FREE Mock Java 8 Interview Assessment powered by Scaler
Mock Java 8 Interview
February 14, 2022 12:00 PM
January 31, 2026 5:30 PM
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About Mock Coding Interview Assessment powered by Scaler
Are you worried about your next big product-based interview at your dream company? Most Engineers face rejection and are unaware of where to start preparing. If you’ve realised the need to grow and upskill to accelerate in your career and don’t know where to start or if you want to build your confidence as a developer, our Mock Coding Interview Assessment should be your first step!
Mock Coding Assessment powered by Scaler gives you a holistic picture of where you stand with respect to thousands of Indian Software Developers. It helps you bridge the knowledge gap between your existing skills v/s the current industry requirements.
About Scaler Academy
Many engineers (like us!) enter software engineering almost by mistake, are exposed to ‘old’ teaching methods and are taught to ‘cram’ content. This creates gaps in an engineer’s CS learning, makes them under confident and prevents them from accelerating in their career.
Scaler Academy is tailor-made for engineers to master the foundations of CS (DSA & System Design) and to take their career to the next level, via:
A structured, guided and industry vetted curriculum
Live classes by faculty who have been there, done that
Regular 1:1 mentorship from industry veterans
Practical experience through real-life projects
Career support via a dedicated recruitment team, alumni network, etc.
Aspirational peer group of 3,500+ Scaler students & alumni
We've introduced 3 electives - Advanced DSA, Concurrent Programming, and Product Management to help you further accelerate your tech career. These will be taught at the end of the course, and are completely optional. However, they provide deep insight into crucial topics, and hence, we strongly advise you to opt for them!
NEW! You can now get a sense of our core offering for free. Experience everything that Academy has to offer and take the leap to your dream company. Attend a free live class, watch recorded content from our lectures, attempt practice problems and block a mentor from top tech companies -
The curriculum is designed to make you a solid engineer. Find out more about us at!
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