Problem Description
The Deque interface of the Java collections framework provides the functionality of a double-ended queue. It extends the Queue interface.
Classes that Implement Deque:
In order to use the functionalities of the Deque interface, we need to use classes that implement it:
In a regular queue, elements are added from the rear and removed from the front. However, in a deque, we can insert and remove elements from both front and rear.
In Java, we must import the java.util.Deque package to use Deque.
Deque<String> names= new ArrayDeque<>();
Tha above statement creates a Deque of Strings, we can now push and remove Strings from this deque easily.
Methods of Deque:
- addFirst() - Adds the specified element at the beginning of the deque. Throws an exception if the deque is full.
- addLast() - Adds the specified element at the end of the deque. Throws an exception if the deque is full.
- offerFirst() - Adds the specified element at the beginning of the deque. Returns false if the deque is full.
- offerLast() - Adds the specified element at the end of the deque. Returns false if the deque is full.
- getFirst() - Returns the first element of the deque. Throws an exception if the deque is empty.
- getLast() - Returns the last element of the deque. Throws an exception if the deque is empty.
- peekFirst() - Returns the first element of the deque. Returns null if the deque is empty.
- peekLast() - Returns the last element of the deque. Returns null if the deque is empty.
- removeFirst() - Returns and removes the first element of the deque. Throws an exception if the deque is empty.
- removeLast() - Returns and removes the last element of the deque. Throws an exception if the deque is empty.
- pollFirst() - Returns and removes the first element of the deque. Returns null if the deque is empty.
- pollLast() - Returns and removes the last element of the deque. Returns null if the deque is empty.
- size() - Return an integer denoting the total number of elements in the deque at present.
Complete the code given below.
You need to answer Q queries, in each query you are given two integers x and y:
- if x = 1 then push the integer y to the back of the deque.
- if x =2 then push the integer y to the front of the deque.
- if x = 3 then return the front element of the deque if the deque is not empty else return -1
- if x = 4 then return the last element of the deque if the deque is not empty else return -1
- if x = 5 then remove the front element from the deque if the deque is not empty else do nothing. No need to return anything in this query.
- if x = 6 then remove the last element from the deque if the deque is not empty else do nothing. No need to return anything in this query.
Problem Constraints
1 <= Q <= 100
1 <= x <= 6
1 <= y <= 100
Input Format
First line of input contains a single integer Q.
Next Q lines each contain two integers x and y for that query.
Output Format
For each query in which x = 3 or x = 4 print its answer in separate lines.
Example Input
Input 1:
2 1
1 5
3 -1
4 -1
5 -1
6 -1
3 -1
Example Output
Example Explanation
Explanation 1:
Query 1: x = 2 so we need to push y i.e 1 to the front of the deque so deque = [1]
Query 2: x = 1 so we need to push y i.e 5 to the back of the deque so deque = [1, 5]
Query 3: x = 3 so we need to print the front element of the deque i.e 1
Query 4: x = 4 so we need to print the last element of the deque i.e 5
Query 5: x = 5 so we need to remove the front element of the deque so deque = [5]
Query 6: x = 6 so we need to remove the last element of the deque so deque = []
Query 7: x = 3 so we need to print the front element of the deque but as the deque is empty so we will print -1.