Improvement of system quality by issue identification and common pattern recognition. 
  • Improvement and maintenance of existing codes and a peer review of other codes. 
  • Investigation and usage of new technologies that are relevant to the project.
  • Deployment of software post multiple rounds of screening.

The job requirements include a degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, and/or other related fields. Some companies require a deep understanding and expertise in high-level programming languages. Staying up to date with the technology is a must. Other requirements include

  • Intense problem-solving passion
  • Understanding of data structures and algorithms. 
  • Strong assertion and reason skills.
  • Proficient software troubleshooting and debugging techniques.
  • Excellent communication skills and collaborative working. 

Software Engineer Roles/Job Designation

Software Engineer Roles

The area of software development is very vivid and has a lot of roles or designations. Every role is different from each other and has specific responsibilities. Based on the skillset one has, they can be recruited in any of the following roles. 

Application Developers: They create applications or software based on the ideas and requirements of the users. They have to come up with applications for different platforms like Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, etc. They also have to come up with updates perpetually. They work both on the front end, back end having marketers, graphic designers, and customer research staff as their teammates.  

System Software Engineers: These engineers act as architects to a machine. They continually work on networks and operating systems to enhance the working on the user side. They look into both software and hardware requirements to ensure that the software works seamlessly. The main job is to collect various software elements into one place to make it a whole. Their team comprises system architects, data scientists, and development analysts. 

Quality Assurance Engineer: They propose the standard on which the computer software is built. Their role also is to test the quality of the web application consistently. 

Security Engineer: The job of a security engineer is to develop tests and procedures that ensure no data is lost from the system at any point in time. They are ethical hackers who hack into the system to check for vulnerabilities. 

DevOps Engineer: The role of a DevOps engineer is to design or craft the infrastructure of an application and manage servers and databases. They also work majorly on version controlling, integrations, testing, and deployment of projects. 

Software Engineers Resume

A resume plays an important role in sealing a job at a prestigious company. If one has all the skills that are required to become a software engineer, building a resume won’t be a hard job. However, one has to make sure that they stand out, and thus, a powerful resume is essential. 

  • Keep resume to one page: One might have a lot of skills and achievements to add to the resume. Many companies get thousands of resumes daily and thus, going through all of them is a tedious task for recruiters. Chances are that they might skip resumes that are more than one page. Keep everything concise and neat.
  • List appropriate skills: There might be n number of skills one knows. The most that matter are the ones that are needed for the role that is being applied for. Adding too many skills might also convey a perception of a very less deep understanding of all the skills. 
  • Quantify the skills: Claiming about skills with numbers in the description adds a lot of value. It depicts the social impact one has using their skill. 
  • Tailor the resume: Customization of resumes based on the requirements of the company would come in handy. Reaching out to the company, and recruiters help in the process. 

Read More About – Software Engineer Resume

Interview Preparation

Interview Preparation

This is the hardest part of being an official software developer. If prepared well, this is also the easiest step of becoming a software developer. An ideal interview comes with five rounds and it usually varies from company to company. The phone screening round being the first, followed by the technical phone call, on-site interviews, group discussions, and candidate presentation. The interviews test both your skill and emotional or mental fit for the role. Here are a few tips that will help in the preparation:

Know the Company: Understanding the aim, value, and culture of a company is very crucial. People often ignore these points as they feel knowing the product would be sufficient. The recruiters often ask how one feels about the company and an ideal fit would be someone who can connect with the company’s core values.  

Practice well for technical and behavioral interviews: Introduce in no longer than 5 minutes. Try to speak less about yourself. It is good to connect your background with the reason why you are there for that role. Explain how would the company benefit you and how you fit for the role. Given a chance, ask the recruiters how they feel about the company and their advice for your betterment. 

Be precise: Do not over-elaborate on any point. Be clear on your thoughts and convey without any turbulence. Focus more on the numbers, reasoning behind the decision, technology, etc. Do not drag a question by giving unnecessary backstories. Make sure to ask sensible and clear questions that can be answered.


Software Engineering is a beautiful career. One has vivid options to specialize within the field. With growing technology, the demand for skilled developers keeps growing. A software engineer cannot be an overnight career. One needs to work hard and practice rigorously to reach the maximum. It is a rough path, but not unachievable. 

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